TIE-F 219: The Rush

Battle Information

Game platform: TIE Fighter
Missions: 1
Release date: 2003-04-17
Last updated: 2003-09-10


Average rating 3.0
Reviews: 3
Bug reports: 0
Times completed: 83
Patches used: None

Battle Reviews

This mission is a piece of s. Shooting down waves and waves of Z-95s is not very new, but perhaps it would have been mildly entertaining, *if* the designer had not ruined it by the decision to send in totally overpowered (and uncalled for) reinforcements after 5 minutes which will then do all the work and leave you being frustrated and asking yourself what you are doing in the mission in the first place. Then there's the ISD's arrival shortly after, which makes TIE-CD crash due to wrongly set orders, completing the utter crappyness of this mission. And then, if I wasn't down to a zero rating already, I'd probably deduct even more points just for the creator giving his own "masterpiece" a rating of 5. I don't know whether to feel disgusted or just sorry for him. There are more five-minute-job missions on the compendium, but this is clearly one of the worst, and with a 200+ number it's not even an oldie! There is just no excuse for this "mission". Neither is there any reason to play it.

You'll just love to kill waves and *waves* of Z-95s... you know you *want* to do it... they are such an easy prey... muhahahahaha!!

Amazing! Awesome! Critically acclaimed! A must-fly! --> Warning - not suitable for children under the age of 3, persons with medical conditions, or anyone who doesn't like beating the crap out of lots and lots of Z-95's. :P

Battle Bug Reports

There are currently no open bug reports for this battle.

High Scores

Mission: 67,700 CM Infamus

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 67,700 CM Infamus 2003-07-07
2 66,064 CM Dukimar 2003-06-17
3 65,733 MAJ Prost Varsis 2003-07-12
4 64,802 CM Cahir 2003-05-06
5 64,570 MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana 2022-07-03
6 64,404 LCM Cheriss Ke Hanadi 2003-07-09
7 64,236 CM Kahooli 2003-09-03
8 62,303 HA Daniel Bonini 2004-09-16
9 61,749 CPT Rover 2003-07-23
10 60,758 CM Darius Hunter 2004-08-21

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 80 pilots a total of 82 times.

GN Abel Malik - 2004-08-27

LC Ace Hobbes

SL Alejandro Araujo - 2023-04-20

CPT Alexi Stukov - 2003-07-31

SL Alphafoxtrot1 - 2004-08-15

HA Anahorn Dempsey

COL Angel

AD Apophis Kuma

CM Arne Saknussem

GN Brian - 2004-08-23

CM Cahir - 2003-05-06

COL Carl Lost - 2003-05-24

LCM Cheriss Ke Hanadi - 2003-07-09

LC Chris McCollum - 2003-07-19

LC Curtis - 2003-04-29

COL D. T. Hammer

LC Daisuke Airyu - 2004-08-20

HA Daniel Bonini - 2004-09-16

CM Darius Hunter - 2004-08-21

COL DarkC - 2003-07-14

CPT Darky - 2003-08-20

Darth Vader

GN Dax Corrin - 2004-08-23

CM Dukimar - 2003-06-17

GN Elwood the Brave - 2 times, last on 2021-04-06

CPT Firzam Coldsteel - 2004-07-08

LC Frey Gallandro - 2003-07-31

HA Frodo March - 2003-06-22

AD Gidda - 2005-01-20

CPT Great Griffin

CM Gward

COL Gyssler

MAJ Hermann

MAJ Hunter - 2003-05-23

CM Infamus - 2003-07-07

CM J'Lek Arcanos - 2004-06-21

COL Jer Stryker - 2004-08-23

CM Kahooli - 2003-09-03

GN Kaisin Mirtez

MAJ KEBLAOMEGA - 2024-07-25

LCM Korvyn Halcyon

VA Locke Setzer - 2003-07-18

CM Lonestar - 2005-01-20

COL Loor - 2003-05-09


FA Marcin Szydlowski

GN Mark Schueler - 2010-11-17

GN Master - 2003-07-30

MAJ Mauser - 2003-08-20

CPT Morpheus

LC Murleen

CPT Ninj Prefect - 2003-10-16

LCM Nom Ramadon - 2003-06-09

HA Pete Mitchell - 2020-08-14

VA Philo

FA Pickled Yoda

MAJ Prost Varsis - 2003-07-12

GN Rancorous

AD Ranthier Khaen - 2003-08-07

CPT Rover - 2003-07-23

LCM Ryan - 2003-07-19

LC Savageaz - 2003-05-21

LC Scuslem

CM Sergeyli - 2009-08-16

COL Shae Kitane - 2003-04-27

LT Teliis Laehrin

LC Tempest

VA Thomas Nitecki - 2003-05-15

LCM Thorper

CPT Tiamat - 2004-08-17

AD TK-2107 - 2004-08-17

COL Torres - 2004-09-19

LT Tpyo - 2003-04-29

CPT Tvan'Oris - 2003-07-21

CPT Viper - 2004-08-22

FA Viper Pred

MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana - 2 times, last on 2022-07-03

LT Zjon

VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles

COL Zystem Fryar - 2003-05-07

Title: The Rush
Missions: 1
Medal: Medal of Onslaught
Game Platform: TIE
Author: FM-MAG/CPT Mage/Vortex 1-2/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf

Required patches
* none

Installation instructions
1] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle
2] Check the Misc folder in your TIE95 one for additional material like patches, sounds etc.
3] Press the TIE Fighter button on the EHBL to start the game
4] Create a new pilot and fly the first battle

This mission was designed as a vague recreation of the third Terran StarCraft mission.  It tests the player's ability to withstand a sustained attack by weaker units - or, in this case, fighters.

While many people are rather opposed to the "killkillkill" style of mission, this mission tests the player's ability to take on a huge ratio of enemies.  It's a good mission for scoring, and makes for excellent competitions.  For those who don't want to venture for high scores, just keep alive until the time when reinforcements arrive. ;)