TFTC-TC 1: Anti-Rogue Squadron: Battle for Coruscant

Battle Information

Game platform: TIE Fighter Total Conversion for XWA
Missions: 9
Release date: 2024-04-30
Last updated: 2024-05-01
Average rating 4.8
Reviews: 9
Bug reports: 2
Times completed: 15
Patches used: None
Download Wav pack
Coruscant Service Campaign Medal
Battle Medal:
Coruscant Service Campaign Medal

This battle is based upon the story laid out in the books X-Wing: Rogue Squadron and X-Wing: Wedge's Gamble by Michael A Stackpole.

What if Ysanne Isard had convinced the Emperor’s Hammer to battle against the Rebels rather than trying to do it herself?

Battle Reviews

As a fan of the X-wing series this is a must fly mission, amazing story only change would be a re cast to the voices lol

I must admit that I'm in awe of the potential this battle shows for the future of TFTC custom battles. Its inspiration from the Rogue Squadron series and being there from moments detailed in novels read years ago is an amazing feeling I didn't have since I played the original games. On top of that, the banter between pilots and the mails on the crew quarters are just on point and made me laugh out loud in a few occasions.

They are a lot of missions, but what a great collection of missions! From small sized ones to large scale battles, in many differerent crafts and roles, and with some original mission crafting (I'm looking at you, mission 5), this is a real treat to fly and deserves to be flown at least in medium difficulty. I am looking forward to try the next installments, but a few battles like this could easily fight toe-to-toe with the original battles.

Excellent battle. Maybe a bit longer than I was hoping for, but that may be feeling the crunch to complete before ReMob ended.

Wav pack is a must. Maybe not the mechanical Miles voice, though I suspect that's an inside joke.

Love the idea of recreating "historical" missions and the alternate perspective adds an interesting twist. It's been so long since I've read the X-Wing series I probably should have done a quick refresher.

Looking forward to more for TFTC.

The missions are well made, but ultimately it is a bitterly disappointing experience. The storyline promises much but still ends in defeat. I downloaded the wave pack as well, expecting a more immersive time, and was left found wanting by a plethora of AI voices.

It's not awful, but it ain't stellar, either.

You absolutely owe it to yourself to play this battle with all WAVs, crest patch, anything and everything installed. Wow! Admittedly, it's essentially a special edition of the already-terrific XWA-TC #70 and #71 (with a fun new mission thrown in the middle), but with a lot of care taken to really make use of all the amazing technical tricks that TFTC has available. Because of that, it's probably one of the best experiences you can have from the mission compendium today, and I absolutely cannot recommend it enough!

Just an amazing battle, from start to finish. Every mission is really well-polished and fun to fly. The mission with the asteroid was really impressive and I didn't know this was possible until playing it. Play this battle immediately!

Exceptionally beautiful and extremely well designed. Fantastic first addition to the TFTC-TC category.
Showcases the platform very well and an amazing story. Mission 5 stands out as something particularly fantastic.
Do yourself a favor and play it!

I unashamedly leave this review because I think this is a great battle. Mission 5 can be tough but remember to approach from below the YT-1300 and you should be fine.

Superbly crafted! Jagged has brought mission creation to new heights by taking advantage of a new platform and tools. Paired with a novel concept (pun definitely intended), this is a fantastic battle.

Battle Bug Reports

LCM Rosh Nyine


Mission 4: After completing all goals, the mothership had been destroyed and it was impossible to return back to the hangar.
Missions 6, 7, 8 and 9: Repeated messages about Coruscanti accent at the start of the mission.
Across different missions: Small typo, "capital ship/s" is spelled "capitol ship/s"
Crew quarters mails: One of the messages is spelled "hanger" instead "hangar". The last mail seems to arrive earlier than it should, as it makes reference to the last mission before Chandrila's shipyard destruction.

CM Vanguard88


Mission 3: Bonus goal for tie bomber group grey surviving does not properly apply as it has not been assigned a point value or enabled for team 1. Bonus goal for tie defender typhoon, missile boat typhoon and t/a typhoon is also missing.

