Inferno Report # 9 (2020-11-30)

This report was submitted by CMDR-COOA/CM EvilGrin/Inferno/Wing X/ISDII Challenge

Inferno Squadron WSR

Inferno PatchINFERNO SQUADRON WSR #09 (30-Nov-28 ABY)Inferno Patch

REPORTING COMMANDER: Commander EvilGrin. Squadron Commander
TO: Inferno Squadron, HA Anahorn Dempsey - Challenge's Commodore
DATE SUBMITTED: 30th November 28 ABY

Inferno PatchINFERNO SQUADRON NEWSInferno Patch

Welcome all from the Inferno CMDR's desk... Apologies for the late edition, I started gathering the data for this 6 days ago, but irl's on top of me right now! This month has just disappeared and can't believe we're almost into December. This means we are very nearly finished HA Dempsey's great competition (the deadline is today!). We're still floundering in third on the Challenge, with Tempest and Firebird having put in a stellar effort. Looking forward to seeing the final standings and hopefully we've managed to move on some this week.

It has certainly been a quiet period for our squad, from what I can tell so far overall activity is down for the month from last month, which is a little disappointing, although I'll know for sure how things sit soon as this month's MSE is now upon us. In better news, our new flight leader LC Kadon Beir has been smashing it in his IWATS courses, fantastic work! Also, since last report we've taken on a new pilot, one whom has quickly made the transition from SL to LT - congratulations LT EchoVII and welcome aboard! I'm looking forward to getting some games in with you soon!

With private matches impending in Squadrons, we have a lot of potential competitions on the horizon for Squadron, Ship and TC-wide. I'd like us to get ship-shape as a Squadron for this. With this in mind I'd like everyone to reach out and wing with each other. I'm happy to fly with any of you, just give me a shout and we'll arrange it! Let's get this show on the road pilots...

Inferno Patch Inferno Patch
Inferno PatchSQUADRON ROSTER & ACTIVITYInferno Patch

Flight I - TIE Interceptor
Nickname: The Flaming Banthas - 'Save the Milk for when the job is done. There is warmth in Duty.'

[1-1] CM EvilGrin

  • Flying: Squadrons flying - 53 LoCs
  • Non-flying: New uniform approved
  • New Combat Rating: Veteran 2nd
  • Communication: Email, Discord
  • Awards: SS

[1-2] LT Setroc

  • Flying: none
  • Non-flying: none
  • Communication: Email, Discord
  • Awards: none

[1-3] COL Mell Kerrigan

  • Flying: none
  • Non-flying: none
  • Communication: Email, Discord
  • Awards: ISM

[1-4] LT Freddo

  • Flying: none
  • Non-flying: none
  • Communication: Email, Discord
  • Awards: BS

Flight II - TIE Interceptor
Nickname: Heat Wave Racers - 'Fire so strong in our hearts, they are engulfed before they even know it.'

[2-1] LCM ERiSi

  • Flying: Squadrons flying - 8 LoCs
  • Non-flying: none
  • Communication: Discord, Email
  • Awards: BS

[2-2] LT WoofWolffe

  • Flying: none
  • Non-flying: none
  • Communication: Email, Discord
  • Awards: ISM

[2-3] Slot open

[2-4] SL Boc Caalgen

  • Flying: none
  • Non-flying: none
  • Communication: Discord
  • Awards: none

Nickname: Oven Masons - 'Death is no longer cold, for we carry our flame wherever we go. Inferno Infinite!'

[3-1] LC Kadon Beir

  • Flying: none
  • Non-flying: Passed exams: SM/5, XWAI, STM, EAW, SFW, WIKI - Well done!
  • Communication: Email, Discord
  • Awards: none

[3-2] GN Master

  • Flying: none
  • Non-flying: none
  • Communication: none
  • Awards: none

[3-3] LT Dougal Ceallaigh

  • Flying: none
  • Non-flying: none
  • Communication: Email, Discord
  • Awards: IS-BW, BS

[3-4] LT EchoVII

  • Flying: Squadrons flying - 8 LoCs, 3 LoSs
  • Non-flying:
  • New Combat Rating: Certified
  • Communication: Email, Discord
  • Awards: Promotion to LT, congratulations!

Inferno Squadron Competitions:
Wielder of the Inferno: To be named the best pilot of the month over here at Inferno, you have to compete on all platforms, pvp, pve, and single player. Winner will be the 'Wielder' of Inferno, the symbolic representation of our pride and fearlessness.

