Reviewer Rating Profile

Major Xye (#5843)

Reviewer Average Rating: 2.5
Number of Battle Reviews: 162
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
Better than expected to be honest. Sure it's just inspecting cargo until some rebels show up - but isn't that all you want sometimes? Stay awake for the Y-Wings at the end, they will shred your ISD apart if you're caught sleeping. On easy.
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
First off, my wingmate clipped me hardcore at the start of the mission. I had to play it a second time regardless and it didn't that time so just heads up that it might. Besides that, basic bones of a mission. Just destroy one FRG and it's over. Another blink and you'll miss it - again, on easy. Worth it for easy fchg or tournament points.
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
I am once again asking you to blow up a capitol ship. Nah, nothing that drastic fortunately, but several CRTs with 200% shields is not always an easy task - plus their friends. Fortunately you're given *six* waves with which to take them out, so choose wisely. It's very doable, even if just on the face of it it's a little unnecessarily difficult. Caviet: this was on easy.
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
Another angry mob of rebels, another platform to hit. I'm not sure how many variations on this theme I've played for XvT Free, but the answer is 'too many.' Story isn't really worth writing home about so I'll cover mechanics briefly; just go for the platform. However you find is best to blow it up asap, choose your flavor and go! Disclaimer though, this was on easy. Your mileage may vary on higher difficulty levels.
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
So, this one is a little sneaky. It's a straight forward inspection mission to begin with, but don't sleep through it or you'll miss some attack craft arriving. If you survive that, make sure you finish inspecting whatever cargo is remaining - I missed a couple the first time because of odd spacing. Other than that, not a bad mission, on easy, but also not great. Good for points.
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
OK, this may not be the most well-crafted mission mechanics or story wise, but come on. You get to take out a Gungan Cloning facility! If that isn't worth flying, I don't know what is. So again, mechanics wise, on easy at least, I wouldn't recommend this for the challenge of it. If you're looking for fast and easy fchg points, or points for a tournament, that's probably a better use of this mission. But again, if the story interests you at all, it's worth flying for the premise if not the execution alone.
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
OK, this may not be the most well-crafted mission mechanics or story wise, but come on. You get to take out a Gungan Cloning facility! If that isn't worth flying, I don't know what is. So again, mechanics wise, on easy at least, I wouldn't recommend this for the challenge of it. If you're looking for fast and easy fchg points, or points for a tournament, that's probably a better use of this mission. But again, if the story interests you at all, it's worth flying for the premise if not the execution alone.
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
You know, I didn't mind this mission, but I didn't love it. Like a lot of XvT missions you're sent to destroy two capital ships, and you're given a good amount of wingmates to do it with. Also like a lot of XvT free missions it's a little light on story so if you only play it for the story, either fly it as part of the group of battles like it, or avoid it except for easy points.
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
A straight dogfight, I loved every minute of it to be honest. It's not the most difficult but that's not always what you're looking for. As a downside to this, it is a little light on the story. But if you're just blasting them as soon as you come in, who needs a name anyway? As for mechanics again, just pick your favorite dogfighting craft and pew pew away. You may want to pack a decoy just in case. Played on easy for reference.
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
A slightly more boring one than the other XvT Frees I've flown - there's not really any dogfighting if you want to avoid it, so if that's not really your thing I guess I could recommend it. You have really powerful craft options available to you, but the enemies are also potentially very powerful A-Wings. So just take it easy and keep at it, chip away at the platform until you've got it, the switch to the CRV.
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
This one played well at first, but was ultimately disappointing. I thought maybe there would be some dogfighting, and there could have been, but even on easy if I didn't make a quick run for the Calamari I would just get smoked by the A-Wings etc that are on you as soon as you start the mission. So, I recommend you just go for the objective ASAP and leave the dogfighting to those around you.
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
On easy this can be a straight forward dogfight, or you can jump in and help disable the ship first. Either way, it's a straightforward objective. You are flying a gunboat, however, so be mindful of your speed (or lack of it). Also, I didn't take advanced missiles and I regretted it. You're given torpedoes by default to help take out the target, but again on easy I didn't find those very useful. Recommend this one if you need something nice and easy.
