FSE message to the fleet

HA Kawolski

30 December, 1999 21:41
High Admiral Kawolski mailed the following announcement to the fleet:
This message is being sent to all Emperor's Hammer TIE Corps members, including Cadets, Reserve Personnel, and EH Staff Officers.

This message is regarding the TIE Corps homepage and TIE Corps database.

My web provider, Web Burner, has tried to upgrade their DSN servers before Y2K and the result was a disaster. Right now, the only people that are able to access http://www.tiecorps.org (using that URL) are those in some Eastern European and Asian countries.

The homepage is NOT offline, but it is crippled until this problem is fixed.

You can access the TIE Corps homepage at its IP Address at:

Here's what's offline as a result of their upgrade: * tiecorps.org POP3 accounts and mail aliases * E-mail notifications the database sends out * Vanity domain URLs (i.e. http://news.tiecorps.org/ or http://battles.tiecorps.org/)

The mail problem is the most serious one. This affects online IWATS Courses (Core, mIRC1, mIRC2, SM/2), but I put in a temporary fix to this as the course spits out a text "answer sheet" of your work for you to copy-and-paste in an e-mail if necessary. The database WILL notify you if an error occurs in trying to mail it out, but just to be safe, you can always copy-and-paste your answer sheet to a text file to keep for later.

The mail problem also affects BSFs, Medals, and roster change requests. Notification e-mails aren't being mailed out because of this...so until this problem is fixed, we (OPS and TAC) are putting on the brakes of approving/denying/auditing requests at the moment until the problem is fixed. As for roster change requests, simply check the online roster to see if the changes were processed or not.

We're looking at this thing being fixed before Y2K. If not, I'm moving the "tiecorps.org" homepage and database off Web Burner to an alternate server.

I apologize for the inconvenience and I'm monitoring the problem. If you have any questions about the homepage or database, please feel free to e-mail me.

= High Admiral Kawolski, Tactical Officer and Fleet Systems Engineer =

tiecorps.org domain name offline, homepage still up

HA Kawolski

30 December, 1999 14:17

Web Burner decided to do a domain name server update or upgrade and as a result, we temporarily lost tiecorps.org (and all vanity sub-domains) until those servers are fixed. The main www.tiecorps.org URL problem, which started yesterday, doesn't affect everybody, but more and more people are being affected. To those that can't access the homepage via http://www.tiecorps.org can still access it through

Competition notification reminder

HA Astatine

29 December, 1999 08:23

It seems people have a short memory span, so I shall reiterate for them. Any and all competitions in the TIE Corps must be approved by the Training Officer. Because some people wanted to be smart on what is included in the terms "any and all", they will be interpreted as such. This means anything ranging from 2 FMs having a competition, right up to Ship vs Ship competitions. There will be no exceptions or abuse of loopholes. Those not following will be found and bad things done to them. The Operations Office will no process medals for unapproved competitions. This is mandated by the Fleet Commander, all competitions will be approved by the Training Officer. That is the final word.

EH Domain Updated

HA Kawolski

29 December, 1999 07:58
Grand Admiral Ronin has updated the emperorshammer.org news page and domain with the latest fleet announcements.

SC2SWTC Review

HA Kawolski

26 December, 1999 16:46
Admiral Kaek has written a review on the latest Beta 3.0 release of the new StarCraft-to-Star Wars Total Conversion.

I have begun testing the new Beta for the StarCraft2Star Wars TC. I downloaded everything but the sounds last night and began testing today. I began by taking a look at all the buildings and units to see what had been updated. The Terrans are the Imperials, the Protoss are the New Republic, and the Zerg are the smugglers. I have tested the Imperials the most. Many of the units have been changed in all but the Smugglers looks the least developed.

You can view the rest of the review here.

TIE Corps Meeting Log

AD Kessler

26 December, 1999 06:48
The Log of the first TIE Corps IRC Meeting is now posted here for those of you who weren't able to attend. The next meeting is scheduled for the first Sunday in January 2000, at the usual time of 9PM GMT (4PM EST) in the 'TIECorps channel on IRC.

Novice Multiplayer Combat Nights

AD Kessler

26 December, 1999 05:10
Starting at 8pm EST on Thursday nights, Major Shups will be hosting a Weekly Multiplayer Contest for those of us who routinely get slaughtered at the regular competitive Multiplayer events such as Outer Rim Nights. This is the ideal opportunity for PLT Daedalus multiplayer Cadets to get those elusive kills in an official Emperor's Hammer Contest that they need to complete their training requirements. You can join in at 8pm EST on the Undernet IRC Channel #Avenger.