Inferno first past the post: For the release of Squadrons, here are some initial goals for Inferno Squad members!
First past the post to level 20 - IS-BW, First past the post to level 40 - IS-SW, First to complete Operation Challenge (complete 20 daily challenges) - IS-SW

Hitting the upper tier of ranks in Squadrons will be an achievement worthy of reward, any member meeting the below requirements will be rewarded:

Achieve Legend rank - IS-BW, Achieve Galactic Ace rank - IS-SW

Challenge Competitions:
Challenge Pilot of the month (SP/MP): One point per mission flown for the SP part of this competition, and 1 point per LoC/LoS for the MP part of this competition. Stats will be taken from the killboards.
Trivia for the Challenged: One trivia question every weekday - points awarded to all, and whoever has most points at the end of the week wins an IS-BR. Every month, the highest scoring pilot wins an IS-SR, and every pilot with 40 points or more wins an extra IS-BR.
Dempsey's Weekly Screenshots: Every week, the report will have a screenshot. Not necessaarily from a Star Wars movie. First Challenge pilot to send the correct answer to the mailing list wins.
Wake me up when November ends: Competition spans the month of November, split into 4 weeks with sets of games which comprise a Photo Round, Pilot's Arena for MP/SP flying, Movie Trivia, Random Online game shenanigans, Fiction Contest, with plenty of medals on offer! This is going to be an absolute blast, and games are set up so that everyone has a chance to win, not just the best or the ones with the most free time on their hands!

We are now into week 3 of the competition and this week's goals as laid out by HA Dempsey are as below:

Photo round This week's photo round takes us back to the good old days, when MTV still had music videos. So it's simple - name both the artist and the title of the song. If you only get the artist correct, or only get the title correct, half points will be awarded here.
Pilot's Arena The object of the game is not to reach the highest score, or fly the most missions, or complete the most objectives. I will give you a target score. Whoever gets closest wins. This ensures that even a newbie pilot fresh out of the Academy has a shot at winning! For the MP part, you must be on the winning side of course.

Single player segment: TIE free #260; target: 30,128 pts
Multi player segment: Star Wars Squadrons: Fleet battle vs AI; target: Cap Ship Damage - 7,518 pts

What did you say? This game revolves around movie quotes. But it won't always be as simple as identifying the movie! Even though this week that is exactly what I wish to know as we play And the answer is.... This week, the objective is to tell me the response after the given line was spoken, AND the movie this is from. This might be a hard one, we'll see.
If you only get the response correct, or only get the movie title correct, half points will be awarded here.
Online insanity This game will be playing on online game. The object of the game is to reach the highest score you can. Screenshots to be taken with score clearly visible of course.
This week: Hot Wheels Race Car Rush!
Musings of a madman This is not a weekly game, but this will run the entire month. Write a fiction. It can be about whatever you want it to be, feature whatever you want, and can be as long as short as you want, with any writing style you desire. The only stipulation is that somehowb it has ot feature the Challenge or one of its pilots. All submissions will be submitted to the Warden's Office at the end of the competition. You can submit up to three fictions per pilot, but each pilot is eligible for only one medal, and one set of points. If there's less than 5 pilots submitting, this last stipulation is rescinded.

TIE Corps Competitions:
Raise the Flag 2020: Biggest EH Competition of the year and running for the entire September. Any and all activity counts! We have until the 30th to get into gear, let's get some!
The Empire's Wrath: Organized by Myself, 1v1 Tournament held on the XvT and XvT BOP platform. This competition is already underway, but you can watch it all unfold at: Empire's Wrath Tournament Brackets
TC PvP Shootout: Organized by AD Miles, COL Horus and Myself. On every Saturday starting at 6:00 PM Eastern/11:00 PM GMT, a PvP shootout will take place. The COO and COOA are the main points of contact. Voice communication is preferable but not required. Game hosting will be directed through GameRanger

A full list of active competitions is available at the TIE Corps Competition Center.

Notable Events:
The TIE Pilot's Podcast: Hosted by COL Zekk Terrik and CM Jack Wynand.
LT MrShub Star Wars Streaming: Hosted by LT Shub, streaming regularly every Tuesday and Thursday.
Alejandro's Youtube Corner: A place where Alejandro uploads regularly videos of his activities with the modded XWA.

For a full list of all streaming and youtube channels be sure to check the #streams channel on our Discord (flagged as pinned messages).

Inferno PatchCLOSING COMMENTSInferno Patch

A very quiet few weeks, but looking forward to the results of the Wake me up when November ends competition, well done to all who have participated! Onwards and upwards pilots, it's time to set fire to the skies!

CM EvilGrin
CMDR-COOA/CM EvilGrin/Inferno/Wing X/ISDII Challenge
[Lancer] [Officer 1st][Qualified] {TCCORE-COE}

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