Mission 4: General La'an misspelled as general la'nan. Shuttle group escape misdesignated as corellian transports in game.

High Scores

Battle Total: 126,369 CM Vanguard88 2024-06-10
Mission 1: 5,950 CM Vanguard88 2024-06-10
Mission 2: 13,073 CM Vanguard88 2024-06-10
Mission 3: 14,310 CM Vanguard88 2024-06-10
Mission 4: 18,702 CM Vanguard88 2024-06-10
Mission 5: 5,464 CM Vanguard88 2024-06-10
Mission 6: 8,030 COL Westric Davalorn 2024-05-11
Mission 7: 10,058 CM Vanguard88 2024-05-09
Mission 8: 47,445 CM Vanguard88 2024-06-10
Mission 9: 7,777 CM Vanguard88 2024-05-09

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 126,369 CM Vanguard88 2024-06-10
2 112,023 CM Vanguard88 2024-05-09
3 69,967 VA Locke Setzer 2024-05-11
4 69,903 CPT Jagged Fell III 2024-05-01
5 63,735 LCM Rosh Nyine 2024-06-13
6 60,118 MAJ KEBLAOMEGA 2024-05-07
7 59,751 COL Westric Davalorn 2024-05-11
8 52,250 CPT Matu Vonnegut 2024-05-30
9 51,483 GN Mark Schueler 2024-05-19
10 51,040 CM Odin Strongheart 2024-07-14

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 12 pilots a total of 15 times.

CPT Jagged Fell III - 2 times, last on 2024-05-01

MAJ KEBLAOMEGA - 2024-05-07

VA Locke Setzer - 2024-05-11

GN Mark Schueler - 2024-05-19

GN Master - 2024-05-01

CPT Matu Vonnegut - 2024-05-30

CM Odin Strongheart - 2024-07-14

FA Pickled Yoda - 2024-04-30

LCM Rosh Nyine - 2024-06-13

COL TheBlackxRanger - 2024-08-24

CM Vanguard88 - 3 times, last on 2024-06-10

COL Westric Davalorn - 2024-05-11

Title               : Anti-Rogue Squadron: Battle for Coruscant
Author              : FL-TACA/CM Jagged Fell III/Typhoon 3-1/Wing X/ISDII Challenge/Battlegroup III
Platform            : TFTC-R v1.3.4
Number of missions  : 9
Medal               : Coruscant Service Campaign Medal

Required patches

Installation instructions

--Backup Files--

1] Create a backup of the following original files so that you will be able to restore them after


--Optional Item Installation--

2] To use the custom BG3 Crests, install the following files in the indicated locations:

\fronttext.txt                 >>>> \TFTC\
\Frontres\Tour\squad1.cbm      >>>> \TFTC\Frontres\Tour\
\Frontres\Tour\squad2.cbm      >>>> \TFTC\Frontres\Tour\
\Frontres\Tour\squad3.cbm      >>>> \TFTC\Frontres\Tour\
\Frontres\Tour\squad4.cbm      >>>> \TFTC\Frontres\Tour\
\Frontres\Tour\squad5.cbm      >>>> \TFTC\Frontres\Tour\
\Frontres\Tour\squad7.cbm      >>>> \TFTC\Frontres\Tour\

3] To use the custom battle medal, install the following files in the indicated locations:

\MedalsDescriptions.txt        >>>> \TFTC\
\Frontres\Medals\Battle0.cbm   >>>> \TFTC\Frontres\Medals\
\Frontres\Medals\LBattle0.cbm  >>>> \TFTC\Frontres\Medals\
\Frontres\Medals\MEDALS.txt    >>>> \TFTC\Frontres\Medals\
\Movies\Ceremony.mp4           >>>> \TFTC\Movies\

4] To install custom audio files copy the Wave folder into the \TFTC\ root directory.

5] To install custom ship skins with unit patches copy the \FlightModels\Skins folder into the
   \TFTC\FlightModels directory.

