Reviewer Rating Profile

Lieutenant Colonel Kyle Kroan (#12952)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.6
Number of Battle Reviews: 17
Reviewed: 2013-07-28
Reviewed: 2013-07-28
It's a very good mission, but the typos make it a bit frustrating.
Reviewed: 2013-07-13
Reviewed: 2013-07-13
I think it's a very bland mission. I didn't really find it all that funny, it has bugs and also the endless waves of XWs and AWs annoyed me greatly. So, bring your Heavy Rockets, fire all of them at the CRL, and mission complete!
Reviewed: 2013-07-12
Excellent battle, sometimes mission 6 acts a bit funny and the ATRs destroy a Freighter, but otherwise bug free! I enjoyed it very much!
Reviewed: 2013-07-03
Okay, I'm not saying this sucks, but... you are in a T/A, which supposed to hunt down starfighters, yet you are expected to take down bombers and a FRG all by yourself, before they destroy the ISD that can't even fire back and has only 2/3 shields anyways.

What the kriff are the GUNs doing then? They can't even fire off a few ion shots at the FRG so at least it will be disabled!

This mission is a bad joke...oh, did I mention that the FRG collides with the ISD, too? [Not anymore. - TAC Sienar] Realistic... not.
Reviewed: 2013-06-28
Reviewed: 2013-06-28
Easy and fun! Just pack some Heavy Rockets, fire them at the PLT, ID everything, kill the B/Ws and you are done basically.
Reviewed: 2013-06-28
Reviewed: 2013-06-28
Good mission, although it's a bit dragged out in my opinion. I liked it, though :)
Reviewed: 2013-06-28
Well, after unleashing a barrage of my favorite Heavy Rockets, I flew around for a few minutes and waited for the STRK and the CRS to collide with each other. BOOM! Primary and secondary objectives complete, 0 laser shots fired. Woot!
Reviewed: 2013-06-25
Reviewed: 2013-06-25
It's not unbalanced, just requires some strategic planning. I got a mission complete on the first run.

1) Load Heavy Rockets and immediately launch all of them towards the CRL (makes your lie latr a helluva lot easier)
2) Kill some fighters, but always disable one from each group so they won't respawn
3) Destroy the minefield
4) Disable CRL (it only has 19% shields or less because of the HRs)
5) Kill the Burp group
6) Finish up the remaining starfighters
7) ???
8) Profit!
Reviewed: 2013-05-08
I'm not really sure why am I the only pilot who gets to escape, but other than that, the mission is fairly easy to beat. I did it half-handed while feeding a baby.
Reviewed: 2013-05-07
Reviewed: 2013-05-07
I fail to see why people can't appreciate missions that aren't about massacring rebel convoys and killing 200 starfighters. Yes, this mission is totally a Thief: The Dark Project reference. Yes, the mission is completed in 3 minutes without a single shot. But the mission is about a funeral service, what else do you expect? Believe it or not, there are assignments in the Imperial Navy that go down exactly as planned. This is one of them. And after the service is over, you can stay and kill some tomb raiders for the challenge factor. Fair enough.
Reviewed: 2013-05-07
Reviewed: 2013-05-07
The plotline is very original. The mission is fairly simple, an excellent source of quick fun. Being fun and bug free _is_ a reason for 5.
Reviewed: 2013-05-07
Reviewed: 2013-05-07
Okay, whoever doesn't get the point of this mission, needs to read more poems and analyze them to learn some in-between-the-lines reading comprehension and logical thinking. The mission briefing (which sucks, I admit that), only goes for the mission on Hard. The other two difficulty levels are actually misjumps (e.g. you didn't get to the CUV simulation because your navigational coordinates were off). Of course you have absolutely no clue what's going on, because (and listen carefully) YOU'RE NOT EVEN SUPPOSED TO BE THERE!

This is a well made mission with some typos and in-flight message errors. Nothing more, nothing less.
Reviewed: 2013-04-25
Without any instructions, it was kinda confusing what to disable. The lack of inflight messages didn't help either.
Reviewed: 2013-04-25
Reviewed: 2013-04-25
It was a relaxing mission. The entering points for the ISDs are bugged, but at least our ISD helps to destroy the rebels by ramming them. Lol.
Reviewed: 2013-04-25
This mission can be done in 10 minutes. I've hit Q after evrything hypered out safely, so I don't know about the 20 waves of Z-95s, but if it's true, it's kinda pointless. I mean, everything hypered out, the rebels lost, why would they send back trillions of Z-95s?
Reviewed: 2013-04-25
Reviewed: 2013-04-25
I don't know why do people say it's a bad mission. It even says it in the briefing: "This will be a simple mission".

The briefing is short but funny, the mission is short and not frustrating at all, 100% perfect for R&R.
Reviewed: 2013-04-25
Reviewed: 2013-04-25
If you reroute the laser, shield and beam systems to the engines, you can complete the mission in less than 5 minutes, without a single enemy showing up.

Showing all 17 records