XWA-TC 43: Wing XVI: Predation

Battle Information

Game platform: X-Wing Alliance
Missions: 6
Release date: 2005-02-25
Last updated: 2006-02-28

HA Ender mBind

Average rating 4.0
Reviews: 11
Bug reports: 1
Times completed: 120
Patches used: None
Medal of the Predator
Battle Medal:
Medal of the Predator

Battle Reviews

I enjoyed the story and missions, except for all the Missile Boat missions.

This was a mixed bag of goods. The briefing and debriefing were excellent. The missions themselves had nothing wrong with them. In-flight messages were on-point. Mission tips for the most part were also quite relevant. Where it fails a little is that all the missions felt the same. In addition, the 6th mission feels unnecessary. All in all, solid battle, just keep your expectations low.

Appreciate the variety of craft and mission types in this battle. You'll fly missions as a Assault Gunboat, Skipray Blastboat, T/D, and Missile Boat and the missions have a decent variety to them as well, some being more capital ship assault heavy, while one is more recon inspection heavy. As a standalone story it's not all that special, but I didn't feel completely lost either. My biggest pet peeve with this battle was how even though it would sometimes say "Mission Completed" in your objectives box, you couldn't always leave the mission with a Q+Spacebar since it would automatically fail you. Mission 2 was the worst offender of this problem since there was no hyperbuoy or capital ship to dock with. I have no idea why you could end the missions at certain points, but not during others. Overall, a good set of missions, but they are let down by some strange behaviors when trying to leave or end a mission.

Aside from the Skypray mission, which are not my thing most of the time, a pretty good battle.

Excellent battle. The wide variety of fighters is refreshing and the overall difficulty is acceptable, even on hard level. The briefings are excellent, and some missions will require a little bit of gray matter to figure it out. Word of advice, minefields are supposed to be destroyed as a top priority or they will make your day a difficult one. Another excellent example of a well made battle. Another classic.

I really enjoyed this mission, playing a campaign using different squadrons while still sticking to a single flowing storyline is an excellent touch. Only downside is that some missions require the Gunboat or Skipray (thus the S-Foils patch), which isn't mentioned anywhere.

Pretty good battle, some of the missions weren't so great. Enjoyed the story and briefings. Liked the variety of ships and load outs. Overall, pretty long to play even with cheats.

This battle has the sort of difficulty I like: Easy if you just want to fly for FCHG, tougher if going for HS. Loses a point however for the waiting required sometimes.

Great battle which is fun to fly. Superbly designed. Uses 12 ship squads like it should always be. And a creator who uses french wine names for his squadrons deserves extra credit ;P

The battle starts rather slowly at the beginning, then missions 2 onwards turn this battle into becoming a real XWA classic, a must fly for any budding XWA pilot.

This battle really stood out in Ender's Wing series. I enjoyed from start to finish and the backdrops were espically good.

Battle Bug Reports

GN Dunta Polo


Mission 1: CRV Caterpillar '3' is actually designated as Caterpillar '4' in mission as three corvettes with the same name arrive in Region #1 (Pyrath) first.

Mission 2: Goal to inspect Genkoan dock shows as complete when only half of the structure has been inspected.

Mission 3: Containers are badly placed and clip through the Genkoan factory. The mines also tend to blow them up. ATR Lion relaunches after the factory has been seized and still boards it again.

Mission 4: Opposing sides' starships do not fire on each other until their second set of waypoints. ISD Predator has trouble hitting the New Republic VSD Allegro when they are broadside. FRG Able II leaves the battle early for no apparent reason, and is able to hyperspace out with INT Artemis' interdiction field active.

Mission 5: Messages about Genkoans and New Republic forces fleeing etc appear even when all hostile craft have been destroyed. Opposing sides' starships do not fire at each other until their first set of waypoints is complete.

Mission 6: ISD Predator has trouble hitting Genkoan mines. Opposing sides' starships do not fire at each other until their first set of waypoints is complete. ESC Honesty has a redundant '1' on the end of its name.