TIE Corps Magazine

AD Kessler

26 December, 1999 05:01
The TIE Corps will soon be unveiling it's first members' Newsletter. Submissions from ALL members of the TIE Corps are most welcome, and should be sent to the editor - Vice Admiral Ricaud. As well as ship reports, editorials, a monthly competition, member submitted fiction and graphics etc, there will be a debate on a topic decided by the editor. The current subject is
'Should only the Aggressor Strike Force be allowed to represent the TIE Corps in on-line multiplayer competitions?'

A message board has been set up here for the argument to begin, feel free to add your comments, but remember that this is intended purely to stimulate debate, it's not automatically going to change Fleet Policy with regards to multiplayer combat, whatever the results of the debate (but we will be listening carefully to what you have to say).

Final submissions are due to Vice Admiral Ricaud by 30th January, and the magazine should be released on the 31st.

1000 FCHG Points

HA Kawolski

26 December, 1999 01:23
Congratulations to Sector Admiral Compton for being the first person in the history of the Emperor's Hammer to earn 1000 FCHG points!

EH Poll News

FA Manesh

24 December, 1999 17:02
There are currently three polls open right now : EH Poll #48, EH Poll #49, and EH Poll #50. All three can be found at the EH Polling Center: http://ehpoll.tsx.org

Outer Rim Melee Nights

LC Havoc

24 December, 1999 14:16

For the next two weeks, Outer Rim Nights and XWA Tourneys will be cancelled due to Christmas and New Year, but we will be starting again the Saturday after the 1st. That's Jabuary 1st 2000, not 2001 as the Flight Officer claimed in his latest Report. (Thanks to the entire fleet for pointing that one out :P)

New Music

HA Kawolski

24 December, 1999 12:56

I added around fifteen new MIDIs to the music page temporarily for all those people who celebrate Christmas! :P Enjoy!

Aggressor Strike Force Message Board Posted

AD Kessler

22 December, 1999 18:37
New Aggressor Strike Force Message Board posted today. All ASF pilots are invited to use the board.

VA Striker promoted to Admiral

HA Kawolski

21 December, 1999 22:34
Vice Admiral Striker, Command Attaché to the Tactical Officer, has been promoted to the rank of Admiral! Be sure to congratulate him next time you see him on IRC. :P

EH Domain updated

HA Kawolski

21 December, 1999 12:23
Grand Admiral Ronin has updated the emperorshammer.org news page and domain with the latest fleet announcements.

Multiple Pilots and ID Lines

AD Kessler

20 December, 1999 21:56
We've been getting a lot of queries from pilots (usually the newer ones) who want to join the TIE Corps with multiple pilots so that they can be in more than Squadron at once. While it's not strictly necessary that you do this (you can play any type of TIE Corps battle you want regardless of which Squadron you're in, and you don't have to be in the ASF to take part in Outer Rim Night), there's also nothing stopping you from joining up with more than one pilot. Well actually, there is just one thing...

Every different pilot you have MUST have a seperate email address

This cannot be stressed enough. The only part of the Emperor's Hammer that you can join with the same email address as your TIE Corps pilot is the Dark Brotherhood.
This brings up another subject which the Fleet Commander has asked me to remind everyone of: When signing off your emails with your ID Line, only your TIE Corps (and Dark Brotherhood if you have one) ID Lines are to be used. If you're a member of the Infiltrator Wing, for example, don't use that ID with your TIE Corps ID Line unless the message you're sending concerns the Infiltrator Wing. This applies to any other subgroups you may be a member of. Let's try not to mix up our different ID lines between subgroups in official emails.

Outer Rim Melee Night Results - Those Victories Just Keep Rolling In!

AD Kessler

20 December, 1999 21:35
The results are a little late this week, due to the OR Bot crashing and the results having to be reconstructed. But better late than never:
Outer Rim Results 12-18-99:

EH Cpt`Wedge vs RS_Aedis 6-4 = RS Wins
EH_Tarkin vs RS Cris_Null 24-5 T/I = EH Wins!
EH_Shups vs GadRS 26-5 T/I = EH Wins!
RS Blaster vs EH Murad 14-11 T/I's, = RS Wins
EH Kelric vs GAdRS 23-11 T/I's, = EH Wins!
EH_Shups vs Kerian_RS 31-4 TI's = EH Wins!
EH_Tarkin vs IronmanRS 5-11 T/I = RS wins
CHorn Jr Vs. EH_DaWURM 21-6 T/I = RS wins
Blaster and EH Corrin, 20-17 T/Is = RS win
EH Murad vs GAdRS 10 - 8 T/is = EH Wins!
EH Kelric vs RS Kerian 31-6 TIs = EH Wins!
EH_Shups vs RS_Hoborg 17-13 TI's = EH Wins!
Lt. Corrin vs CHornJr 22-15 T/I = EH Win!
RS_Alexio vs EH_DaWurm TFs 17-7 = RS Wins
EH_Shups vs Kerian_RS 30-6 TI's = EH Wins!
Blaster vs EH DaWURM 17-7 T/Is = RS wins
EH_Smit vs LtConShik 15-17 = EH Wins!
RS_Alexio vs EH_Shups TI 13-9 = RS Wins
RS IronMan vs EH Seggyboy X's 13-1 = RS Wins
EH Shups vs RS Blaster 16-11 TI's = EH Wins!
RS_Alexio vs EH_DaWurm 30-4 TI = RS Wins
EH_Smit Vs. CHorn Jr 12-2 T/I = EH Wins!
Final Results: EH 12 | RS 10 EH Victory!

