TFTC-TC 2: Anti-Rogue Squadron: The Bacta War

Battle Information

Game platform: TIE Fighter Total Conversion for XWA
Missions: 9
Release date: 2024-06-10
Last updated: 2024-06-10
Average rating 5.0
Reviews: 5
Bug reports: 2
Times completed: 10
Patches used: None
Download Wav pack
Thyferran Campaign Medal
Battle Medal:
Thyferran Campaign Medal

This battle is based upon the story laid out in the books X-Wing: The Krytos Trap and X-Wing: The Bacta War by Michael A Stackpole. The events of the books have necessarily changed due to the Emperor's Hammer's involvement during the first two books - see TFTC-TC #1.

Battle Reviews

Loved the Story, amazing fights, great mission, as always I am looking forward to the next

Everything in this battle is great, period. The story is great, the mission design is great, the briefings and debriefings are great, radio messages are great...

There's basically nothing in this battle that is not superior or on par to anything else I have seen in the Battle Center, a truly great adaptation of the original novels which uses all the power of TFTC and modding to show how great and alive the Star Wars flight simulators are even today.

Special mention to Space Emus and Drop Bears all over the battle. In the middle of all seriousness of the events of the story, some of the mails received and chatter during the missions really made me laugh (...I swear I'm going to start using space emus for Calamari Cruisers from now on...) Also the backdrops are gorgeous, and the view of the Lusankya in any of the missions it shows up really takes your breath away.

The only things I would have wished for are more humane voices with more emotion in them, though they are still great as they are, and being able to distinguish fighters properly against clear backdrops (like in the last battle). Still, that's just wishlisting.

Make yourself a favor a play this battle, it's amonsgt the best the EH has at the time of this writing. And don't play on easy! (I made a mistake and did so, realized too late) The battle on easy is likely to diminish the fun of the experience!

Like TFTC-TC #1 before it, this is essentially a director's cut of two XWA battles (XWA-TC #72 and XWA-TC #73) with a bonus mission added to the mix, using all the bells and whistles available in TFTC to really elevate it to the best possible experience you can have with these missions. I love the concept and the execution and, most importantly, the upgrade to TFTC, which really lets these missions shine. Once again, this is the definitive way to play these missions, and for my money it makes for another wonderful addition to the compendium.

Amazing work, looks fantastic from start to finish with TFTC drastically improving the XWA version. Sullust Station was fantastic and looked almost alive. Eos and the low orbit locations including Aurora and Courscant look particularly amazing.
The skins, voices, video, email and other custom additions make it extra special. Even includes a fun YT2000 and XW mission. Fly it now. PAR!

As Frodo said, PAR!

I think this battle is great. It is definitely a challenge on some missions but not an insurmountable one, at least on Medium. Be sure to check out the Wraith Squadron battles that follow from this one.

Battle Bug Reports

CPT Jagged Fell III


Wreckage of the gozonti doesn't make it all the way to the cruiser. Should be switched to an escape pod

CPT Jagged Fell III


M6: Extra "Davis" at the end of Jagged's first line
M8: Virulence has the Challenge Skin active

High Scores

Battle Total: 272,495 CM Vanguard88 2024-06-13
Mission 1: 71,773 CM Vanguard88 2024-06-13
Mission 2: 8,510 CM Vanguard88 2024-06-13
Mission 3: 19,154 CM Vanguard88 2024-06-13
Mission 4: 26,594 CM Vanguard88 2024-06-13
Mission 5: 59,308 CM Vanguard88 2024-06-13
Mission 6: 6,400 CM Vanguard88 2024-06-13
Mission 7: 13,392 CM Vanguard88 2024-06-13
Mission 8: 29,558 CM Vanguard88 2024-06-13
Mission 9: 37,806 CM Vanguard88 2024-06-13

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 272,495 CM Vanguard88 2024-06-13
2 111,649 CPT Jagged Fell III 2024-06-10
3 54,634 VA Locke Setzer 2024-06-14
4 54,539 CM Odin Strongheart 2024-07-23
5 53,358 FA Pickled Yoda 2024-06-10
6 50,629 LT Rosh Nyine 2024-06-20
7 6,724 MAJ KEBLAOMEGA 2024-06-22

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 8 pilots a total of 10 times.

CPT Jagged Fell III - 2 times, last on 2024-06-10

MAJ KEBLAOMEGA - 2024-06-22

VA Locke Setzer - 2024-06-14

GN Master - 2024-06-10

CM Odin Strongheart - 2024-07-23

FA Pickled Yoda - 2024-06-10

LT Rosh Nyine - 2024-06-20

CM Vanguard88 - 2 times, last on 2024-06-13

Title               : Anti-Rogue Squadron: The Bacta War
Author              : FL-TACA/CM Jagged Fell III/Typhoon 3-1/Wing X/ISDII Challenge/Battlegroup III
Platform            : TFTC-R v1.3.4
Number of missions  : 9
Medal               : Thyferran Campaign Medal

Required patches

Installation instructions

--Backup Files--

1] Create a backup of the following original files so that you will be able to restore them after


--Optional Item Installation--

2] To use the custom BG3 Crests, install the following files in the indicated locations:

\fronttext.txt                 >>>> \TFTC\
\Frontres\Tour\squad5.cbm      >>>> \TFTC\Frontres\Tour\
\Frontres\Tour\squad6.cbm      >>>> \TFTC\Frontres\Tour\
\Frontres\Tour\squad7.cbm      >>>> \TFTC\Frontres\Tour\
\Frontres\Tour\squad8.cbm      >>>> \TFTC\Frontres\Tour\

3] To use the custom battle medal, install the following files in the indicated locations:

\MedalsDescriptions.txt        >>>> \TFTC\
\Frontres\Medals\Battle0.cbm   >>>> \TFTC\Frontres\Medals\
\Frontres\Medals\LBattle0.cbm  >>>> \TFTC\Frontres\Medals\
\Frontres\Medals\MEDALS.txt    >>>> \TFTC\Frontres\Medals\
\Movies\Ceremony.mp4           >>>> \TFTC\Movies\

4] To install custom audio files copy the Wave folder into the \TFTC\ root directory.

5] To install custom ship skins with unit patches copy the \FlightModels\Skins folder into the
   \TFTC\FlightModels directory.

--Manual Installation--

6] To install custom TIE Advanced stat profile copy the \FlightModels\TieAvenger.ini into the
   \TFTC\FlightModels folder

7] To install custom emails, copy the email file from the zip folder into the \TFTC\Missions folder

8] To install the missions, copy the mission.lst and mission files with config files from the zip folder into the 
   \TFTC\Missions folder

9] Use Included Blank Pilot File

10] To install custom Backdrops copy \Resdata\Planet_AR2.dat into the \TFTC\Resdata folder

--Uninstall Steps--

11] If you installed the briefing audio files, you MUST delete and restore the custom WAVE/Frontend folders, otherwise
   the briefing audio will play during every custom EH Battle.

\TFTC\WAVE\Frontend\B20M1 >>>> delete
\TFTC\WAVE\Frontend\B20M2 >>>> delete
\TFTC\WAVE\Frontend\B20M3 >>>> delete
\TFTC\WAVE\Frontend\B20M4 >>>> delete
\TFTC\WAVE\Frontend\B20M5 >>>> delete
\TFTC\WAVE\Frontend\B20M6 >>>> delete
\TFTC\WAVE\Frontend\B20M7 >>>> delete
\TFTC\WAVE\Frontend\B20M8 >>>> delete
\TFTC\WAVE\Frontend\B20M9 >>>> delete

12] Restore the following from your backup:

\TFTC\fronttext.txt                 >>>> restore
\TFTC\MedalsDescriptions.txt        >>>> restore
\TFTC\FlightModels\TieAvenger.ini   >>>> restore
\TFTC\Frontres\Medals\Battle0.cbm   >>>> restore
\TFTC\Frontres\Medals\LBattle0.cbm  >>>> restore
\TFTC\Frontres\Medals\MEDALS.txt    >>>> restore
\TFTC\Frontres\Tour\squad5.cbm      >>>> restore
\TFTC\Frontres\Tour\squad6.cbm      >>>> restore
\TFTC\Frontres\Tour\squad7.cbm      >>>> restore
\TFTC\Frontres\Tour\squad8.cbm      >>>> restore
\TFTC\Missions\email.txt            >>>> restore
\TFTC\Missions\Mission.lst          >>>> restore
\TFTC\Movies\Ceremony.mp4           >>>> restore


13] NOTE: While the battle has you fly as seven different BG3 pilots, for simplicity, the email in-box of the game 
     is that of GN Triji Boliv.

14] NOTE: This battle was made for TFTC-R v1.3.4. The author makes no guarantee that the battle will work correctly
     in another version.

The Expanded Universe has held a special place in many of our hearts and minds, me especially. One of my favorite 
book series was the X-Wing Series by Michael A Stackpole and Aaron Allston. It was these stories that motivated me 
to pick up X-Wing Alliance back in the early 2000's. I previously released versions of this battle as two separate 
XWA battles XWA-TC 72 and XWA-TC 73. Here I am setting out to make an upgraded version of this campaign using the 
assets of the TFTC/XWAU mod. The baseline missions are the same between this battle and the previous two but this
battle makes use of the better visuals of TFTC/XWAU and the ability to have larger fleet battles and adds a mission.

This battle is based upon the story laid out in the books X-Wing: The Krytos Trap and X-Wing: The Bacta War by
Michael A Stackpole. The events of the books have necessarily changed due to the Emperor's Hammer's involvement
during the first two books, see my previous Battle.

From our first Battle with them, Rogue Squadron's attempt to take Borleias to be a staging point for their
attack on Coruscant failed due to the TIE Corps timely intervention. And things were looking like they would
continue with the Emperor's Hammer's, and by extension the Empire's, continued dominance over the New Republic.

But the New Republic deceived the Empire's Intelligence Division and our forces were drawn into two feint
attacks, allowing the bulk of the New Republic's forces to attack and capture Coruscant. We have rightly been
humbled by this turn of events and are now searching for a way to support Isard's Empire in its effort to topple
the New Republic and retake Coruscant.

Credit to Ilios for the backdrops contained in Planet_AR2.dat and the composition of Region 1 of Missions 1 through 5
and Region 4 of Mission 2.
