Lieutenant Condar Sovar (#56807)

TIE Corps - Inactive
Code Cylinders Rank Insignia of a TIE Corps Lieutenant Code Cylinders
Code Cylinders Rank Insignia of a TIE Corps Lieutenant Code Cylinders

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LT Condar Sovar [Inactive]
ISMx2/IAR/MoC-soc-2boc/IS-GW-11SW-BW/ORA-1C/LoC/LoS-CS/CoB [Lancer] [Trainee] [Beginner]

Character Profile

Profile Data
Member status: Active
Group: TIE Corps (Inactive)
Group join date: 2024-01-02
(8 months ago)
Rank: Lieutenant
(2024-01-09 - 8 months ago)
Positions: None
Assigned unit: None
Time zone: (UTC-07:00) America/Phoenix
Discord username: You must be logged in to view member Discord usernames.
Contact information: You must be logged in to view member contact information.
Quote: None
Uniform of LT Condar Sovar
Last Updated: 2024-02-09
Top Awards
Imperial Security Medal 2
Imperial Achievement Ribbon 2
Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster 2
Iron Star with Silver Wings 11

Flight Certification

Combat and Flight Ratings
TIE Corps Imperial Pilot Flight Wings - 
                7th Echelon

Flight Certified - 7th Echelon
Points: 224

Fleet Commander's Honor Guard:

Combat Rating (MP PvP):

Combat Rating (MP PvE):

Singleplayer Performance
FCHG Rank: Lancer (33 points)
Total missions completed: 33
Battles completed: 7
Free missions completed: 0
Current battle high scores: 0
Current mission high scores: 0
Battles created: 0
Free missions created: 0
Multiplayer Performance
Combat Rating (MP PvP): Trainee (3 points)
Combat Rating (MP PvE): Beginner (6 points)

Historic Record

Assignment History
Date Time held Position (ID Line)
2024-04-07 5m,9d LT Condar Sovar [Inactive]
2024-04-07 LT Condar Sovar
2024-01-09 2m,28d FM/LT Condar Sovar/Tempest 3-3/Wing X/ISDII Challenge/Battlegroup III
2024-01-07 1d FM/SL Condar Sovar/Tempest 3-3/Wing X/ISDII Challenge/Battlegroup III
2024-01-02 5d TRN/CT Condar Sovar/IWATS
Award History
Date Information

Medal of Communication - Silver Oak Cluster

For outstanding contributiuons to fleet communications in the month of March 2024.

Recommended by: RA Colo Delste


Imperial Security Medal

For activity in the month of February, Condar Sovar is awarded the Imperial Security Medal.

Recommended by: RA Colo Delste


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For outstanding contributiuons to fleet communications in the month of February 2024.

Recommended by: RA Colo Delste


Operational Readiness Award (x2)

For the week ending February 13, 2024, LT Condar Sovar earned more than 100,000 conquest points for both Imperial and Republic guilds and is awarded two Operational Readiness Awards!

Recommended by: COL Gytheran for competition SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3


Iron Star with Silver Wings

For the week ending February 13, 2024, LT Condar Sovar placed first in “SWTOR Conquest 2: The Search for More Conquest, Season 3” for the Republic guild and has earned an Iron Star with Silver Wings.

Recommended by: COL Gytheran for competition SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3


Iron Star with Silver Wings

For the week ending February 13, 2024, LT Condar Sovar placed first in “SWTOR Conquest 2: The Search for More Conquest, Season 3” for the Imperial guild and has earned an Iron Star with Silver Wings.

Recommended by: COL Gytheran for competition SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3


Imperial Security Medal

Just having joined the TIE Corps, LT Condar Sovar has made a good start, participating in several competitions and completing their INPR. For this, they have earned an Imperial Security Medal

Recommended by: RA Colo Delste


Operational Readiness Award (x2)

For the week ending February 06, 2024, LT Condar Sovar earned more than 100,000 conquest points for both Imperial and Republic guilds and is awarded two Operational Readiness Awards!

