XvT-F 71: Blink Of An Eye, Part II

Battle Information

Game platform: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
Missions: 1
Release date: 2002-02-08
Last updated: 2009-02-22

COL Fenn Logan

Average rating 3.0
Reviews: 8
Bug reports: 0
Times completed: 43
Patches used

EH Ship Patch for XvT

Battle Reviews

Weirdly setup mission, no clear guidance provided by the briefing as to how to
proceed, opening with what could best be described as the best that XvT engine could provide as a static cutscene, 3 minutes in length.

One to avoid, but nothing overly wrong with it.

There is, I think, a much better mission in here. But there's a few key difficulties that are going to bring it down to a poor score.

1) Nothing to do for the first four minutes. This actually involves a bit of nice cinematic events, but... sometimes the transport won't dock and repair your ship, causing a soft lock. So you can wait over 4 minutes and have to re-do the mission from scratch.
2) No changes in design for difficulty level. You'll get pounded by A-Wings with missiles as quickly on Easy as you do on Hard (just make sure to take off away from them for a bit so you have a chance to recharge your shields). Makes for a very hard mission.
3) This is predominantly a dogfight mission, but with all of your support starfighters having must survive goals. This can lead to some painfully awful fail conditions (like finishing the whole mission and having one of your friendlies run into an asteroid, failing the mission)
4) If you die, you will fail the mission. I find this a particularly cruel bit of game design

Maybe I'm being a bit harsh, but it's also probably the most frustrating thing I've played in awhile on the compendium.

Sit for 4 minutes, and get assaulted by a large formation of A-wings with missiles while you're still trying to get your shields up from a very very silly repair mechanic at the beginning.

This is zero fun. I'd give it a 0 if I could make it far enough to be sure if there were bugs or not.

Waiting 4 minutes before your ship gets repaired just to get killed by A-Wings is not my definition of fun. If you have time to kill and want to stare at the screen, this mission is for you.

Excellent idea with a couple of minor flaws. You do not need to copy the planet file, as it is actually not so great as a graphic. I was expecting something along the lines of XWA. Quite an unusual mission, give it a go when you have the time to spare.

Very original mission with a high level of skill and a surprising start. The dogfighting itself will be fun to fly but nothing extraordinary, however it is an overall solid mission, worth to be flown.

It lives up to its namesake, really fun, worth playing.

Really neat mission. The begining of the mission was awesome. Very good timing by the creator.

Battle Bug Reports

There are currently no open bug reports for this battle.

High Scores

Mission: 77,333 CM Vanguard88 2023-09-17

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 77,333 CM Vanguard88 2023-09-17
2 46,245 FA Pickled Yoda 2017-06-10
3 39,461 RA Colo Delste 2022-08-29
4 35,413 MAJ KEBLAOMEGA 2024-03-04
5 34,320 COL Gyssler 2018-08-01
6 33,711 AD TK-2107 2003-01-19
7 33,335 CM Von Goosington 2024-09-15
8 33,041 VA Locke Setzer 2024-03-04
9 32,686 CPT Von Predator 2005-04-19
10 31,786 CPT Tvan'Oris 2003-01-03

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 38 pilots a total of 40 times.

TITLE: Blink Of An Eye, Part II



GAME PLATFORM: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter (with enclosed mods and patches)

WC/MAJ Fenn Logan/Avenger Wing XVIII/SSD Avenger
BS/PCx2/ISMx2/LoC-PSx36/MoT-1gh/CoL/CoB/OV [GALL] {IWATS-SM/2-TM-TT-XTM-XTT-XAM} T/G "Moira's Rage"

EMAIL: ghosthawk3@juno.com

Install the enclosed T/D per instructions contained in the .zip file.

1] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle.
2] Check the Misc folder in your XvT one for additional material like patches, sounds etc.
3] Press the X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter button to start XvT and fly the battle.

Planet1.act	/ivfiles  (Back-up or rename your original file first)


It is reccomended that you read the story first to get the full enjoyment of the mission.