Legions of Combat or the appropriate add-on will be awarded to all winners.

SCSWTC Beta 3 Released

HA Kawolski

20 December, 1999 20:05
A few days ago, the people with the StarCraft-to-Star Wars Total Conversion project released "Beta 3." I haven't had a chance to give it a try, so I can't tell you if it's any good or not. Hopefully it's not as disappointing as that lame 5.88 MB intro movie they released earlier.

You can find more information at their homepage: http://www.jedinights.com/scswtc/

AlliED v1.21 released

HA Kawolski

20 December, 1999 19:56
Troy Dangerfield released AlliED v1.21 today for registered users. He finally got around to adding some wire frames and fixed a bug with the .WAV file manager. A really nice new feature is the ability to have custom descriptions of Flight Group orders just like how you can have custom descriptions of goals! So instead of having a ship that's just "Docking" (standard order description), it can be "Repairing" or "Delivering Cargo" or "Placing Explosives" or whatever you can imagine! More details can be found at the AlliED homepage at http://homepages.picknowl.com.au/troyd/.


HA Kawolski

20 December, 1999 01:39
Formerly of Praetorian squadron, Flight Member Major Nightflyer has been promoted by Fleet Admiral Rapier to the rank of Vice Admiral and positions of being the new Command Attaché to the Security Officer and the Sector Enforcement Commissioner.

3rd-level vanity domains online

HA Kawolski

20 December, 1999 01:26
After my post the other day, Web Burner has decided to reconsider giving me my vanity/3rd-level URLs without charging me any hidden setup fees. The new URLs like medals.tiecorps.org and rosters.tiecorps.org should be online and working properly now.

With the mail problems and name problems out of the way, all that remains to be fixed is the poor connection. In light of this, I've decided to put the relocation plans on hold. For some, this new server is a large improvement from LCO Internet and for others, it's just about the same. I'm looking for reliable, fast, and affordable and so far nobody has been able to deliver on all three...yet. I'll keep you posted of any further developments.

tiecorps.org mailer working again

HA Kawolski

19 December, 1999 17:32

Ok, the problems with the mailers on tiecorps.org has been fixed...finally. Superior officers are once again notified on Medal and BSF approvals/denials and the PLT Daedalus mail system is properly sending notices.

New Facility for Online Skirmishes Unveiled by Combat Operations Officer

AD Darkov

19 December, 1999 08:32
A new addition has been made to the Outer Rim Competition between the Emperor's Hammer and the Rebel Squadrons. Set up primarily for those who cannot attend the specified meeting time on Saturdays, this addition allows registered pilots to fly unsupervised anytime during the week. With results being verified with the use of a form located on the Outer Rim website.

For pilots to participate in these Skirmishes, they must first register, using a form located here - Once the form has been recieved a password will be sent out to the pilot. It is with the use of this password that you will be able to use the form to have your Skirmishes verified.

These Skirmishes are not compulsory, merely there to provide for those who wish it. For more details of the Outer Rim Compeitition, please visit the Combat Operations Office website .

Yet another relocation

HA Kawolski

18 December, 1999 23:44
Web Burner just isn't working out. They told me I could set up those 3rd-level domain names (like battles.tiecorps.org and codex.tiecorps.org) for free and suddenly decide they're not going to. They told me, "We're going to redo our pricing plans. Contact us in a week and we'll tell you what the setup fee for it is." Forget that! Web Burner's service is terrible anyway. The server they put tiecorps.org on is slower than LCO Internet now. Their e-mailer doesn't work half the time causing a lot of headaches for me and the FO and OPS offices. Frankly, I'm getting sick of it and I'm demanding my money back.

I've got two more places to try before I simply give up and go back to LCO Internet. Fortunately, this next move won't be so difficult since Network Solutions / Internic finally got my e-mail address right on their servers so I can make changes.

I apologize for all of this (even though I'm the one getting hurt the most with reconfiguring everything for these different servers and paying the setup fees). :( The good news is that this will all be over soon and everything will be up and running again better than new.

Despite all the problems, the database is still holding up pretty well. :)

One day at a time...

HA Kawolski

18 December, 1999 13:57

The www.tiecorps.org name has been transferred and now works perfectly. If you still require to use the IP address to access this page, it may take anywhere from 2 to 24 hours before your ISP knows of the changes. However, the 3rd-level domains don't work. So http://battles.tiecorps.org/ won't return anything. Hopefully this will be done later today or tomorrow.