Recommended by: COL Gytheran for competition SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3


Iron Star with Silver Wings

For the week ending February 06, 2024, LT Condar Sovar placed first in “SWTOR Conquest 2: The Search for More Conquest, Season 3” for the Republic guild and has earned an Iron Star with Silver Wings.

Recommended by: COL Gytheran for competition SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3


Iron Star with Silver Wings

For the week ending February 06, 2024, LT Condar Sovar placed first in “SWTOR Conquest 2: The Search for More Conquest, Season 3” for the Imperial guild and has earned an Iron Star with Silver Wings.

Recommended by: COL Gytheran for competition SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3


Iron Star with Gold Wings

For placing first in “SWTOR Conquest 2: The Search for More Conquest, Season 3,” for the month of January, I am pleased to award the prestigious Iron Star with Gold Wings! Utinni!

Recommended by: COL Gytheran for competition SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3


Operational Readiness Award (x2)

For the week ending January 30, 2024, LT Condar Sovar earned more than 100,000 conquest points for both Imperial and Republic guilds and is awarded two Operational Readiness Awards!

Recommended by: COL Gytheran for competition SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3


Iron Star with Silver Wings

For the week ending January 30, 2024, LT Condar Sovar placed first in “SWTOR Conquest 2: The Search for More Conquest, Season 3” for the Imperial guild and has earned an Iron Star with Silver Wings.

Recommended by: COL Gytheran for competition SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3


Iron Star with Silver Wings

For the week ending January 30, 2024, LT Condar Sovar placed first in “SWTOR Conquest 2: The Search for More Conquest, Season 3” for the Republic guild and has earned an Iron Star with Silver Wings.

Recommended by: COL Gytheran for competition SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For communication in January 2024

Recommended by: VA Locke Setzer


Commendation of Bravery

For the successful completion of thirty missions in service to the Empire we proudly present the Commendation of Bravery to LT Condar Sovar.

Recommended by: SYSTEM


Imperial Achievement Ribbon

For participating in a significant amount of at least one of the movies we collectively watched together, or round table discussion afterwards in the “Well All Be Watching With Great Interest Watch Party Marathon” that took place at 8:45 pm est each night from Saturday February 10th to Monday February 12th, I hereby recommend that LT Condar Sovar be awarded an IAR.

Recommended by: LC Maston Dane for competition Well All Be Watching With Great Interest Watch Party Marathon


Operational Readiness Award (x2)

For the week ending January 23, 2024, LT Condar Sovar earned more than 100,000 conquest points for both Imperial and Republic guilds and is awarded two Operational Readiness Awards!

Recommended by: COL Gytheran for competition SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3


Iron Star with Silver Wings

For the week ending January 23, 2024, LT Condar Sovar placed first in “SWTOR Conquest 2: The Search for More Conquest, Season 3” for the Republic guild and has earned an Iron Star with Silver Wings.

Recommended by: COL Gytheran for competition SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3


Iron Star with Silver Wings

For the week ending January 23, 2024, LT Condar Sovar placed first in “SWTOR Conquest 2: The Search for More Conquest, Season 3” for the Imperial guild and has earned an Iron Star with Silver Wings.

Recommended by: COL Gytheran for competition SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3


Imperial Achievement Ribbon

For service to Battlegroup III with their submission to the Annual Battlegroup III Survey, I hereby award Condar Sovar an Imperial Achievement Ribbon

Recommended by: VA Locke Setzer


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

For the week ending January 16, 2024, LT Condar Sovar placed second in “SWTOR Conquest 2: The Search for More Conquest, Season 3” for the Republic guild and has earned an Iron Star with Bronze Wings.

Recommended by: COL Gytheran for competition SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3


Iron Star with Silver Wings

For the week ending January 16, 2024, LT Condar Sovar placed first in “SWTOR Conquest 2: The Search for More Conquest, Season 3” for the Imperial guild and has earned an Iron Star with Silver Wings.

