Reviewer Rating Profile

Rear Admiral Genie (#55730)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.2
Number of Battle Reviews: 590
Reviewed: 2022-06-25
Reviewed: 2022-06-25
This is an excellent battle from head to toe. Nice briefing and debriefing. Excellent scenario and fun to play. A very appropriate mission for a Missile Boat. You can even tailor the mission difficulty accordingly, (by sending your friends home, this works only on hard). It is clear its creator has tested it well and there is attention to a lot of detail. Having said that, if you are not used to the Missile Boat you may find it a bit challenging. I recommend playing it.
Reviewed: 2022-06-24
Reviewed: 2022-06-24
It is at least something out of the ordinary. It will take around 15 mins to complete this mission and it's not hectic by any stretch of the imagination, but I recommend flying it, as it tries to do something different. If you get impatient and you Timex4 (Alt+T), be on alert as various craft will pop in from time to time.
Reviewed: 2022-06-24
Reviewed: 2022-06-24
Lazy mission, only worth flying for completion points and remob-style competition. It is 20% of a "what could have been" but it is evident this was an attempt at a quick medal grab for making a new mission. At least it has no bugs! Always a silver lining. For future mission-makers, if you are reading this review, just be aware of the legacy you leave behind.
Reviewed: 2022-06-24
Reviewed: 2022-06-24
I quite liked this battle. It's well crafted for the most part and it has a nice margin for variation in scoring as well as some urgency in trying to shoot things down. Your wingmen CAN be useful if you are not looking for a high score. Briefing was decent. it did lack some more inflight messages, as well as, it would have been a nice touch to have reinforcements arrive right at the end (e.g. an ISD or a couple of Frigates), since the Imperials for sure had called for reinforcements. The 5 is too generous perhaps but I am ok with it, given the effort that was really put into this one.
Reviewed: 2022-06-24
Reviewed: 2022-06-24
The storyline is great. An albino Wookiee! Where it begins to fall flat on its face is the execution. The briefing is solid, if the in-game mission was just as good as the briefing this would have been a 4 or a 5. There are mistakes some small (e.g. no Albino Wookiee as cargo in the SCV) and some big (e.g. the Gunboats popping in and out immediately) and then there is the Carrack Cruiser that chases you around as it has fighter orders instead of ship orders.