Training Office Competion #5

AD Kessler

18 December, 1999 12:04
Training Office Competition #5's second mission is now available for playing. Full animated briefings are available for viewing at the Training Office (with voiceovers courtesy of your favourite Flight Officer).

Flight Office Report #4 - Addendum

AD Kessler

17 December, 1999 14:30
Just to prove the old saying that no-one's perfect, I neglected to mention which IRC channel the first TIE Corps meeting will take place in. The meeting will be held in the channel # tiecorps on the Undernet every Sunday. Also, the timing is going to have to change in order to accomodate the majority of our members who don't live in Europe. The meeting will now be held at 9pm GMT (4pm EST, 3pm CST and 10pm CET). Trivia will be held after the meeting, Palaptine Crescent for the winner, Imperial Security Medal for the runner up.

New Battle!

HA Kawolski

17 December, 1999 01:56
DB-XvT Battle #1: Jedi Academy has been released to the fleet!

All battles are available to download at the Emperor's Hammer Battle Center.

Updated Battles

HA Kawolski

17 December, 1999 00:16
Thanks to tireless hard work of Project Phoenix, the following battles have been updated:

  • TC-TIE Battle #15
  • TC-TIE Battle #17
  • TC-TIE Battle #20
  • TC-TIE Battle #34
  • TC-TIE Battle #45
  • TC-TIE Battle #46

All these are available to download at the Emperor's Hammer Battle Center.

Mi Falcon es su Falcon

HA Kawolski

16 December, 1999 20:04
Pulp Phantom: The Animated Parody - http://www.pulpphantom.com - The site posted the seventh segment of the Pulp Phantom movie today!

Warning: The site contains language, adult subject matter, lots of hardcore drugs mined by Ewoks, and Han Solo in boxers. For mature audiences only.

New OPS Office Uniform Archive

AD Kessler

16 December, 1999 18:54
The OPS Office recently unveiled the new Operations Office Medal and Uniform Archive. Brand new uniform templates are available for all ranks and almost all of the medals are now available with updated (or in some cases) completely new graphics. A lot of work has gone into this project, it's well worth a look.

tiecorps.org name transferred to the new server

HA Kawolski

16 December, 1999 15:47

Network Solutions / Internic has transferred the tiecorps.org domain to the new server. In about 24-48 hours from now, everyone will be able to access this page using http://www.tiecorps.org instead of

Catch-up day!

HA Kawolski

16 December, 1999 12:06
...for me anyway. I've still got e-mail from early December in my box that I still need to tend to. Tonight, I'll get around to answering it all. After tonight, I'll have one final exam left. On Sunday, I'll begin with the database updates. I'm going to start recoding some of the stuff on here to try to get a bit of a speed boost and make things run a bit more efficiently here.

I received lots of great suggestions for improving the database, and during the second half of December, I'm going to try to code in some of those things. I'm also looking into making some changes for the domain to improve the overall look for Year 2000. We've had the same layout and color scheme for almost a year and while it has worked out great, it's getting to be a bit old. :)

One thing that happened is that I ran out of nice banners to post on the main tiecorps.org page. If you're good with graphics and want to make a TIE Corps banner for the front page, e-mail me at absurefire@aol.com.

Also, I've received mixed results about the new server. Some people say it's slower than LCO, others say it's just about the same, and some say it's a huge improvement. According to the people at Web Burner, they're doing some weird things with the servers over the next few days which, they say, will attribute to things running a bit slower than usual. Fortunately, I have a backup server to move to if Web Burner doesn't pull through, but since I already paid for a month here and the setup fee, I might as well give this place a try.

The moving of the actual domain name, tiecorps.org, is proving to be much more complicated than expected. Hopefully, it'll be moved by this weekend.

I just wanted to give everyone a heads-up of what's going on lately. I'll keep everyone posted of any new developments or progress.

New Commodore of the ISD Intrepid Appointed

AD Kessler

15 December, 1999 14:00
After reviewing a shortlist of three extremely highly recommended applicants, Vice Admiral Sarok, Battlegroup Commander of the Aggressor Strike Force has selected Captain TopDawg as the new Commodore of the ISD Intrepid. He is therefore promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral and begins his new duties immediately. Congratulations, Rear Admiral!

Server problems

HA Kawolski

14 December, 1999 13:33
Ok...some new problems have seemed to arise as a result of the move. Currently, the server this database sits on is being worked on by the admins at Web Burner, so for the next 15-20 minutes, expect the domain to move rather slowly.

Sending mail appears to be a problem. If you're a Cadet and you recently filled out the Assignment form and you don't receive a request within 48 hours, please let High Admiral Kawolski and Admiral Kessler know of the problem.