Recommended by: COL Gytheran for competition SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3


Operational Readiness Award (x2)

For the week ending January 16, 2024, LT Condar Sovar earned more than 100,000 conquest points for both Imperial and Republic guilds and is awarded two Operational Readiness Awards!

Recommended by: COL Gytheran for competition SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3


Operational Readiness Award (x2)

For the week ending January 09, 2024, LT Condar Sovar earned more than 100,000 conquest points for both Imperial and Republic guilds and is awarded two Operational Readiness Awards!

Recommended by: COL Gytheran for competition SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3


Iron Star with Silver Wings

For the week ending January 09, 2024, LT Condar Sovar placed first in “SWTOR Conquest 2: The Search for More Conquest, Season 3” for the Republic guild and has earned an Iron Star with Silver Wings.

Recommended by: COL Gytheran for competition SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3


Iron Star with Silver Wings

For the week ending January 09, 2024, LT Condar Sovar placed first in “SWTOR Conquest 2: The Search for More Conquest, Season 3” for the Imperial guild and has earned an Iron Star with Silver Wings.

Recommended by: COL Gytheran for competition SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3

Imperial Navy Personnel Record

Current title: Lieutenant Condar Sovar
Current ID line: LT Condar Sovar [Inactive]
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Date of birth: 3 ABY
Place of birth: Xeroth
Marital status: Single
Family information: Navik and Fraya Sovar (Skid) - Parents
Venix and Kitera - Siblings, Born 5 ABY and 6 ABY
Jal Skid - Uncle (Mother's Brother)
Social status: Condar and his family have been of middle class income for most of his life. Recently his parents shipping business has boomed and new wealth has found the way to his family, with mixed results.
Significant events of childhood: Condar grew up safe, in a safe system, far away from the conflicts of the galaxy. His family owned an Action V bulk freighter, The Sassis, and with it they made a living shipping goods through-out the local system. Condar and his siblings, Venix and Kitera, were raised on that ship and each of them grew up loving the life in the stars.

The Sovar family's life was ordinary, but happy. All three siblings grew up learning about every system on the freighter. Navik allowed them to begin learning how to pilot the ship once they were ten. And by sixteen they knew every bolt and screw on that ship. The biggest conflicts they had were over who would get to pilot on that day.
Significant events of adulthood: Around the time that Condar turned nineteen (22 ABY) the family had saved up enough for an older Action IV freighter, this one named Sovar's Pride, and full compliment of droids. This would allow the siblings a ship of their own. It was a huge responsibility however Navik and Fraya knew their children were ready for it.

For the next few years everything was going very well. The new addition to the "fleet" brought in enough extra credits for the family to splurge every now and then. Condar ended up buying an old scrapped Y-TIE. He spent most of his off-time repairing and learning to fly it. Star fighters are a whole different beast than a bulk freighter but over time Condar began to be a competent fighter pilot.

In 26 ABY the Sovar's first learned of the Yuuzhan Vong and the newest war that they hoped would ignore them, like the others. It was also the year that Navik negotiated a government contract hauling goods from Xeroth to all Xerothian interests in the Folw system. This allowed them to buy several BFF-1 bulk freighters. This gave each of the Sovar siblings a boat of their own, if they wanted it. Venix jumped at the chance however Kitera didn't want to be away from family. She ended up drifting from ship to ship and usually "taking" over when she was aboard, just to "keep fresh" she said. And so it went for two more years of peace and prosperity.

In the early months of 28 ABY strange things started happening in the Folw system. The gravity between Xeroth and it's moon, Xeroth Minor, began to increase causing terrible storms and wildlife to panic. Peculiar craft were seen piloting in and out of the system, but no one could catch a good look. Two space stations in the outer limits of the system stopped being heard from. A few days later a ship never scene before in the system dropped out of hyperspace above Xeroth, an Imperial Star Destroyer.

The ISD sent out a general alert to all frequencies. This was the ISD-II Challenge, they were monitoring a Yuuzhan Vong strike fleet operating in the sector and confirmed they are currently infiltrating the Xeroth system. The Challenge then began to pelt the surface of Xeroth Minor with it's turbolasers. Minutes later a Vong fleet appeared in-system. The Challenge, and Wing X both fought fiercely in that battle, protecting those they could from the onslaught.

Condar and Kitera were both onboard Sovar's Pride at the time of the invasion. Unfortunately for them they were also in orbit of Xeroth. When the Vong fleet arrived there were only several dozen kilometers from the siblings. They immediately tried to go to hyperspace but an artificial gravity well had already been activated. The freighter had a couple of blaster cannons, but nothing that could hold back any Vong ship. So Condar made the decision to get in his Y-TIE and defend the Pride as best he could. Thanks to the Challenge the bulk freighter wasn't a priority target for the Vong quite yet. Condar checked his subpar radar for any trace of any of the families other vessels but it was a mess of Vong and Imperial fighters and he couldn't cut through all the new vessels.

The Sovar's Pride was making it's way at sub-light to the opposite side of Xeroth from the battle when a couple of Vong coralskippers started making it's way toward them. Condar had never been in battle before, never shot in anger, never even hurt another person and now he knows he has to kill or be killed, or even worse: his sister may die. Condar turned his antiquated ship around and began flying directly at the skips. Everything slowed down around Condar, he found himself counting stars, a dozen or more for every breath he took. The fighters came in range and Condar held down the trigger. Every bolt was swallowed by the Yorik-et's defenses. The Vong didn't even bother firing back, they just raced past Condar's Y-TIE and barreled toward the freighter. Condar inverted his craft and put all the power to the engines. He could tell it would be too late, that even if he had weapons that would work on the skip, they would make the freight ship far sooner than he could get back in range. Condar felt such regret at that moment, but suddenly there were two bright flashes of light and the coralskippers started breaking apart. From his left and right Condar saw two fighters that looked to him like bulkier TIE-Bombers. They flew along past the freighter and as fast as they came they went back into the swarm. Condar caught up with the Pride and they made it to the opposite side of the planet without further harassment.

The Challenge and it's fighter Wing successfully drove off the Vong after a prolonged battle over the planet Xeroth. There were many casualties, especially civilian. The Vong fired on the planet as they retreated and their coralskippers began targeting civilian ships more and more the last few hours of the battle. The Challenge stayed in-system for a week, helping the planet get back on track and updating the populace about the latest from the war. Included in that was ways to update missile and torpedo to detonate just before impact on a skip as that was one of the best ways to bypass the yorik basin defenses. During that week Condar was able to confirm that none of his family was hurt in the conflict. In fact they would come to profit as many of the other local shipping concerns had lost ships in the invasion.

Before the ISDII Challenge left Condar wanted to thank the two pilots who had saved his sister's, and most likely his, life. Unfortunately he was never able to contact them, or even get their names, all he could find out is that they were two pilots in Tempest Squadron. He did vow to one day make sure they were thanked properly. Condar had never had dealings with the Empire or the Republic, but they always called the Empire the bad guys, maybe that wasn't the whole truth.

The next three years saw the Sovar's helping to clean-up and restore Xeroth to it's roots as well as a shipping company could. It was in those three years that they first had to expand from local system shipping to sector-wide freight. This expansion caused the company grow astronomically in the first several months. Navik soon had to stop piloting just to administrate the twenty-odd ship fleet he now controlled. Condar and Venix happily kept making cargo runs, knowing each run was getting goods to those who needed it at home. And it was quiet. The New Republic and the Jedi defeated the Vong, and there has not been a whisper of conflict in their corner of space.