High Scores

Battle Total: 206,328 VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles
Mission 1: 36,135 COL Deimos
Mission 2: 24,702 VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles
Mission 3: 18,424 VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles
Mission 4: 61,506 VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles
Mission 5: 43,872 LC Rando 2018-06-30
Mission 6: 28,214 VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 206,328 VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles 2009-02-08
2 175,948 COL Deimos 2009-02-08
3 175,910 LC Rando 2018-06-30
4 144,583 GN Aardvark 2022-10-11
5 129,126 RA Genie 2022-10-14
6 128,441 HA Pete Mitchell 2017-03-05
7 121,179 COL Rau Aznable 2009-02-08
8 119,890 FA Pickled Yoda 2019-11-27
9 110,094 RA Colo Delste 2022-09-22
10 109,609 GN Dunta Polo 2009-09-10

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 100 pilots a total of 117 times.

GN Aardvark - 2022-10-11

GN Abel Malik - 2005-02-25

HA Anahorn Dempsey - 6 times, last on 2015-11-29

LC andr3 - 2022-10-01

COL Angel

CPT Asen Starlancer - 2022-09-26

CM Blade

CPT Claus Shteiner

RA Colo Delste - 2022-09-22

FA Conker Blackwood

COL Crsepe - 2 times, last on 2010-01-09

CPT Cupcake - 2022-09-21

CM DarkSith_99 - 2018-10-31

GN Dax Corrin - 2009-02-08

COL Deimos - 2 times, last on 2009-02-08

LT Delacroix Vaygen

COL Dirty Vader

LCM Drax Remlinger

GN Dunta Polo - 2009-09-10

GN Earnim Branet

LT Eifel

GN Elwood the Brave - 3 times, last on 2014-12-24

HA Ender mBind - 2005-05-21

CM Epicedion - 2020-09-23

GN Exar Kit - 2018-06-04


CM Fahrer - 2005-03-08

MAJ Frankie - 2005-03-08

CPT Frenchie6 - 2020-09-29

RA Genie - 2022-10-14

COL George - 2005-03-05

AD Gidda - 2005-03-12

GN Gilad Pelleaon - 2010-05-16

FA Giovanni Palermo

GN Golbez Harvey

MAJ Granite - 2005-05-18

COL Gyssler - 2010-09-11

COL Gytheran - 2022-10-12

CPT Habu - 2024-09-01

AD Hav Antiel - 2020-10-24

MAJ Hermann - 2 times, last on 2020-09-30

FA Howlader - 2010-03-01

CPT Jagged Fell III - 2023-11-10

GN Jarek La’an - 3 times, last on 2013-03-26

CM Jason Dehner

VA Kane Reese

MAJ Kazraran - 2023-02-25

MAJ KEBLAOMEGA - 2022-09-23

MAJ Keiran Laserlight - 2005-05-19

VA Keldorn Cochrane

LC Kenath Zoron - 2009-04-30

LC Kodiak Kereban - 2011-07-30

COL Malidir - 2009-02-08

GN Mark Schueler

GN Master - 2005-02-25

LCM Meyan Ravenus

COL Moagim Daar

COL Mosh - 2005-03-08

COL NiksaVel - 2022-10-07

COL Nurel Turr

LCM Ons Shy - 2005-03-23

FA Pellaeon

HA Pete Mitchell - 2017-03-05

COL Phalk Sturm - 2020-12-13

FA Pickled Yoda - 2 times, last on 2019-11-27

MAJ Prinz von Hoffman

COL Raith Sienar

GN Rancorous

LC Rando - 2 times, last on 2020-09-07

COL Rau Aznable - 2009-02-08

VA Rejili Holthaus - 2005-05-01

GN Ric Hunter

MAJ RichyV - 2010-05-16

LC Savageaz - 2005-04-01

CPT SL8c8 - 2019-11-08

LC Solohan50 - 2022-10-02

LT Stealth Ghost

GN Stryker - 2020-09-26

CPT Syntroth - 2022-09-18

LCM Talon Virgilio

COL TheBlackxRanger - 2022-09-30

CM TK-9780

FA Tomaas Montte - 2010-05-25

COL Torres - 2005-06-14

GN Triji Boliv - 2 times, last on 2022-10-06

MAJ Tuba - 2010-12-26

CPT Turel - 2021-10-08

CPT Tvan'Oris

LT Ty Seerlan - 2022-10-09

COL Uther - 2009-02-08

CPT Vertigo

CPT Von Predator

CM Wodi Untok - 2020-09-10

MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana - 2 times, last on 2023-09-24