Missing pictures and broken links might appear as well...if you find any, report them to High Admiral Kawolski.

Broken Access Counters

HA Kawolski

14 December, 1999 02:27

I'm aware that the access counters don't work at this moment. This will be fixed later today.

Move Complete!

HA Kawolski

14 December, 1999 02:27
Until Network Solutions gets off their lazy butts and makes the appropriate changes to the tiecorps.org domain name, we're stuck using only the IP address of this server to access the database. It's a temporary setback, but necessary.

There MIGHT be a few additional problems that might come up with this being a new server and all. If you find any, report them immediately to High Admiral Kawolski. Please send some feedback, regardless, on how the new site works. Is it faster? Do pages load more quickly? Do requests take a long time to process? ...and so forth.


HA Kawolski

13 December, 1999 21:28

Well, we have a small problem. I can't download the database files from LCO Internet's server. They're pretty big files and the FTP server keeps timing out. I'll try again tomorrow morning around 4am or 5am when the bandwidth is better. Meanwhile, the database is online and operational once again until then.

TIE Corps Database shut down

HA Kawolski

13 December, 1999 19:50

The move has begun...for the next few hours, the database is officially shut down. Please hold on to your medal, BSF, and roster requests until the database is online again.

Database moving tonight

HA Kawolski

13 December, 1999 15:57
Late night tonight, the TIE Corps database will be moving to its new server...regardless if Network Solutions transfers the tiecorps.org domain name in time. During the move, expect the database to be completely offline for at least two hours.

Before the move, you my make medal requests, fill out BSFs, and carry on as usual. The database files will be transferred (which accounts for the long downtime) so anything done on here will NOT be lost when the database moves to a new server.

The earliest time the database/domain will move will be 9pm tonight, Eastern Time.

AlliED v1.2 released

HA Kawolski

12 December, 1999 15:51
Troy Dangerfield released AlliED v1.2 today for registered users. New features include better XvT->XWA importing capability and a goal summary window. More details can be found at the AlliED homepage at http://homepages.picknowl.com.au/troyd/.

tiecorps.org moving on Monday

HA Kawolski

12 December, 1999 06:45

Because of the problem with the domain being offline for almost 24 hours over the weekend, I have no choice but the relocate as soon as possible. While I haven't had the time to do extensive testing with some of the "newer" features the new web hosting service has, at this point in time, it can't be delayed any longer as the domain must move ASAP because having this website offline for over 24 hours, the slow bandwidth, and the tiecorps.org e-mail problems are no longer tolerable. I'll be making arrangements to have the tiecorps.org name transferred immediately Monday morning.

Outer Rim Melee Night Results - Total Victory!

LC Havoc

12 December, 1999 05:39
X-Wing Alliance Division
Awesome flying! The EH almost had a shut out but the RSers managed 2 wins at the end.

EH IQPierce vs RS Savage T/I 11-8, EH Wins!
EH Dras Hempor vs RS Jerico T/I 5-0, EH Wins!
EH Priyum vs RS Rave T/I 11-1, EH Wins!
EH IQpierce vs RS Savage T/I 13-7, EH Wins!
EH Priyum vs RS Savage T/Is, 8-5 EH Wins!
EH Havoc vs RS Raze 18-5, EH Wins!
EH IQpierce vs RS Jeric X-W's 12-10, EH win!
EH Kaerner vs RS Ob-1 Xwings 11-3 EH Wins!
EH Havoc vs RS Sentry T/I 8-6, EH Wins!
EH Dras Hempor vs RS Savage z-95's 6-4 EH Wins!
EH_Kelric vs RS_Rave 22-12 EH Wins!
EH IQPierce vs RS Savage T/F vs Z-95 13-5, EH WIns!
RS Sentry vs. EH CorranH T/I 17-10 RS Wins
RS Sentry vs. IQPierce T/F 17-11, RS Wins!
EH Dras Hempor vs RS Savage x/w's 5-4 EH Wins!

EH-13 | RS- 2 | TIE- 0

X-Wing vs TIE Fighter Division
Another great night of flying. Here are the results:

Trate vs. Kelric T/I's 9-7, RS wins
EH_Shups vs `Kaz T/I 11-11 Tie
EH_Smit vs `Kaz T/I 11-11 Tie
EH_Tiger vs. AceRS 15-8 T/I EH wins!
EH SHups vs LightRS 19-11 T/I EH Wins!
EH ShadowXX vs RS JSolus 27-13 X/W's, EH Wins!
EH_Shups vs `Kaz T/I 17-17 Tie!
RS Myst vs EH Smit 14-13 T/I's, RS Wins!
RS Trate vs EH Slage 21-12 T/I's, RS Wins!
EH Kaerner vs RS Light 25-10 X/W's, EH Wins!
RS PM vs EH Tiger 30-13 Z-95's, RS Wins!
EH Shups vs RS Shiel 17-11, EH Wins!
RS Ace vs EH Smit 15-11 Y/W vs T/A, RS Wins!
EH Spaceboy vs RS Myst 24-13 T/F's, EH Wins!
RS Nils vs EH Tiger 14-7 T/F's, RS Wins!
RS Light vs EH Smit 12-9 T/I's, RS Wins!
EH Slage vs RS PM 11-11 T/I vs Y/W, Tie!
EH Shups vs RS Shiel 15-9 T/I's, EH Wins!
RS Myst vs EH DaWurm 17-1 X/W vs T/A, RS Wins!
EH Spaceboy vs RS Kaz 28-16 T/F's, EH Wins!
EH Slage vs RS Death 24-13 T/I's, EH Wins!
LtComShik and EH_Dawurm X/W to T/A 4-4 TIE
EH_Shups vs `Myst 33-7 TIs Ehwins
RJDWolf and EH_Dawurm Y to T/I 17-3 RS Wins
EH Shups vs RS PM T/A vs YW 14-11, EH Wins!
RS Kaz vs EH_DaWURM 30-5 T/Is RS Wins
EH Slage vs RS Shiel T/I 20-11, RS Wins!
EH Rich vs RS Aedis AW vs YW 10-4, EH Wins!
EH Shups vs RS Likott T/I 13-12, EH Wins!
EH Kermee vs RS Light T/I 16-12, EH Wins!
Shik vs EH DaWurn XWs 12-4, RS Wins!
EH Corrin vs RS Myst T/I 18-11, EH Wins!

EH- 15 | RS- 11 | TIE- 4

New Battles!

HA Kawolski

09 December, 1999 23:10
The following new battles have been released to the fleet:

  • IW-TIE Battle #21: Operation B-Wings Collection
  • IW-BoP Battle #21: Operation B-Wings Collection

All battles are available to download at the Emperor's Hammer Battle Center.

Updated Battles

HA Kawolski

09 December, 1999 20:10
The following Free Missions have been added to the database:

  • FREE-TIE Anakin #1
  • FREE-TIE Crandall #1
  • FREE-TIE Ja24 #2
  • FREE-TIE JFortin #1

The following battles have been updated:

  • TC-TIE Battle #19
  • TC-TIE Battle #33
  • TC-TIE Battle #34
  • TC-TIE Battle #104

All these are available to download at the Emperor's Hammer Battle Center.

Avenger Wing I Wing Commander Appointed

AD Kessler

08 December, 1999 18:59
Captain Shups, former Commander of Crusader Squadron has been selected as the new Wing Commander of SSD Avenger Wing I. He is therefore promoted to the rank of Major and assumes the duties of Wing Commander today. Congratulations, Major!

XvT-XWA Competition Canceled

CPT Shups

08 December, 1999 00:01

Due to the lack of response to the XvT-XWA competition started by WC Ace Pilot, which was passed to me last week, I have decided to cancel the entire competiton. In the future, if a competition like this is tried, we will need to have a better system of organization. Feel free to e-mail me with any thoughts you may have. In the mean time, there is the EH Ladder to help you decide who is the best in either category....Good luck!

Over 1000 custom missions online!

HA Kawolski

07 December, 1999 22:28
With the approval of the latest battles, the Emperor's Hammer has a total of 1,021 custom X-Wing, TIE Fighter, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, and X-Wing Alliance missions online and available for members to play and download!

TC Battlegroups IRC Meetings

VA Ricaud

07 December, 1999 17:41

That's right folks, it's the revival of the old Battlegroups IRC Meetings from Sunday 12th December, TIE Corps Battlegroups meetings will be taking place in #BG_II on the Undernet at 8.00pm GMT every week. Expect all the usual IRC meeting happenings ... news, announcements, trivia, open floors, etc. All SSSD Sovereign and Aggressor Strike Fleet personnel are also
invited. Be there!

New Commodore of the SSD Avenger Appointed

AD Kessler

07 December, 1999 14:43
Major Firefox, former Wing Commander of the ISD Grey Wolf's Wing XIII, has been promoted the rank of Rear Admiral and appointed the new Commodore of the Flagship of the Dark Brotherhood - the SSD Avenger. This move is part of a general shake up of the SSD's Command Structure, initiated by Grand Master Thedek and fully supported by the TIE Corps Flight Office. Rear Admiral Firefox's first order of business is to appoint a new Wing Commander for SSD Avenger Wing I.

New Feature In Testing

HA Kawolski

07 December, 1999 12:49
Now that the squadron roster change forms appear to be working properly, I have activated the roster change forms for Wings, Ships, and Battlegroups. Please report any problems using these forms to High Admiral Kawolski.

Database fixes

HA Kawolski

07 December, 1999 12:35

A bug with the Squadron Roster Change form that didn't allow some people to change their squadron's message board URL through the form has been fixed.

