XW-F 2: ASF: Avenger vs. Gray

Battle Information

Game platform: X-Wing
Missions: 1
Release date: 2003-01-21
Last updated: 2003-10-02

HA Ender mBind

Average rating 2.0
Reviews: 3
Bug reports: 2
Times completed: 31
Patches used: None

Battle Reviews

Ehh. it should be straight forward. But having to wait for the squadron to leave and ISD is boring.
Good in theory, boring execution.

I think this mission is fine. I'm not opposed to doing different versions of the same mission across platforms - in fact I think that can be a bit fun. But there's definitely a power imbalance on this one, making it a bit easy. I'd give it a three, but I had to manually send home all of the T/As in order to get the ship moving and going home - something I don't like having to do! So I'll dock a point for that but otherwise did find it enjoyable if also too easy

This mission is a recreation of XWA skirmish. Exact one... There's even a skirmish file for XWA attached to the mission .zip. This begs to ask why does it even exist? It has no plot, nothing special about it. Just a head on fight. On the plus side it's very quick to complete. 1 point for the effort...

Battle Bug Reports

GN Master


You do seem to die randomly in the XWCD version.
It worked fine in the GoG version. But twice i died with nothing touching me randomly.

CM scottrick


Crashed while playing twice, towards the end of the mission. Using XWINGCD.

High Scores

Mission: 23,283 LCM Artur Knight

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 23,283 LCM Artur Knight 2003-10-08
2 20,407 CPT Matu Vonnegut 2023-06-18
3 16,799 LCM Marek Ny`Irfa 2020-09-16
4 12,474 FA Pickled Yoda 2021-10-12
5 12,431 VA Locke Setzer 2023-03-07
6 11,075 HA Anahorn Dempsey 2014-11-28
7 10,646 FA Khadgar 2003-02-16
8 10,594 COL Shae Kitane 2003-03-26
9 9,763 CPT Great Griffin 2004-09-11
10 9,599 MAJ KEBLAOMEGA 2024-05-01

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 30 pilots a total of 31 times.

X-Wing Combat Mission

Battle Name:     "ASF Combat Collection" version 1.1
Created By:      SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign
Release Date:    18/jan/2003
Ships:           X-Wing
SP Missions:	 1 including briefing
XWA Skirmishes:	 1
Medal:		 the ASF Combat Medal
Filename:        XWavengervsgray.zip
File contents:   Waistem.BRF, Waistem.XWI, readme.txt

note: the original mission files will be overwritten, back up any files with the same

XWing CD: 
1: Download and install XCD from the SCO Site (http://sco.minos.net), files archive, the edittors 
	section. (6k.) This will let you run custom missions. There is a full guide available
	at the SCO site as well.
2. Put Waistem.BRF and Waistem.XWI in your new "C:\Mission" folder and use XCD to start X-Wing CD.
3. Create a new pilot based on your pin and the battle's type and name. For example: 2883tc01.plt if
	I would be flying the first XW-TC battle.
4. Fly the first "Historical Combat" mission for the "X-Wing".

XWing 95/disk:
1. Run full install of the game so the mission files will be on your hard drive. The game will take 
	it's mission information by preference from the harddisc, but might still give a warning. In 
	that case - Ignore. 
2. Locate your X-W Directory and open the folder labeled "Mission", or "Classic" in X-W95. 
	Copy the *.xwi, *.brf files of the custom battle into it. 
3. Create a new pilot based on your pin and the battle's type and name. For example: 2883tc01.plt if
	I would be flying the first XW-TC battle.
4. Fly the first "Historical Combat" mission for the "X-Wing".

This mission was originally created as a part of the "ASF: Combat Collection" for XvT. For
X-Wing the VSDs have been replaced by unshielded ISDs.

Story Line
MISSION: "Avenger Squadron vs Gray Squadron"
Imperial Squadron Avenger and Rebel Squadron Gray face off in an asteroid field
near the Minos Cluster. Both are equiped with a VSD Command ship and  X-Wing Bombers!
Which Squadron will survive with its Command ship still intact? And how many fighters 
will that cost?

You need X-W CD or '95, as far as i know no other patches are needed. I cannot assure it will run on 
X-W disk as it might exceed its maximum craft amounts. You'd need the B-Wing and Imperial Pursuit
add-ons to play.
The added XWA Skirmish version is an extra and only added for those with XWA that would enjoy this
mission in Multiplay. XvT Players wanting to do the same can extract the combat version out of
XvT-FCHG#1, its mission 2.

SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign