Reviewer Rating Profile

Major Xye (#5843)

Reviewer Average Rating: 2.5
Number of Battle Reviews: 162
Reviewed: 2021-10-20
Reviewed: 2021-10-20
Extremely repetitive, not a great variety of ships. The battle tries to carry itself on the story, but the yuuzhan vong have never been particularly interesting honestly. Without different skins there's nothing that feels particularly Vong about these, and it's really just a set of repetitive, boring missions behind the story. Easy enough to finish, but a lot less fun than others. Worth a shot, but not as much if you have other options.
Reviewed: 2021-10-20
Reviewed: 2021-10-20
Not a bad little mission, I enjoyed backing up a squadron doing the heavy lifting for once. There's a sense of meaning behind what you're doing, and I don't feel like you get that enough with these small free missions. A solid recommendation if you're looking for easy and fun.
Reviewed: 2021-10-20
Reviewed: 2021-10-20
Quick, what's your favorite thing to fly against? If you answered 'mines' or 'tons of A-Wings, with mines' this is the mission for you. For everyone else I would avoid.
Reviewed: 2021-10-20
Reviewed: 2021-10-20
Not the worst, you have a clearly defined goal and you set out to achieve that goal and it feels like you're really contributing to it. Mechanics wise it's a little dull, the action is happening around you, you're just observing it. But fun little mission regardless.
Reviewed: 2021-10-20
Reviewed: 2021-10-20
Snooze you lose. No really, if you fall asleep it's about the only way you could lose this mission. The ISD comes and destroys the platform if you're not fast enough. You could even make a mini-game for yourself to see if you're faster than the AI or just learning the controls. Up to you!
Reviewed: 2021-10-20
Reviewed: 2021-10-20
Shoot base, dodge asteroids, vague reference to juggalos. I played on easy but I can't imagine on any other difficulty it's more than shoot the platform, dodge the fighters, and dodge the asteroids. A slight increase in difficulty above the missions you can fly with your eyes closed, but for that reason only.
Reviewed: 2021-10-20
Reviewed: 2021-10-20
Very boring but that doesn't make it bad. Just a dogfight with a capital ship sandwich to get in your way. If you want something laid back give it a shot.
Reviewed: 2021-10-18
Reviewed: 2021-10-18
I actually liked the story here. It's simple, and it keeps the maps simple, but there's something nice about that. A nice blend of dogfights/disabling craft, and mines that you can shoot for a change. And you get to fly a Z-95 at the end. Not great, but enough to set it apart from many other battles. In the last mission, just wait, the CRT will show up.
Reviewed: 2021-10-18
Reviewed: 2021-10-18
It's OK, waves of fighters to destroy, a couple things to inspect. The 'cosmetic' aspect is not really well fleshed out, and sometimes just confusing or wrong. So again it's OK, fly for the points not the story.
Reviewed: 2021-10-17
Reviewed: 2021-10-17
I really liked this prison simulator; always fun to fly from the ground-crew perspective. Also, how can you not love the CRT Fruit and the CRT Flavor? Well, if mission 4 has anything to say about it, you won't, so here's some help. To defend the Executioner just fly straight ahead from where the mission starts you, then start blasting as soon as Peace and Love show up. That about sums up this battle.
Reviewed: 2021-10-17
This was a solid 3 battle until the final mission where it's just hold down fire until the platforms are destroyed. It took me so long to take them out that I had one of my wingmen crash in to one of the platforms. They're all easy though, so if you have some time on your hands and need one quickly save for the last bit, give it a go.
Reviewed: 2021-10-16
Reviewed: 2021-10-16
Even for tedious battles, this one was a slog. The missions were OK and just repetitive killing which was fine, until the final mission. Then you have to take out some cap ships, and even with the 'assistance' from your squadmates, you better save whatever ordinance you brought for the big guys.
Reviewed: 2021-10-16
Incredibly boring fights, the plot is boring, but I did get to protect a vaccine and that felt good. Not really much else to say about this one, the only real difficulty was in the final mission, just stay awake taking out the platform or the T/As will sneak up on you.
Reviewed: 2021-10-16
Reviewed: 2021-10-16
Well when the ISD 'PostAReviewPlease' is so polite, how can you not. I would rate this battle a lot higher but the mines in mission 6 are no fun. Take out the ion ones as quickly as possible, then fly back around and take out the rest. A fun battle otherwise and really, who doesn't play them for the story?
Reviewed: 2021-10-16
Reviewed: 2021-10-16
Mixed feelings, but mostly good, confused ones. I'm afraid I'll be haunted if I don't leave a review, so: Other reviews have pretty well covered the non sequitur-ness nature of the battles. It's absurd and I'm all about that. The mechanics, such as they are, are fairly straight forward. Take the goals literally. In the the final mission is a straight dogfight, just make sure you stick close to your ISD because he's always in a T/A.
Reviewed: 2021-10-16
Reviewed: 2021-10-16
Really not a fan, the third and fourth missions are a cluster of Z-95s with a grudge and unlimited supply of missiles. The third one you should take out the shield of the asteroid first so it can be boarded ASAP. The fourth is about the same, but you have an ISD if things go south. Just not really enjoyable otherwise.
Reviewed: 2021-10-15
Reviewed: 2021-10-15
It's fine if not tedious running in to your own squad chasing the same two A-Wings around the first few missions. But the final mission, I don't know what triggered the Super A-Wings to spawn, but they destroyed me the first time around, I was trying to blow up some asteroid bases with lasers and pew pew I'm dead. So next go around I went after the fighters first, then the bases, and I think one of the bases being destroyed triggered them. I hauled it back to my ISD where they were quickly dispatched for me.
Reviewed: 2021-10-15
Reviewed: 2021-10-15
It's your standard eliminate x fighters while keeping your cap ship alive missions (on easy). But I appreciate that the fighters arrived quickly, were consistent, and happened in the same place every mission. The last one even has the enemy cap ship pop out of hyperspace right next to your ISD, a really nice delivery service by the NR. Not bad, not good.
Reviewed: 2021-10-14
Reviewed: 2021-10-14
Another OK battle in this series, nothing to write home about. In one mission I was so bored I crashed in to the ISD bridge, A-Wing style. So heads up on that, stay awake and just keep shooting.
Reviewed: 2021-10-14
Reviewed: 2021-10-14
I didn't think this one was so bad. Sure, it's all eliminate 75% of enemy fighter types (on easy), and sure your squadies crash in to you every time, and yeah the X-Wings are more likely to crash in to you than that one Battle where they're literally trying to ram you. But honestly, this isn't as bad as most 'bad' missions are. Still enjoyable, give it a second look if you're doubting it.
Reviewed: 2021-10-14
Reviewed: 2021-10-14
This one is fine - just OK. It's not very memorable from the rest of the Praetorian series, which means this one again is just take down x number of crafts, destroy x base, that's it. Not really a variety of crafts. The last mission failed the first time I played it, second time around I ignored the fighters and just went straight for the station and it worked.
Reviewed: 2021-10-13
If you're anything like me, you're here asking yourself, why isn't anyone mentioning the bug in mission 3? The one where if I kill anything the mission fails? Well, I tried over and over until I found an answer; if you read the other reviews, or even the mission briefing, you will find you have to *disable* everything. So there's that.
Reviewed: 2021-10-13
More standard fare from the Praetorian missions. The first mission where you play mine sweeper caught me the first time, those ion turrets are hard to see. Pick them off slowly at a distance or get blasted like I did.
Reviewed: 2021-10-13
Not terrible, it has at least a little variety to the missions. I liked the ultimate and penultimate missions - who doesn't wonder what happens to all that junk you inspect? You get to go back and blow it up!
Reviewed: 2021-10-13
Reviewed: 2021-10-13
The battle overall was a really nice change of pace from some of the easier face roll missions. You have to pay attention because there are a few surprises. Something the last mission doesn't mention is needing to keep the ATR Despair alive - if you don't the mission can't complete. But it won't tell you that, and you can sit around and wait for the fleet to hyper out without you. Twice. Trust me.

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