Reviewer Rating Profile

Colonel Rau Aznable (#844)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3
Number of Battle Reviews: 221
Reviewed: 2006-08-15
Reviewed: 2006-08-15
Just another melee that separates the men from the girls in the Tie Corps.
Reviewed: 2006-08-15
Reviewed: 2006-08-15
Ender is right when he says this is the worst mission ever, but I feel I should elaborate more. This mission is bad in the sense that it's close to impossible. The Interdictor you have to protect will be under constant attack ftom endless waves of fighters with advanced torpedos and the ISD will inevitably be destroyed by crashing capital ships, so you better hope that the ATR can complete the capture operation before that.
Reviewed: 2006-08-06
Reviewed: 2006-08-06
This is just what I like to see.
Reviewed: 2006-08-06
Well, I hate Gunboat missions where you have to disable small craft, because you really must fly with the GUN flight group to get the job done. Still, this battle provided some very entertaining situations and the way everything worked out seemed ok.
Reviewed: 2006-07-28
Reviewed: 2006-07-28
Surely one of the easiest missions ever. It has good humour, but the only time you're in danger is in the third mission, which seems more like an entry test for Tau Squadron than just for common Tie Corps membership. A little more action in the first mission would have been nice.
Reviewed: 2006-07-26
This is a very quick battle and not hard whatsoever. You may be able to finish it in less than an hour.
Reviewed: 2006-07-24
Reviewed: 2006-07-24
This mission is easy to complete, but it's challenging to "clean house". Fly it on hard for some great interception and dogfighting.
Reviewed: 2006-06-23
Reviewed: 2006-06-23
A simple escort mission against pirates. Looks good, it's a challenge and I see no flaws in it.
Reviewed: 2006-06-19
Reviewed: 2006-06-19
A very good mission. It probably deserved a 4, it really did... if it wasn't for the mission where we have to take out laser batteries and disable transports (mission 3 or 4). The mission creator clearly underestimated how long it takes to destroy small asteroids, not to mention you can spend a long time taking them out and then fail the whole mission just because a transport escaped.
Reviewed: 2006-06-07
Reviewed: 2006-06-07
Another "you against the world" crap. I wish I could give a negative rating on this one. Y-Wings firing torpedos at a Corellian Transport is definitely overkill and you have a totally useless wingman. The transport will help after it completes the docking operation, but there's a high risk of a fatal collision when there's such a large ship in the middle of your dogfights.
Reviewed: 2006-06-07
Reviewed: 2006-06-07
This is actually not a bad battle. The only wrong thing about it is mission 3, which is totally worthless. The others have nice interesting fights, especially in the last mission.
Reviewed: 2006-06-06
Reviewed: 2006-06-06
Some TC squadrons have "assassination" as main duty. This mission is just that! Get in the middle of a battle and kill someone. Top rating for originality and difficulty.
Reviewed: 2006-05-30
Reviewed: 2006-05-30
A nice entertaining mission. Looks pretty flawless.
Reviewed: 2006-05-26
Reviewed: 2006-05-26
Superb mission, probably one of Frodo's greatest masterpieces. A must!
Reviewed: 2006-05-22
Reviewed: 2006-05-22
This mission is a waste of time and database space. It's only entertaining for the first five minutes.
Reviewed: 2006-05-20
Reviewed: 2006-05-20
"Ok, lets put some capital ships really close to each other with some fighters showing up around and in the middle." And the result is great! A short action-packed fun mission. I'm sure the heroes honoured in this mission would be very proud.
Reviewed: 2006-05-06
Reviewed: 2006-05-06
What an awful battle. Even if anyone corrects the bugs, it will still suck. Some missions are hard to the point of being ridiculous. If you're looking for entertainment, avoid this battle. If you just want the FCHG points, go ahead.
Reviewed: 2006-04-04
It's funny how something so simple can be so entertaining. The little plotline is also a very nice touch. If you want to improve your dogfighting skills with multiple targets, this is for you.
Reviewed: 2005-08-24
Reviewed: 2005-08-24
This battle is very boring, you only get to fly two kinds of fighters and face two kinds of fighters. The missions are pretty repetitive, the briefings are poorly organized and with some of the worse English I've seen. I hope this battle didn't won the prize just because the creator says the enemies are Vong. If so, then prepare yourselves for "Emperor's Hammer vs Soviet Union", made by Gunman :P
Reviewed: 2005-08-14
Reviewed: 2005-08-14
Standard mission, even though there's humour in the briefings and seems bugless. Just kill enemy fighters and disable platform, nothing more. Is there any way I can join the Bruknappers?
Reviewed: 2005-06-19
ECR IV was one of my favourites, since it focused almost completely on flying. I flew the XWA missions back then, which most ppl I talked to didn't like. Sadly, there wasn't much improvement in the TIE ones. I hated the third mission, I can only guess what kind of pleasure the mission creator takes from having capital ships pursuing him like fighters (even unarmed ones) when he's flying a Tie with no shields, after he took out a minefield. I think the fighter spawning in mission 2 was not very organized, and it could be a lot more simple. I give it a two because missions 1 and 4 are good.
Reviewed: 2005-06-01
Reviewed: 2005-06-01
A simple, humble, easy, and yet, enjoyable mission. Quick FCHG points, plus you get to fly an unshielded Tie Fighter.
Reviewed: 2005-05-29
Nice mission. Simple but bugless. I liked the presence of Astatine's Tug and the assassin, that was really good.
Reviewed: 2005-05-23
Reviewed: 2005-05-23
I challenge anyone to say something bad about this battle. It's the funniest battle ever! A must-fly.
Reviewed: 2005-05-21
Reviewed: 2005-05-21
Wonderful mission. If you're looking for a fight, you got one right here.

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