Reviewer Rating Profile

Colonel Rau Aznable (#844)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3
Number of Battle Reviews: 221
Reviewed: 2008-03-21
This one is pretty hard, in terms of protecting a target. Maybe some luck is involved? I must give it a lower rating for the long wait at the start, but it's good overall.
Reviewed: 2008-03-21
Reviewed: 2008-03-21
Simple, quick and challenging. Well, quick... if we forget the wait at the start. But totally worth your time.
Reviewed: 2008-03-21
It's hard to review this battle. The Interceptor Enforcement ship is an interesting craft, because it's very fast, but doesn't turn much; the shields are weak and the three lasers mean it's not easy to recharge the shields; and it has a very strong hull, but you still get your monitors and systems damaged. This battle demands that you think carefully how you approach the mission and you'll have to pay attention to little details, so strategy is critical here. I enjoyed the voice acting. It's clear that most missions weren't meant to be played on hard. Overall, I believe the battle deserves a good rating for giving you something new and for demanding plenty of strategy.
Reviewed: 2008-03-21
Reviewed: 2008-03-21
Awful mission. Expect a long time shooting. Gets a 1 just for the attempt at being original, even if it's stupid.
Reviewed: 2008-03-15
An extremely easy and simple mission.
Reviewed: 2008-03-09
Reviewed: 2008-03-09
No doubt, this is the worst battle ever made. Here are a few features: your flight group confirms orders, but rarely follows them, and rarely attacks anything; the fighters you use are always inappropriate; the names of the enemy flight groups are lame, like "Destroy"; the places where you enter the battle suck (too far away or close to a frigate); and in the last mission, your flight group goes home as soon as it shows up. You'll often find yourself fighting three superior fighters all alone (like your unshielded Tie Fighter against three shielded Tie Interceptors). Try flying this on hard... if you miss space bombs!
Reviewed: 2008-03-07
Although there were some parts that were annoying or stupid, this battle is actually very good and I enjoyed it. The last two missions are a real challenge.
Reviewed: 2008-03-07
Reviewed: 2008-03-07
The name of the mission says it all. T/Is and T/Fs vs XWs and AWs. What's stupid is that this is basically an encounter between two patrols and yet, the Rebels have multiple waves and we don't. Gets a 1 for the challenge.
Reviewed: 2008-03-04
Reviewed: 2008-03-04
A nice and challenging battle, but way too easy and quick if you just want to complete the primary objectives. So I give it a 3 instead of a 4 due to the bad choice of objectives.
Reviewed: 2008-03-04
Reviewed: 2008-03-04
A very simple mission, made for multiplayer cooperative. It's quick too.
Reviewed: 2008-03-04
Not as good as its predecessor, but still funny and challenging. Make a battle out of this!
Reviewed: 2008-03-03
Well, I don't know what the hell I was doing in that mission, but it was a real challenge. I flew it several times and only managed to complete it once. Just for that, it gets a 4. But as usual, since the mission includes sounds from an old cartoon I used to watch, I give it an extra point :)
Reviewed: 2008-03-03
Reviewed: 2008-03-03
This mission has some action with close encounters and it's fun. I don't give it a 5 because of the useless inspection and wait at the start of the mission.
Reviewed: 2008-02-21
Reviewed: 2008-02-21
Just another average mission. The fact that it's timed adds something different, but the mission remains easy anyway.
Reviewed: 2008-02-21
Reviewed: 2008-02-21
If it wasn't a TIE mission, I would give it a 1. The mission involves a little action at the beginning, then a long wait, and then some more action. Gets a two for the defense of the destroyer.
Reviewed: 2008-02-18
Very good Infiltrator Wing mission. You get to choose which fighter you'll use and I enjoyed flying the A-Wing against other Rebel fighters. It's a bit confusing, but it's also a real battle!
Reviewed: 2008-02-18
Too hard and not very fun. And thanks for forcing us to use chaff when our enemies don't even have missiles! I don't give it a negative note because of the efficient use of transports.
Reviewed: 2008-02-10
Looks like just another "protect capital ship" mission, but it actually demands that you take a more active role than just destroying enemy fighters. And for that, I commend the mission designer.
Reviewed: 2008-02-09
Reviewed: 2008-02-09
This battle has a nice story and some exciting combat situations. However, the player is usually at a great disadvantage and will face several situations where it's just him with no warheads against a capital ship. There's one mission where you have to wait 6 minutes to get some action and there was an awkward moment where I had to destroy a Repair Yard, all alone, with just my lasers. Can you guess how long that took? When you go fly this, make sure you have a MP3 player close to you.
Reviewed: 2008-02-04
Reviewed: 2008-02-04
This mission was actually good and it's not really like the first mission of "Tie Fighter". It may be easy, depending on how you approach it.
Reviewed: 2008-02-04
Reviewed: 2008-02-04
Very nice mission, good training for dogfights and flying the E-Wing was a real treat.
Reviewed: 2008-02-03
Reviewed: 2008-02-03
I always say that any mission that gives you something new in this old game is fantastic. And this mission scores big time in that field! The humor in the briefings (and in some parts of the mission) is also first class. If you want a mission that will make you think, this is for you.
Reviewed: 2008-01-30
Reviewed: 2008-01-30
Easy, fun and quick.
Reviewed: 2008-01-24
Yes, this mission demands some planning and strategy, but I think the mission is way too hard. Three waves of four Y-wings with rockets, three waves of four X-wings with torpedoes, some Z-95s with rockets, and if you take out the A-wings before reinforcements arrive... another group of Y-wings with rockets, all of this to take out an ISD with 100% shield??? Come on!
Reviewed: 2007-11-22
This is fun, but it only gets a 3 because of the already mentioned problem with the waypoints.

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