Reviewer Rating Profile

Major Xye (#5843)

Reviewer Average Rating: 2.5
Number of Battle Reviews: 162
Reviewed: 2021-10-28
A standard escort mission. It's not too bad, (on easy), it could have been better with a little more craft variety or even some more objectives. Half of the time really was spent 'escorting' the cargo back to the out for those Bombers though, they aren't kidding around.
Reviewed: 2021-10-28
Reviewed: 2021-10-28
This one is very, very simple but it was so satisfying to be able to either fight against or as the infiltrator wing (in a free battle at least)! It's just a straight dogfight, with each side getting a cap ship to back them up. Your cap ships will end up on top of each other by the end if you don't take out the opposing one first, so watch out for that. Also flying in a TIE, your squadmates love to joust the X-Wings and (even on easy) this was a poor choice. A fun little battle all around though, if brief.
Reviewed: 2021-10-28
Reviewed: 2021-10-28
Blowing up cap ships, defending your cap ships - what's not to love? On easy at least, this was of little difficulty. You have the choice of TIE/D if you so desire, which is always a favorite of mine. It doesn't make you feel overpowered in this mission though, because some of your mission-critical craft are FRGs while the Rebels have caps for critical, and cruisers as secondaries. Just watch out for constant Y-Wing attacks on your most vulnerable cruisers.
Reviewed: 2021-10-28
The story was at least a little bit there, more than most, but that isn't saying much for free battles to be honest. Regardless, mechanics wise it sort of goes downhill from there. You don't really have to do much of anything for the first half, maybe take out a transport or three, but for the last part you just...wait. Even the in-flight comms complain about having to wait, but the response is only yeah well it's just the way it is. It doesn't have to be! Anyway, it works and it's easy points, if you're looking for that here's the place to be.
Reviewed: 2021-10-28
Fun little skirmish. On easy, you're given a fair choice of craft, but choose wisely as you will be going up against a cap ship and its squadrons of YXA-Wings. If you chip away at the calamari enough some bombers will come and help finish it off so I recommend doing that before things get too hot. Again, not a terrible battle, but pretty boring. Recommended for points, though.
Reviewed: 2021-10-28
Reviewed: 2021-10-28
Not a bad little battle, if not a little tedious (on easy). You have to take out a handful of cruisers so use your ordinance judiciously or you'll have to start blastin' real quick. You're also going to have to inspect those cruisers before taking them out, so watch for that. It's kind of a slog near the end because you're just waiting for the rebels to show up so you can mop up before taking off. Not a bad battle at all, just not high on the recommendation list unless you need the points.
Reviewed: 2021-10-28
Reviewed: 2021-10-28
Cruisers to the left of me; cruisers to the right of me! Always fun blowing these up. Not much resistance provided (on easy) either, so just have fun with this one. Definitely watch your ordinance use though, I went through mine pretty quick and had to use some lasers when I definitely didn't have to. Easily Recommend for fun and points, even if it's pretty basic.
Reviewed: 2021-10-28
A nice leisurely dogfight (on easy). If you're careful you can prevent couple waves from coming in by choosing your ordinance wisely and taking out the right craft. And hey you're blowing up pirates instead of rebels, always nice to go back to some of what makes the Empire feel like we're doing some (extra) good for the galaxy. I also liked the beam choice, I hadn't used the energy transfer before. Worth it for trying that if nothing else.
Reviewed: 2021-10-28
Reviewed: 2021-10-28
Interesting battle in that you get to destroy then watch a factory get disabled, but where it gets a little challenging are the endless waves of Y/T-Wings with 200% shielding and heavy ordinance going straight for your mission critical craft. This was on easy. I still didn't find it particularly hard, but you might if you crank that up at all.
Reviewed: 2021-10-28
Reviewed: 2021-10-28
Played on easy, this was a fun little joy ride. It had a little bit of dogfighting, a little bit of taking down some cap ships and corvettes. Could it get any better? Yeah, actually. It could. You have to wait around at the end for two of your own ships to show up, and then wait again for one inspect. A fun mission otherwise flawed by some pointless waiting.
Reviewed: 2021-10-28
Reviewed: 2021-10-28
On easy this thing is a walk on a small forest moon. You have to take out several cap ships and cruisers while defending about three of your own (on easy), but you can lose a couple of your cap ships in the process so, again, on easy that's not too bad.
Reviewed: 2021-10-28
Reviewed: 2021-10-28
Not bad, just keep on your toes. Played on easy, didn't run in to much difficulty as expected. Not really any dogfighting to speak of, just destroying some cruisers that come through. Oddly, some Y-Wings hyper in to take them out for you at the end. Infiltrator Wing maybe? I'll take it. Decent battle for the points/time.
Reviewed: 2021-10-28
Reviewed: 2021-10-28
Can't believe this doesn't have more reviews, it's not a terrible battle at all. I really like all the craft options available, and on easy at least you get a lot of ordinance/beam options. It's a little TIE buffet. You should take advantage of that, because at some point your ISD gets a little hammered if you're caught sleeping. Worth playing for the points and the fun.
Reviewed: 2021-10-28
Reviewed: 2021-10-28
