Reviewer Rating Profile

Colonel Dirty Vader (#11301)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.7
Number of Battle Reviews: 33
Reviewed: 2007-05-01
Reviewed: 2007-05-01
Not a bad idea for a plot and quite a good fight alas it is a bit too easy ;P
Reviewed: 2007-04-29
Very challenging mission on the Hard setting, those TIs will have you at close range. Great idea for a humorous plot. And blowing up a few 'Cloners is rather good :P
Reviewed: 2007-04-20
Reviewed: 2007-04-20
Fun battle! Nice humour. Good to be able to fly an experimental TIE.
Reviewed: 2007-04-18
I didn't see the use in ruining a decent battle with 20 mins worth of waiting, watching ships tranfer from one place to another. What was the point if not to bore the player to death and annoy him.
Reviewed: 2007-04-14
Nice to fly the X-Wing in SP after a few years. A good mission to fly!
Reviewed: 2007-02-21
Very enjoyable. Fun plot.
Reviewed: 2007-02-20
Reviewed: 2007-02-20
Dunno why the hell it got the pink lollypop. Fun battle. Quite challenging.
Reviewed: 2007-01-21
A little more challenging than the last one in the Prae series and the missions are more fun. I enjoyed it.
Reviewed: 2007-01-20
Not too hard. Overall a nice battle to fly.
Reviewed: 2006-08-12
Reviewed: 2006-08-12
Great battle which is fun to fly. Superbly designed. Uses 12 ship squads like it should always be. And a creator who uses french wine names for his squadrons deserves extra credit ;P
Reviewed: 2006-07-28
Reviewed: 2006-07-28
Great humorous plot. And the moral of the story is... don't be late for briefings :P
Reviewed: 2005-08-26
Reviewed: 2005-08-26
I didn't like it. In mission 4, ships take too bloody long to hyper and when they do you find out that the mission hasn't been completed. WTH is BA Reve and how come all the cap ships hypered (CRS takes 15 mins to hyper which makes this mission a good 30 mins) but the mission wasn't comlete!! That mission is in bad need of more information cos i was in complete confusion.
Reviewed: 2005-08-25
Amusing mission and fun. Bubba obviously has grand delusions with this whole SpamG0d stuff, creating an empire with himself at the helm and making the TAC one of his b**ches :P And might I point out that Frodo thinking that the ISD's cargo is "spiffy" is amusing in itself, since this mission is showing him as a mere servant :P
Reviewed: 2005-08-25
Reviewed: 2005-08-25
This is the first ever XvT battle i have flown, and i was satisfied with it. It was a fun battle to play and well constructed.
Reviewed: 2005-08-08
Great Battle. I don't know what people here are complaining about. Mission 6 is good because it shows that not all patrols have to have enemy craft that show up. In fact, realisticaly most of the time nothing shows up. For this reason I liked that mission. The others were top notch. Only problem was having a Chiss SSD, but Master obviously wanted to show how powerful the Chiss were and it is the only ship big enough in XWA to make that apparent.
Reviewed: 2005-07-06
Reviewed: 2005-07-06
Good battle. In mission 2 sadly I was unable to use the T/PH patch which is why I think it was updated and now you fly the Interceptor on that mission. The plotline was interesting and I liked the fact that it didn't have waves upon waved which made things realistic. Nice one Duj ;P
Reviewed: 2005-07-05
Reviewed: 2005-07-05
Great storyline, superb originality (like the debris and hangar) and you get to fly the older ships. A must fly!
Reviewed: 2005-05-06
Reviewed: 2005-05-06
I like this battle. Why? Because it makes use of uncommon ships, we are not used to fly. I agree with the others that the E/S is a pain, because of it's lasers. Though the plot is excellent and the caracter of Chris McCollum is an exact replica of the real man :P
Reviewed: 2005-05-04
Reviewed: 2005-05-04
Great Battle, which is fun to play. Why? Because it has a good plotline, you fly the best fighter in the Empire and it's realistic. You don't get 100 kills in a mission.
Reviewed: 2005-04-27
Reviewed: 2005-04-27
A Great Battle designed for BG wide competition with limited time. I liked rounding up the cows, that was brilliant :P In one of the missions, the secondary goals are hard to complete, probably impossible because of fighters exiting hyperspace quite quickly. Yet I don't really mind, as it seems this was meant to be anyway to tease us:P It was a fun battle to fly and deserves a 5.
Reviewed: 2004-10-26
Reviewed: 2004-10-26
Nice battle which follows the Solo Command very well, combined with a little more imagination from the creator. Worth the play :P
Reviewed: 2004-10-23
Reviewed: 2004-10-23
I loved this battle. Good plotline, good mission design, it has great realism to it and the last mission is the best ending I've ever seen in a battle :P
Reviewed: 2004-10-23
Reviewed: 2004-10-23
Nice parody to the film and good original battle... however mission 4 ruined it, with the holo reality crap... there it ressembled a lame star trek episode.
Reviewed: 2004-10-23
Reviewed: 2004-10-23
A nice humerous battles, it refreshes you you from the usual TIE Battles.
Reviewed: 2004-10-23
Reviewed: 2004-10-23
Nice battles, intersting plot and nice missions to fly.

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