Condar knew now was the time. It had been three years, he made a vow to thank those pilots, and he wasn't going to break it. It was quiet and his family was doing great. Condar said his goodbyes to his family and started his search for the ISD Challenge and the Emperor's Hammer.
Alignment and attitude: Condar is a pretty easy going guy, doesn't take himself to seriously, but always keeps a promise. He doesn't know much about galactic politics, but the Emperor's Hammer saved his sister's life, and that's all he needs to know.
Previous occupations: Condar was a Captain/Pilot of several freighters for his family's shipping business.
Hobbies Condar likes to tinker and repair old fighters/freighters.
Tragedies in life: Condar's one major tragedy is the Yuuzhan Vong attack on his homeworld, Xeroth. Many people died needlessly, but there were also real heroes that day that Condar respects greatly.
Phobias and allergies: Condar is allergic to nerf dander.
Views on the Empire and the Emperor's Hammer: Condar's home system of Folw was completely isolated from the vast majority of wars over the last century. As such Condar didn't have much of an opinion of the Empire or the Republic. However the Emperor's Hammer was there to help when Xeroth was invaded, and so he greatly respects them.
Reason for enlisting in the Emperor's Hammer: Condar greatly respects the Emperor's Hammer for it's help defending his sister from a Yuuzhan Vong attack. He has come to track down the two pilots in particular for their heroics. Impressed by the pilots skill and calm under pressure Condar wants to learn how to be Aces like them and signs up.
Last updated: 2024-01-08

Activity History

Activity Participation
Timed tests completed: 0
Patch reviews: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Generated
Timed tests created: 0
Officer reports: 0
News posts: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Tracking Record
Date Activity
2024-04-01 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Silver Oak Cluster (MoC-soc)
2024-03-28 Medal awarded: Imperial Security Medal (ISM)
2024-03-21 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster (MoC-boc)
2024-03-03 Medals awarded: 2 Operational Readiness Awards (ORA)
2024-03-03 Medal awarded: Iron Star with Silver Wings (IS-SW)
2024-03-03 Medal awarded: Iron Star with Silver Wings (IS-SW)
2024-03-03 Flight Certification Wings awarded: 7th Echelon
2024-02-25 Medal awarded: Imperial Security Medal (ISM)
2024-02-19 Medals awarded: 2 Operational Readiness Awards (ORA)
2024-02-19 Medal awarded: Iron Star with Silver Wings (IS-SW)
2024-02-19 Medal awarded: Iron Star with Silver Wings (IS-SW)
2024-02-19 Medal awarded: Iron Star with Gold Wings (IS-GW)
2024-02-19 Medals awarded: 2 Operational Readiness Awards (ORA)
2024-02-19 Medal awarded: Iron Star with Silver Wings (IS-SW)
2024-02-19 Flight Certification Wings awarded: 6th Echelon
2024-02-19 Medal awarded: Iron Star with Silver Wings (IS-SW)
2024-02-19 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster (MoC-boc)
2024-02-18 Medal awarded: Commendation of Bravery (CoB)
2024-02-17 Battle completed: XvT-TC 7 (5 missions)
2024-02-17 Battle completed: XvT-TC 6 (6 missions)
2024-02-17 New Fleet Commander's Honor Guard rank: Lancer [LANC]
2024-02-17 Battle completed: XvT-TC 5 (4 missions)
2024-02-14 Medal awarded: Imperial Achievement Ribbon (IAR)
2024-02-11 Medal awarded: Legion of Skirmish (LoS)
2024-02-10 New uniform image approved for display on member's record (uploaded on 2024-02-09)
2024-02-10 Medal awarded: Legion of Skirmish (LoS)
2024-02-08 Medal awarded: Legion of Skirmish (LoS)
2024-02-07 Medal awarded: Legion of Skirmish (LoS)
2024-02-06 Medal awarded: Legion of Skirmish (LoS)
2024-02-06 Medals awarded: 2 Legions of Combat (LoC)
2024-02-05 Battle completed: XvT-TC 4 (4 missions)
2024-02-05 Flight Certification Wings awarded: 5th Echelon
2024-02-04 Submitted review for XvT-TC 3: Preparing for Battle
2024-02-04 Battle completed: XvT-TC 3 (4 missions)
2024-02-04 Medals awarded: 2 Operational Readiness Awards (ORA)
2024-02-04 Medal awarded: Iron Star with Silver Wings (IS-SW)
2024-02-04 Medal awarded: Iron Star with Silver Wings (IS-SW)
2024-02-04 Flight Certification Wings awarded: 4th Echelon
2024-02-04 Medal awarded: Imperial Achievement Ribbon (IAR)
2024-02-03 Battle completed: XvT-TC 2 (4 missions)
2024-02-03 New Fleet Commander's Honor Guard rank: Grenadier [GREN]
2024-02-03 Medal awarded: Legion of Combat (LoC)
2024-02-03 New Combat Rating (MP PvP) rank achieved: Trainee
2024-02-03 Battle completed: XvT-TC 1 (6 missions)
2024-01-31 Medal awarded: Legion of Skirmish (LoS)
2024-01-31 New Combat Rating (MP PvE) rank achieved: Beginner
2024-01-29 Medal awarded: Iron Star with Bronze Wings (IS-BW)
2024-01-29 Flight Certification Wings awarded: 3rd Echelon
2024-01-29 Medal awarded: Iron Star with Silver Wings (IS-SW)
2024-01-29 Medals awarded: 2 Operational Readiness Awards (ORA)
2024-01-29 Medals awarded: 2 Operational Readiness Awards (ORA)
2024-01-29 Medal awarded: Iron Star with Silver Wings (IS-SW)
2024-01-29 Flight Certification Wings awarded: 2nd Echelon
2024-01-29 Medal awarded: Iron Star with Silver Wings (IS-SW)
2024-01-29 Flight Certification Wings awarded: 1st Echelon
2024-01-09 New promotion: Lieutenant (LT)
2024-01-08 Updated Imperial Navy Personnel Record (INPR)
2024-01-05 Course passed: TIE Corps Core [TCCORE] - 94%
2024-01-02 Joined the Emperor's Hammer TIE Corps as Condar Sovar