Not terrible, but I really don't like when the mission objectives are so unclear. Just tell me what I'm supposed to do - and if not that, at least tell me what the outcome is going to kind of look like. Like maybe 'oh no where did these rebels come from better wipe them all out.' Instead here you get 'What's that?' Sure you have the mission briefing if you watch it, but it's not helpful to know if you're making progress or not regardless. Played on easy, worth it for points at least.
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
What's not to love about blowing up cap ships? On easy at least, this is a lot of mindless fun. If you think you've destroyed everything, just give it a hot minute, more caps will arrive for you to destroy. You're also given a healthy amount of resupp-ah I mean, squadmates, so there's plenty of ordinance if you're careful.
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
I kind of don't even remember this one it was so fast, but it was memorable enough to say this: X-Wings. You have some X-Wings to kill, and you have a cap ship to blow. The mechanics are OK then, you're given heavy rockets to do it, but then you're also given Gunboats to help finish off the cap ship. Careful though, there are some X-Wings looking for a swift eject near the end by yoloing your ISD. That might make it difficult on hard, but I played it on easy.
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
This battle isn't too bad, just not great. It's just another 'destroy fighters while waiting for x to be destroyed.' On easy at least. The X-Wings look like juicy targets as soon as the mission starts but heads up, wave after wave of A-Wings will hyper in to the area where you first spawn in. So I recommend waiting for them first, then going after the Xs.
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
This mission *was* a solid three until the MUTR Zaur decided to bonk me at nearly the end of my first go around. On easy no less. The battle itself is just a straight up dogfight, so prepare for that but you do get to fly a TIE/D you'll at least be over-powered. Just give the Zaur plenty of breathing room when trying to protect it, or it might end up smacking you trying to protect itself!
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
A middle of the road mission (I played on easy) but what bumps it down a little is the boring choice of enemy craft. Just a taste of the X/A/Y/Z-Wing alphabet display, nothing challenging or interesting. Again, this was on easy so maybe that's different going up, not sure. Story wise it's pretty light too. Good for some easy points.
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
This mission deserves nothing more than the 0 I'm giving it. The premise is someone is 'giving' an officer some 'super model babes' as a reward for whatever. They are 'kidnapped' however and need to be 'saved'. By force. And all the craft have names like 'Babecatcher' and everything else just gross and wrong. This terribly dated (though it wasn't even right for its time) battle needs to be expunged from the compendium. It's 2021, we're better than this. Not even worth the points.
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
Not bad, but for whatever reason it takes forever for your guys to dock and board their last objective. Also be careful there are some sneaky Y-Wings that will come up on your ISD if you're not watching it. After it takes however long, maybe 3 minutes or so, for the boarding operation to complete, a new cap ship and some X/A-Wings pop out also with some ATRs to really wreck your fun. On easy the objective was able to complete before this was a problem - at higher difficulties this might be frustrating if you've waited for the dock to complete only to be surprised by a final wave.
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
The only bad thing I can point to about this battle (I played on easy) is the waiting you have to do for the boarding operation, and even that isn't so bad. Nothing really sets it apart from the rest though, so I don't see any reason to fly it other than points or possibly if you're following the story from previous battles. There's a slight difficulty to it which I'm sure would ramp up significantly on higher levels, so maybe if that's what you're going for also give it a try.
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
Another so/so mission, really the difficulty is waiting for your gunboats to take out the targets (on easy). Some decent dogfighting, but your opponents are pretty well out-numbered. This might matter more for higher difficulties but not on easy because they didn't even reach the ship before the battle ended, but some Y-Wings did show up at the very end of the battle as the platforms were very low health. They made a straight shot for the Challenge (which, sadly, survived the encounter [jokes, love you guys]) so I would watch out for those.
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
I love the title of the mission briefing - another patrol mission, really? Such a mood. Anyway, on easy it lives up to that description at least. You'll come up against some pirates, you need to defend some helpless cadets. After that's done, you're going to go grab a cup of coffee, not too long, but long enough to wait around five or so minutes for the docking/boarding/hypering of the shuttle to complete. Not a terrible battle at all (on easy), but not anything to write home about either.
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
Reviewed: 2021-10-27
This one required a little more concentration than normal, on easy at least. This isn't bad at all, except the challenge comes from the asteroid lasers firing at you, sort of a cheap shot if you ask me. But you do get a second flight, so if and when your first is wiped out, use your ordinance and squadmates wisely and you should be able to take down the R&D facilities with little difficulty.

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