TO Comp 5 starts

HA Astatine

06 December, 1999 04:10
The fifth Training Office Competition has started. Details are available at http://www.impstar.net/to/comp5/

New Battles!

HA Kawolski

05 December, 1999 19:02
The following new battles have been released to the fleet:

  • TC-TIE Battle #124: Rebel Tenacity
  • TC-TIE Battle #125: Operation 'Silent Scream'
  • TC-TIE Battle #126: Strategic Termination
  • TC-TIE Battle #127: Making a New SSD
  • TC-TIE Battle #128: Operation Yridia Alpha
  • FREE-TIE: Omicron Squadron Reload
  • FREE-TIE: Destroy Rebel Morale Event
  • FREE-TIE: Shin Squadron's Ambush
  • FREE-TIE: The Nightshift

All battles are available to download at the Emperor's Hammer Battle Center.

Formal Warning from the Flight Officer

AD Kessler

05 December, 1999 18:00

Recent recruitment activities on behalf of TIE Corps Members who are also members of our allied club - The Imperial Order, have been brought to the attention of the Flight Office by the commanding officer of the Imperial Order. TIE Corps pilots are hereby reminded that it is an offence to encourage members of allied Clubs to leave their positions to join the Emperor's Hammer. Future offences of this nature will be dealt with by the Security Officer.

New Battlegroup Commander of the Aggressor Strike Force

AD Kessler

05 December, 1999 17:12
The Combat Operations Officer - Admiral Darkov today relinquished the additional duties of Battlegroup Commander of the Aggressor Strike Force and passed the reins of command over to Rear Admiral Sarok, Commodore of the Imperial Class Star Destroyer Intrepid. Rear Admiral Sarok is hereby promoted the rank of Vice Admiral and assumes the duties and responsibilities of the Battlegroup Commander. Admiral Darkov retains the position of Combat Operations Officer. Applications for the position of Commodore of the ISD Intrepid should be sent to Vice Admiral Sarok

Grand Order of the Emperor Awarded to TIE Corps Pilot

AD Kessler

05 December, 1999 16:59
Major Joe of Resh Squadron was today awarded the coveted Grand Order of the Emperor for his work in getting the Emperor's Hammer reviewed and awarded four stars by the Web Galactic Newsletter. An excerpt of their review follows:

The Emperor's Hammer provides a great springboard for someone interested in Star Wars gaming. Alliances of the EH or "interclubs" are specialized unions of members, and are based on either message boards, IRC (internet relay chat), e-mail, or through affiliated web sites. These provide forums for people who may not have the computer games (such as an individual like myself) but who still want to be a part of the RPG/Star Wars Universe alliance. Emperor's Hammer has been mentioned in quite a few magazines as well, and boasts over 36,000 hits, so the universe of Emperor's Hammer is vast and engulfing, enough to completely immerse everyone from novice to serious Star Wars gamer.
The site can be a bit overwhelming at first...leaving someone unfamiliar with the site saying to themselves, "Oh, no, where do I click first?" while their finger hovers over the mouse button. It's quite a bit to digest in one sitting, for as one keeps clicking, new doors are opened, new intricacies unfold, revealing a veritable universe of a website.

For anyone serious about gaming, this site is a great way to connect with other gamers in a creative and fun way. You can become someone else, you can be competitive, you are in the game. The only difference between this and reality is that you'll keep on living even after those pesky TIE fighters blast you into oblivion.

Site rating: ****

Combat Operations Office Goes Online

AD Kessler

05 December, 1999 16:46
Admiral Darkov unveils the Combat Operations Office. The new site features a 'Challenge the EH' Page where rival clubs can officially challenge the EH, from whole Wings down to individual pilots, to online combat using the full variety of Lucasarts Star Wars games.

AlliED v1.1 released

HA Kawolski

05 December, 1999 13:31
Troy Dangerfield released AlliED v1.1 today for registered users. The biggest new feature is the wave selector to allow people to choose in-game radio .wav files to play in custom missions. More details can be found at the AlliED homepage at http://homepages.picknowl.com.au/troyd/.

EH Victory at Melee Night!