Showing all 59 records


Fiction Submissions (0)
No fiction submitted.
Graphics Submissions (0)
No graphics submitted.

Awards Received in Service to the Empire

Highest Award:

Imperial Security Medal

The Imperial Security Medal is typically awarded by Squadron Commanders to Flight Members or Flight Leaders within their squadrons who have shown exceptional service and dedication to the squadron.

Campaign Medals


TC Competitions

Competition Statistics
Competitions approved: 0
Competitions pending: 0
Competition Awards (20)
Competition Award End Date
SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3 Iron Star with Silver Wings 2024-04-30
SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3 Iron Star with Silver Wings 2024-04-30
SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3 Operational Readiness Award 2024-04-30
SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3 Operational Readiness Award 2024-04-30
SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3 Iron Star with Silver Wings 2024-04-30
SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3 Iron Star with Bronze Wings 2024-04-30
SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3 Iron Star with Silver Wings 2024-04-30
SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3 Iron Star with Silver Wings 2024-04-30
SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3 Operational Readiness Award 2024-04-30
SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3 Iron Star with Silver Wings 2024-04-30
SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3 Iron Star with Silver Wings 2024-04-30
SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3 Operational Readiness Award 2024-04-30
SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3 Iron Star with Gold Wings 2024-04-30
SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3 Iron Star with Silver Wings 2024-04-30
SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3 Iron Star with Silver Wings 2024-04-30
SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3 Operational Readiness Award 2024-04-30
SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3 Iron Star with Silver Wings 2024-04-30
SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3 Iron Star with Silver Wings 2024-04-30
SWTOR Conquest 2: The search for more Conquest, Season 3 Operational Readiness Award 2024-04-30
Well All Be Watching With Great Interest Watch Party Marathon Imperial Achievement Ribbon 2024-02-12
This section only list awards tagged to a specific competition when the award was issued. Review the historical record to view any other non-tagged awards.
Competitions Managed (0)
This member has not managed any competitions.

Academics - Training Completed

Qualifications Awarded
Qualification Date
No qualifications completed
Courses Completed
Course Score Date
TIE Corps Core 94% 2024-01-05