Phase I CORE - Dark Brotherhood Notes

Table of Contents

Section 6: Identification System

Central to communicating throughout the Brotherhood is the use of a PIN (Personal Identification Number) and ID lines. For most, PINs are used when recommending promotions, awards, or anything relating to Battleteam/House/Clan transfers or appointments. At this stage in your training, your PIN is very important to you; you will need it (along with your password) to take Shadow Academy courses. You should include your PIN after your ID line whenever possible.

Locating your PIN

  1. Follow this link:
  2. Enter your Sith name that you use in the Brotherhood — exactly like you were given in your welcome e-mail. Press Submit. It should immediately bring you to your profile. If it doesn  t, select yourself from the list it gives. For example, if I wanted to search for Havok, I would type havok or Havok in the Name: block and press Submit.

ID Lines

These are used to specify your rank, name, the order you belong to, what position you hold, and where you are. You should use these at the end of ALL official communications with your fellow members and leaders. For example:

RG/SK Vansik/Rogues

Vansik is a Sith Knight, although his home is in the Rogues. That means he is not attached to any Battleteam, House or Clan. Rogue Sith are not only the Reserves of the Brotherhood, but also a place where one can spend time to contemplate matters of the Force and the Universe itself. However, Rogues are the Sith who cannot take advantage of gaining awards on the same level as united ones. His PIN is 368.

AED/SK Tomaas Montte/House Drakonan

Sith Knight Montte is the Aedile (AED), or second in command, of House Drakonan. His PIN is 361.

BTM/PRT Tuba/Stingray Battleteam-3/House Drakonan

Tuba's rank is Protector. He holds the position of Battle Team Member (BTM) in the Stingray Battletem. His PIN is 598.

Additionally, ID lines can be supplemented with information about support positions, Shadow Academy courses completed, and medals earned in service of the Dark Brotherhood. Again, check the the Dark Side Compendium.