--Manual Installation--

6] To install custom Pirate Base stat profile copy the \FlightModels\AsteroidBase.ini into the
   \TFTC\FlightModels folder

7] To install custom emails, copy the email file from the zip folder into the \TFTC\Missions folder

8] To install the missions, copy the mission.lst and mission files with config files from the zip folder into the 
   \TFTC\Missions folder

9] Use Included Blank Pilot File

--Uninstall Steps--

10] If you installed the briefing audio files, you MUST delete and restore the custom WAVE/Frontend folders, otherwise
   the briefing audio will play during every custom EH Battle.

\TFTC\WAVE\Frontend\B20M1 >>>> delete
\TFTC\WAVE\Frontend\B20M2 >>>> delete
\TFTC\WAVE\Frontend\B20M3 >>>> delete
\TFTC\WAVE\Frontend\B20M4 >>>> delete
\TFTC\WAVE\Frontend\B20M5 >>>> delete
\TFTC\WAVE\Frontend\B20M6 >>>> delete
\TFTC\WAVE\Frontend\B20M7 >>>> delete
\TFTC\WAVE\Frontend\B20M8 >>>> delete
\TFTC\WAVE\Frontend\B20M9 >>>> delete

11] Restore the following from your backup:

\TFTC\fronttext.txt                 >>>> restore
\TFTC\MedalsDescriptions.txt        >>>> restore
\TFTC\FlightModels\AsteroidBase.ini >>>> restore
\TFTC\Frontres\Medals\Battle0.cbm   >>>> restore
\TFTC\Frontres\Medals\LBattle0.cbm  >>>> restore
\TFTC\Frontres\Medals\MEDALS.txt    >>>> restore
\TFTC\Frontres\Tour\squad1.cbm      >>>> restore
\TFTC\Frontres\Tour\squad2.cbm      >>>> restore
\TFTC\Frontres\Tour\squad3.cbm      >>>> restore
\TFTC\Frontres\Tour\squad4.cbm      >>>> restore
\TFTC\Frontres\Tour\squad5.cbm      >>>> restore
\TFTC\Frontres\Tour\squad7.cbm      >>>> restore
\TFTC\Missions\email.txt            >>>> restore
\TFTC\Missions\Mission.lst          >>>> restore
\TFTC\Movies\Ceremony.mp4           >>>> restore


12] NOTE: While the battle has you fly as five different BG3 pilots, for simplicity, the email in-box of the game 
     is that of GN Triji Boliv.

13] NOTE: The conceit of this battle is that missions 7-9 are all happening concurrently, and therefore there are
     only new emails before missions 1 thru 7. No new emails appear before missions 8 and 9.

14] NOTE: This battle was made for TFTC-R v1.3.4. The author makes no guarantee that the battle will work correctly
     in another version.

The Expanded Universe has held a special place in many of our hearts and minds, me especially. One of my favorite 
book series was the X-Wing Series by Michael A Stackpole and Aaron Allston. It was these stories that motivated me 
to pick up X-Wing Alliance back in the early 2000's. I previously released versions of this battle as two separate 
XWA battles XWA-TC 70 and XWA-TC 71. Here I am setting out to make an upgraded version of this campaign using the 
assets of the TFTC/XWAU mod. The baseline missions are the same between this battle and the previous two but this
battle makes use of the better visuals of TFTC/XWAU and the ability to have larger fleet battles and adds a mission.

This battle is based upon the story laid out in the books X-Wing: Rogue Squadron and X-Wing: Wedge's Gamble by
Michael A Stackpole. Here is a bit of the story in case you have not read the books.

Wedge Antilles, veteran of both Death Star attacks, hero of the Rebellion, has set out to reform Rogue Squadron 
with the aid of fellow Death Star II veteran Tycho Celchu. The group of pilots he has assembled contains Gavin
Darklighter and Corran Horn, who will soon go on to be legends of their own in the Expanded Universe.

But what if Ysanne Isard had convinced the Emperor’s Hammer to battle against the Rebels rather than trying to do 
it herself?

In Memory Of
In memory of my dad who passed away while this battle was being tested. His love of Star Wars and flight sims is
why I am here today. I will miss him.