MAJ Wondra

SL Zekk Terrik - 2019-12-21

COL Zeth Durron

VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles - 2 times, last on 2009-02-08

HA Zsinj - 2009-09-23

COL Zystem Fryar

X-Wing Alliance Missions

Title:		 Wing XVI: Predation
Missions:	 6
Medal:		 Medal of the Predator
Author:		 SCO-TCC:XW-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign
Game Platform:	 X-Wing Alliance (+S-Foils Patch)

Release Date:    30/jun/2002
Version:	 XvT 1.0
Release Date:    04/jan/05
Version:	 XWA 1.0
Ships:           TIE Defender, Assault Gunboat, Skipray Blastboat, Missileboat
Difficulty:      Playable.


The Mission.lst replaces your original file, so back that up!

0] MAke sure you have an S-Foils patch installed.
1] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle.
2] Check the Misc folder in your XWA one for additional material like patches, sounds etc.
3] In the EH Battle Launcher go to Game > XWA Options > Pilot Options.
4] Here create a New Pilot with the "Prepare for EH Battle" switch on.
3] Press the X-Wing Alliance button to start XWA.

This mission is part of a series of free missions about each of the squadrons in the ASF doing 
missions following their squadron objective in their assigned craft. Each mission tries to give
a feel and a bit of history of each of the Squadrons. All the storylines of the missions are
interconnected and have the ASF Squadron join together against a common foe.

Story Line

Mission 1: Eagle Squadron, 110th TIE Corps Squadron, of Wing XVI is based upon the ISDII Predator and 
its objective is Assault. Assault Squadrons assault and assist in capture of heavily 
defended objectives.

With the militairy conversion the Rebellion made of the Calamari "Cruisers" we'd almost 
forget that these ships were originally designed and built as cruise ships - and there are 
still quite a few in service as such.

We got reminded of this fact by a distress call from one of these Cruise Liners, carrying 
over 1000 tourists. It has run upon an asteroid because of a slight navigation error and 
this disabled the main power generator. Out of control, it's floating deeper and deeper into
the asteroid field - which will most definitely be the end of them.

A support CRV of the ISDII Vanguard has been sent in to help the Cruise Ship out, Eagle 
Squadron will be flying escort.


Mission 2: Wolf Squadron, 111th TIE Corps Squadron, of Wing XVI is based upon the ISDII Predator and 
its objective is Reconnaissance. Reconnaissance Squadrons locate and inspect any craft in 
an area and stop (IF necessary) until reinforcements can arrive to assist in capture/
destruction, OR to probe a known targets defenses (RE:Enemy!) in preparation for further 
action by the Wing.

According to our engineers that got onboard it there was something strange about the Cruise 
Liner "Genko Cruises" Eagle Squadron helped from getting shipwrecked in an asteroid field. 
The Genkoans claimed they had lost their generator but apparently it could be fixed very 
easily... too easy: Its very likely that the Cruiser was in fact the lure in a trap set up 
by the NR-Spine Security Force to trap the ISDII Predator.

To confirm or deny these suspicions Wolf Squadron is sent to the Space Docks the Cruise 
Liner is suposed to be under repairs at the moment.


Mission 3: Rancor Squadron, 112th TIE Corps Squadron, of Wing XVI is based upon the ISDII Predator and 
its objective is Close Support. Close Support Squadrons have a task similar to Assault, but 
to assist strike squadrons in the DESTRUCTION of their targets, by drawing enemy fire and 
providing precise counterfire.

Reconnaissance by Wolf Squadron pointed out that the Genko System is once again supplying 
the New Republic with warheads... and that they are assisting the NR Spine Security Force 
in luring and ambushing TC-ASF ships. 

The Genkoans knew what the concequence of their actions would be if we ever found out. 
Rancor Squadron will show them how right they were.


