It's Them! Blast Them!

Competition ID #: 3497
Status: Finished
Submitted by: COL Miles Prower
Competition dates: 2023-01-01 - 2023-05-31
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: TIE Corps

Pilots of the TIE Corps!

Do you like credits?

Of course you do!

Do you like medals?

Of course you do!

Do you like reputation?

Of course you do!

Do you like to test your new beam laser and multicannon monstrosity on unwitting criminal test subjects?

Of course you do! (But stop by the medbay to see the staff psychiatrist after this briefing)

For pilots that are members of our Elite Dangerous squadron ([EH94]), we offer you "It's Them, Blast Them!". For the next five months, we want you to email Miles Prower (via, a screenshot of your bounty voucher sheet for your session. (Example here). Your run will be plugged into this Google Sheet. This sheet is protected from editing by anyone outside of the competition managers and other key personnel.

At the end of the competition, a sort operation will be performed on the month's sheet and a validation check performed. After this validation, placement and awards will be set out and announced!

Competition awards:
  • IS-PR for 1st place pilot that has the highest total credits calculated
  • IS-GR for 2nd place pilot that has the second highest total credits calculated
  • IS-SR for 3rd place pilot that has the third highest total credits calculated
  • IS-CR for 4th place pilot that has the fourth highest total credits calculated
  • ORA for each set of 50 bounties completed up to 150 (max of 3 ORAs)

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IS-PR COL TheBlackxRanger With a staggering 526,476,818 credits collected over 272 bounties flown since the inception of this competition, TheBlackXRanger put himself out as a frontrunner and kept his lead continuously. He has crammed my inbox with many bounties and without a doubt, is probably swimming in credits aboard the Doomsday like a certain talking duck in his money pit. Therefore it is my pleasure to endorse TheBlackXRanger for his first prize earning: The Iron Star with Platinum Ribbon -COL Miles Prower 2023-06-10
IS-GR HA Turtle Jerrar With a total bounty amount of 90,496,868 credits over 17 submissions, Fleet Admiral Turtle Jerrar has achieved second place in the "It's Them, Blast Them!" Elite Dangerous bounty hunting competition. He is therefore endorsed for the Iron Star with Gold Ribbon. 2023-06-01
IS-SR INQ Taurus With a total bounty amount of 88,953,394 credits over 16 submissions, Major Cade Tezo has achieved third place in the "It's Them, Blast Them!" Elite Dangerous bounty hunting competition. He is therefore endorsed for the Iron Star with Silver Ribbon. 2023-06-01
IS-BR LC Legion Ordo With a total bounty amount of 71,384,370 credits over 22 submissions, Lieutenant Colonel Legion Ordo has achieved fourth place in the "It's Them, Blast Them!" Elite Dangerous bounty hunting competition. He is therefore endorsed for the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2023-06-01