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
It's low effort, but it's (potentially) easy (on easy). You really only have to destroy the platform, so choose your craft wisely. Don't forget you can switch to your wingmates and use their ordinance, or order them to attack it as well to make quick work of the whole affair. I can't really recommend it except for easy points, but it's not the worst either.
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
Hey red five, are we the good guys or the bad guys? So in this mission you're helping the bad guys, aka the rebels, but don't worry you're still fighting the good fight! You're just waiting around for a meeting to take place (sound familiar?), but there is a dog fighting component. It's not the most difficult, but don't sleep on it either. They give you plenty of missiles if you pick right, I'll tell you that much.
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
I just flew this mission, moments ago, and it's probably going to take me longer to write this review than it did to install and actually fly it. So, on easy at least, if that's something you're looking for I highly recommend it. However, if you want a challenge or even some idea of what you're doing, a sense of purpose, look elsewhere. However, Frodo does make a guest apparence, so that gets a bump in score from me.
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
A mission where I actually hate the gunboat! So the premise is somewhat interesting, you're coming to the rescue of an ISD, and as soon as you're placed in the battle the ship is under attack. So you have to race there in a gunboat, but once you get there you can just unload and it's glorious to see the gunboat shine. Maybe not the most nuanced mission, but sometimes you just want to see some stuff blow up. Or some easy points. Either way, give it a shot!
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
The mission itself is fine, no bugs, straightforward as to what you have to do. I flew it on easy, but here are a couple of ideas. So first, make sure you pack a lot of rockets, you have a lot of platforms to take out. Second, I saw the objective was 'passengers safe and sound' and nearly took out my wingmates trying to protect them - turns out...
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
So, if you love rockets, and you hate platforms, this is the mission for you. It's also very fast. Don't expect much resistance. However, like every mission in XvT, you should switch to your wingmates to use their ordinance ASAP. Just make sure they're not about to bonk in to the station before you switch over to it. Trust me.
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
Just another routine patrol mission, we don't expect any resistance like 90% of missions tell you, so just kick back and put on so-wha, what?? Capital ships!? I thought this was just another routine patrol! Fool me 50 times, shame on me. For real though, just wait for the cap ships to show up, it takes maybe 20 seconds. You have some wing men, you can easily take them down. On easy.
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
A little different than some, you're chasing down some TRNs before they can escape. It's not hard per se, but it was confusing keeping track of which group was which. I thought I had destroyed them all, but it appeared as if another group came out of no where. Maybe I just missed the message, but make sure you get a good luck around first so you don't waste your time trying to smoke out the remaining TRNs.
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
Easy enough on easy, see some Rebels, so I started blasted. So if it helps, the FRG will show up shortly after the mission starts - just wait it out. Then, there are two flights of X-Wings. So heads up when the second one hypers in. I say this for a reason: when the second one shows up, they will smoke you if you're not paying attention. Trust me.
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
A simple, straight-forward dogfight. Maybe a little too easy on easy, if you're looking for a challenge pick the default Intercepter, or if you're looking for easy go for the Advanced. The most difficult thing I ran in to were other TIE fighters, all going for the same target. Never complain about a target rich environment, though!
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
Space cows - it ain't much, but it's honest work. That's about as serious as you should take this mission, as at least on easy you're simply inspecting the cargo in front of you until it's over. I didn't encounter any resistance. By the way, is it a design choice to put containers on a random order for inspection or is that a game feature? Because when the containers are so close it's hard to target everything that fast.
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
Very bizarre mission, not in objective or play-style, but on easy at least this one is over before I knew what was going on. I easily recommend it if you're looking for quick points in a tournament or fchg - it practically flies itself.
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
Reviewed: 2021-10-26
Not a great battle, on easy at least, but not the worst. I wouldn't recommend you pick the Gunboat, but that's also a general recommendation. Be careful to protect your base ship on this one, mine was down to 17% hull right before mission completion!

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