Mission 4: Panther Squadron, 113th TIE Corps Squadron, of Wing XVI is based upon the ISDII Predator 
and its objective is Strike. Strike Squadrons attack and destroy all enemy craft (unless 
otherwise ordered).

After Rancor helped capturing a Genko Warhead Factory it appeared they had only just missed 
the chance to intercept a large shipment of torpedoes going to the NR Spine Security Force. 
The ISDII Predator however is in the right location to grab this convoy just before it 
reaches its goal: A NR-SSF Calamari Cruiser equiped with a full wing and support craft.

The Predator will be borrowing the INT Artemis from the Vanguard Battlegroup to keep any 
craft from escaping, and more forces are under way. If we can keep this shipment from 
arriving that Cruiser's Wing will be under equipped for quite a while.


Mission 5: Wampa Squadron, 114th TIE Corps Squadron, of Wing XVI is based upon the ISDII Predator and 
its objective is Fighter Suppression. Fighter Suppression Squadrons are the dogfight 
specialists that go after the enemy fighters to either take out a target's fighter defenses 
or to defend an Emperor's Hammer ship from fighter attack.

When intercepting a convoy of warheads on their way to a New Republic Spine Security Force 
Cruiser the ISDII Predator got itself in quite a predicament: it got into a full blown 
fight with that Cruiser, and its Battle group.

The convoy was destroyed, but the NR-SSF called in reinforcements and seemed to want to 
capture the ISDII Predator. Now the Predator has called in the ISDII Vanguard to help - but 
that ship might be still a while before it arrives...


Mission 6: Tiger Squadron, 115th TIE Corps Squadron, of Wing XVI is based upon the ISDII Predator and 
its objective is Deep Strike. Deep Strike Squadrons launch surprise attacks DEEP in enemy 
held territory, and assault locales where either (A) The Strike Fleet cannot go, (B) The 
Strike Fleet can go but would be in extreme risk of destruction/capture; OR (1) Assist other
Imperial Forces when the fleet is otherwise engaged, (2) Once particular individuals/ship 
targets have been identified by Fleet Command but cannot be reached through normal means, 
LAUNCH AND STRIKE!, and (3) Assist Recon by providing reinforcements, if available...

After the ISD Predator taught the local New Republic forces a lesson by destroying a full 
battlegroup of theirs, its time to send the Genkoan warmachine the same message. 

One of their main symbols of power is a captured Star Destroyer, which they acquired from 
a rogue imperial warlord. Per chance we discovered the time and place of a meeting 
involving this warship.

- You need the X-Wing Alliance retail CD with a 2.02 update to use this mission.
- You need the S-Foils patch.

Other Information
- version 1:
This is the First release. Bugs could arrise - please
mail me if they do - also if you have hints, death threats,
questions or apraisals.

FL-SCOA-TCT-TCS/CM Ender mBind/Echo 2-1/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard

- version 2:
The original versions of these missions were released as (in battle order) XvTF134, XvTF108, 
XvTF109, XvTF128, XvTF129 and XvTF141. Besides that they were released too much out of order
to make any sense as a continueing storyline it also appeared that not many people fly "Free's"
and as such even noticed this "cut up battle" - while its still one of the better ones I made
(if I say so myself). As such I decided to re-release it more as a complete package now, about 
3 years later, but this time for X-Wing Alliance. 

Since it was made for XvT quite a few things around the ISDII Predator changed, for one it is
now an active wing, focussing on "Free Worlds" and it gained an entire battlegroup of support
craft - something which it didn't have 3 years ago (which is why it borrows them from the Vanguard). 
I decided to leave it as it was, as a historical reference.

The battle has had a bit more updating then just the conversion from XvT to XWA, because I wanted to
make use of the fuller options XWA offers me. However I did not just add XWA features for the heck of
it, but tried to keep the feel of the original XvT-Free's - which were made before we had any "EHSP" 
packages, so low in craft types.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy it this time.  :)

SCO-TCC:XW-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign
IS-1SR-4GR-2PR/LoC-TS-Rx1/DFC-Rx1/CoS/CoE/CoLx2/CoB/LoAx22/OV-5E [LGNR]