AD Kessler

05 December, 1999 09:58
COOA/Lieutenant Colonel Havoc reports the following on Melee Night for 12/4/99:

RS Agace vs EH_Tiger TI 17-13 RS Win
RS Fishion vs EH Andrew 11-7 RS Wins
RS Shik vs EH_Smit 18-8 X/Ws RS WINS
EH_Tiger vs. RS Orian 10-6 Z-95's EH wins
RS Trate vs EH ATX T/I's 14-13 RS Wins
EH Kelric vs RS Cris Null 8-5 XWs EH Wins
EH Shups vs RS Don-Qui T/I 10-8, EH Wins
EH Keiran vs RS Nils T/I 19-18, RS Wins
RS Agace vs EH_Goose TI 30-10 RS Wins
EH Zsinj vs RS Orian XWs 13-16, EH Wins
RS Fision vs EH DarkRA 31-23, XWs RS Wins
RS Trate vs EH Kermee in T/I's 12-6 EH Wins
EH_Tiger vs Cris Null T/I 17-10 RS Wins
EH ATX vs RS Shik Disqual, RS Wins
EH Goose vs RS Trate T/I 9-6, EH Wins
RS Fishion vs EH LT-DarkRa 34-31, Z-95s RS wins
EH Keiran vs RS Cris T/I 14-9, EH Wins
EH_Tiger vs. RS-DEATH T/A 11-3 EH Wins
RSCHornJR Vs. EH_SMit 15-13 T/I's RS Wins
EH Shups vs RS Orain T/I 22-12, EH WIns
RS CHornJr vs EH Smit T/I 15-13, RS Wins
EH Zsinj vs RS Executer T/I, 22-2 RS Wins
EH Rich vs RS Kino XW 13-9, EH Wins
EH ATX vs RS Force99x T/A 6-1, EH Wins
EH Shups vs RS Death TA vs XW 17-9, EH Wins
EH Kermee vs RS Cris Null T/F 18-11, EH Wins
RS Shik vs EH_Smit 24-11 T/Fs RS Wins
EH Slage vs RS Ace 22-18 T/I's, EH Wins
EH Tiger vs RS Trate T/I 22-8, RS Wins
EH Shups vs AceRS T/I 22-17, EH Wins
EH Spaceboy vs RS CHornJr T/F 6-5, RS Wins
EH ShadowXX vs RS Shik 11-9 X/W's, EH Wins
EH Rich vs RS Death XW 28-14, EH Wins
EH Shups vs RS AceRS T/Is 16-15, EH Wins
EH Spaceboy vs PM TA vs Y 12-15 RS Wins
EH Shups vs Bigfoot T/I 14-12, EH Wins
EH Spaceboy vs LCM_Alex 21-18 TI's EH Wins

Final Results - EH-20 | RS- 17 | TIE- 0

Legions of Combat or the appropriate add-on will be awarded to all Imperial Victors. Well done guys!

XvT-XWA Competition Update

CPT Shups

04 December, 1999 23:38

The XVT competition that has been ongoing for several weeks will finally end Sunday, December 5th at 8pm EST on the zone in the Tournament room for XvT. As this was Ace Pilots competition first, I believe I have emailed all participants and even some who were not in it have emailed me. We will finish all matches during this time and if the participation is too low, it will be canceled. The XWA part of this Competition will be announced next week. If you haven't previously signed up for this and would like to join in, just show up. There are numerous pilots who have still not finished their first match. Anyone in the EH is welcome to come!

tiecorps.org moving to a new server

HA Kawolski

03 December, 1999 17:26
I'd like to apologize for the domain as of late. I, myself, am experiencing problems accessing pages, sending mail, and using the database. One of the biggest complaints is that the page is slow because the bandwidth is horrible. I couldn't agree more. I don't know if it's LCO Internet's problem or their Internet provider or whatever...at this point I don't really care. All I know is that it takes too much time to do database updates via FTP, BSF/Medal notices sometimes don't get mailed out, Cadets can't fill out join forms because of timeouts, and sometimes I can't even check my own news site without waiting for a minute for the 23k page to load up *without* the graphics!

These aren't isolated incidents. I believe I have been with LCO Internet for close to a year...however long tiecorps.org has been in existence...and have experienced them periodically over that time. It wasn't until recent the problem has gotten bad I was forced to find a new hosting service for tiecorps.org. The switch may happen as early as this weekend or as late as next week...depending how well the new site does.

IW Battle Sorted

HA Kawolski

02 December, 1999 19:11
I never got around to it before (and thanks Captain Atrus for reminding and helping me with it), but the Infiltrator Wing battle listings are now split up and sorted appropriately by platform rather than grouped together.

New Battle Mirror

HA Kawolski

01 December, 1999 19:12
Courtesy of RaptorNet Systems and Captain Turtle, the EH Battle Center has a new mirror available to download battles from!

Updated Battles

HA Kawolski

01 December, 1999 18:42
Project Phoenix has released the following updated battles:

  • TC-TIE #12
  • TC-TIE #13
  • TC-TIE #14
  • TC-TIE #16
  • TC-TIE #18
  • TC-TIE #53
  • TC-TIE #101

EH Poll News

AD Manesh

01 December, 1999 12:57
There are currently three polls open right now. EH Poll #44 and EH Poll #45 are continued from last week, and EH Poll #46 is a new one. I'm always looking for ideas, so if you have em, email em. The EH Polling Center can be found at http://ehpoll.tsx.org.