BGCOM Report #3
- The mantle of Trivia Master for Trivia for the Challenged has been taken up by COL Prower.
- LC Legion Ordo has started uploading his fiction archive. It's available under the "Fiction/Graphics" tab on his profile. Read it, seriously!
- Excercise ReMobilisation (ReMob) 6 is due to begin on June 1. Currently rules have been passed to Squadron Commanders for their input; but tasks are now pro-rated to be more equitable across squadrons with varying member numbers.
Since my last report, the following transfers have been processed:
- Out: CM LQC-75-3, LCM Eriksen1803, MAJ Richlet, CPT Xander Drax - We wish our departing friends well wherever they end up!
- In: CM Jack Wynand (Firebird), SL Grimkelly (Thunder), SL Grimm (Raven) - Welcome all!
- Lateral: CPT Sylas Pitt (Firebird CMDR), CM Iam Thinking (Tempest) - Enjoy your new roles!
The following members have received promotions since my last report, congratulations all!
- SL Arji Enaka to LT!
- LT Scottrick to LCM!
- SL Darktank99 to LT!
- LCM Bonebolt to CM!
- SL Grimkelly to LT!
- LT Swainteth Lortan to LCM!
- Three Graphics Competitions for BG3 are currently running, open to the entire TC: BG3 Banner Competition, MC90 Renegade Banner Competition, and the Typhoon Squadron Patch Competition.
- Notable Fiction Competitions are also available: Moving Day 2, and Choose Your Own Adventure.
- For our music lovers in BG3: Drummer's Search of the Playlist.
- And for our friends who prefer the pew-pew: Legion's Challenging Time Trials 2, It's Them! Blast Them!, and of course, TIE Corps in Battle Season 6.
For other competitions, check out the Competitions Center and see what might appeal to you!
You can start expecting reports from me every two weeks from now on. Hopefully in due course I'll have some fiction or graphics to put in these reports, or maybe a funky layout to make it more visually appealing. As of now, however, I have neither fiction nor layout that I am happy using. One day these reports will be pretty, I promise!
BG3 CMDRs know but others may not: May in New Jersey is a rough month for teachers thanks to State Testing, so I won't be on VCs as often as I otherwise might be. Fortunately I have six weeks off coming in the middle of June, where I should be able to actually get some decent gaming activity in.
If anyone is interested in a few quick games of Star Conflict over a libation, however, please feel free to hit me up!