If a mission would be created that would make proper use of that, I personally wouldn't have an issue with it. But this one doesn't.
Reviewed: 2022-06-24
Reviewed: 2022-06-24
This is kind of what i expect from a typical single mission battle. A small scenario with some interesting twists and turns. It's not without its flaws, but it's decent enough to get a 4 instead of a 3, as it is a little more involved than just a skirmish. The briefing is also decent and gives you a good idea of what you should be doing. For example, go and inspect the TRNs and then protect the capture.
Reviewed: 2022-06-24
Reviewed: 2022-06-24
This is an excellent mission to fly with a shieldless TIE. It's also a nice mission for a competition. It's simple but it's a good example of how a simple mission can also be good. For those enjoying flying in a shieldless TIE be sure to give it a try. For the rest don't be afraid, try it out. It took me back to the days of Xwing, when you'd chop through TIE Fighters and TIE Bombers as myriads and myriads of the fighters as they were coming through. It is not everyone's cup of tea and may require additional attempts on hard to be completed.
Reviewed: 2022-06-23
Reviewed: 2022-06-23
Badly designed and executed. Lack of clarity on what should be done during the mission and the dependencies of appearance will cause you to miss out on the secondary objectives without a fault of your own. There are a lot of wrong things about this mission to list them all, including bad orders for the enemy capital ship and dubious choices of roles for craft as well as some enemy craft staying safely tucked inside their capital ship and afraid to come out. The only reason it's not getting a 1 rating is because it feels that the creator DID try to make a good mission, he just failed at it. Fly it only for completion points.
Reviewed: 2022-06-23
Reviewed: 2022-06-23
I cannot criticize it too much as I had similar ideas. Not the dark force part, but the ramming part. Unfortunately, the execution of this mission is not too good. You can get some quick points as the primary objectives are quite easy to complete, but that's as far as it goes. The pace of it is very slow, especially if you want to do well, you are going to have to ram your opposing craft. The T/A is not well suited for that task.
Reviewed: 2022-06-23
Reviewed: 2022-06-23
You start off with several wingmen but they'll soon get cut down by the opposing forces, so you are kind of left to fend for your own. I flew so many missions lately, I hope this is the right :D You fly as a gunboat and have to deal with a lot of Xwings, so be warned and enjoy. Also, do not underestimate the power of the Ywings. They will take that ISD down if you dont do something about it. Furthermore one of the Xwing FGs seems to have dubious orders.
Reviewed: 2022-06-23
Reviewed: 2022-06-23
This mission had a lot of attention put into it. The briefing is immaculate and a good example for others to follow. The mission itself was challenging and for once I was forced to use my wingmen - something I'd like to see more of - to be able to complete it on hard. Otherwise the missile boat you are trying to save is toast. It was a welcomed change. I haven't tried it on easier difficulties but be warned, on hard it is a bit of a challenge in the first few minutes to protect the Missile boat. Another good part about this mission is that should you fail it, the officer actually tries to give you a helpful hint instead of the usual waste of "wiseguy" words.
Reviewed: 2022-06-23
Reviewed: 2022-06-23
Even though it is not perfect, I give it a 5, for at least getting a number of design issues right as well as creating something a bit more complicated and involved than a simple dogfight. The humour is what it is, Some may like it some may not. I was going to penalize it for secret points shenanigans that affect high score chasing but I'll keep its score at 5.
Reviewed: 2022-06-23
Reviewed: 2022-06-23
It's a straight-up training mission ported from Xwing if I remember right? But, that's ok. Not very exciting, but it actually serves as a nice introductory targeting mission. For people new to the game, this mission is ideal for getting to grips with targeting without much pressure on you.
Reviewed: 2022-06-22
Reviewed: 2022-06-22
Well, it's a "crafty" one. Not much is happening, this mission would probably be better suited if it was part of some greater battle. Some design aspects show deliberation on the part of the designer (in a good way). Fast and easy regardless of difficulty setting. Fly it only for completion points.
Reviewed: 2022-06-22
Reviewed: 2022-06-22
It's ok, though fails in execution. Also the primary objectives can be completed in an instant. That's always a bit of a let-down and a probable abuse for easy points. You do get some decent dogfighting as you try to kill fighters before the ATRs do and you can then turn your attention on the capital ships. However, Two Calamaris and a Frigate running away and fighters hyperspacing in instead of coming out of those capital ships are signs of immersion-breaking "design"
Reviewed: 2022-06-22
Reviewed: 2022-06-22
It's hectic and decent. You have quite a bit to do and a very short time to do it. The frigates are trying to blow up the Immortal even after it gets disabled, which comes down to two problems, the Frigate orders (there is a disable action) but also the Frigates' aggro. Regardless it could have been done a little better. I did find the mission overall enjoyable and I recommend giving it a go. Not overly complicated and yet just enough there to break the mold a bit.
Reviewed: 2022-06-22
It is presented as a prequel to a bigger battle. So it creates several questions and leaves them unanswered. Not sure which battle it is, if I find out after this review perhaps I'll double-back and edit it for others to know. As a standalone mission, it's not that great. It presents a puzzle of how to get the high score, which judging by the rest of the design, it looks more like a fluke rather than intentional. Fly it for completion points.
Reviewed: 2022-06-22
Reviewed: 2022-06-22
It's somewhere between a 2 and a 3. I only enjoyed it somewhat because you get to fly in a Missile Boat. The mission itself is nothing spectacular and unless you send the troops home, even on hard you will simply overwhelm them and destroy them. You have two flights of AI T/Ds protecting you and three more M/S on your flight. A bit of an overkill... Also, the Calamari is not shooting back. If the hyperdrive is damaged, it can still use its turbo lasers.
Reviewed: 2022-06-21
Reviewed: 2022-06-21
Poorly done mission. Missing orders from the enemy Frigate, and the A-Wings have as secondary target their own frigate. The only reason they don't attack it is because you are alive and kicking. In general this mission could have been done a lot better. Fly it for completion points.
Reviewed: 2022-06-21
Reviewed: 2022-06-21
An engaging mission, with a very nice balanced opposition. You can tailor the difficulty in two ways, by choosing your difficulty setting (easy / medium / hard) as well as, deciding how many of your friendlies to send home. The mission is not without its flaws. The enemy capital ships have fighter orders and there are a couple of other nuisances but I won't mention them as they may spoil the mission. Overall, fun and engaging. I recommend giving this one a go.
Reviewed: 2022-06-21
Reviewed: 2022-06-21
It's an interesting concept but badly executed. The briefing is also not really funny, I will put that down to personal taste. Others may enjoy it more. The ISD's FG name (Holocaust) is also unfortunate. Otherwise, this is a nice mission to get acquainted with how to take down an ISD using a TIE Fighter. The current high score of 23k+ is unreachable and was probably achieved with an older version of this mission.
Reviewed: 2022-06-20
Reviewed: 2022-06-20
I kind of liked this mission. The coded messages were ok, just a spin on the briefing and in-flight messages. I understand that may not be everyone's cup of tea. The mission itself is interesting, short, but quite good at what it does. You don't really need the beam but I like the extra speed it gives.
Reviewed: 2022-06-18
Reviewed: 2022-06-18
This is a decent mission tailored to flying a TIE Fighter. Don't worry the chances of getting blown to pieces are low. I also like the fact that for once your friendly FGs are doing some of the work. The Empire should always attempt to overpower the Rebels through sheer numbers. It's decent and well-made for the most part. On hard the fighters should not have been at 50% shield power but it doesn't really make much of a difference. I recommend flying it.
Reviewed: 2022-06-18
Reviewed: 2022-06-18
You fly a routine patrol mission without giving away what happens. It's a short and engaging encounter. Even on hard it's not that hard but it will require you to be quick in dispatching with your enemies. Decent, nothing special and at least you get to fly in the Assault Gunboat instead of the overpowered TIE Defender.
Reviewed: 2022-06-18
Reviewed: 2022-06-18
I understand from the briefing and debriefing that this was clearly a first attempt at making a mission.
Once we get in the fight itself, the in-flight messages are completely off and in general this looks like a
half-finished mission. Some may enjoy it. It IS easy to complete even on hard.

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