XvT-F 155: The Buoy

Battle Information

Game platform: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
Missions: 1
Release date: 2003-10-05
Last updated: 2009-02-22
Average rating 2.8
Reviews: 5
Bug reports: 1
Times completed: 39
Patches used

EH Ship Patch for XvT

Battle Reviews

This one is a bit annoying because you'll have to use lasers to destroy capital ships because you just aren't provided with the right amount of ordenance to complete it. Sometimes that is what you have to do though.

Well, visually this looked great. So many ISDs firing their lasers like that. An excellent idea. One that I would like to see being done... better than the way this one was done.

The concept behind this mission was excellent, but as it happens frequently, creators totally blew up any decent gaming experience by giving the player useless choices of warhead loads, or otherwise, by placing crafts in unsuitable tasks. This is no difference, and it's sad to say but it ruined an excellent job behind it.

Wow, I don't know what sort of computer my WC has. Had no problem running this on my 5 year old machine. It was very epic feel to it. Very well done. One of the best frees I've seen in XvT.

I really liked the dogfighting between two battling fleets. It felt like flying in the Battle of Endor. Good mission with a lot of action. Unfortunately, the game engine had problems displaying the great number of capital ships in close proximity to each other despite running XvT on my brand new computer. Therefore it rate this a 3.

Battle Bug Reports

GN Dunta Polo


Some of the EH capital ships ignore the Rebel CRS, hypering out before it is destroyed.

High Scores

Mission: 78,855 CM Vanguard88 2023-09-18

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 78,855 CM Vanguard88 2023-09-18
2 64,919 FA Pickled Yoda 2021-10-24
3 64,146 COL Phalk Sturm 2021-10-21
4 60,870 GN Earnim Branet 2004-06-14
5 59,426 COL Mouse Droid 2003-10-16
6 58,860 COL Justin 2003-11-10
7 57,120 RA Genie 2021-10-24
8 56,295 COL Shae Kitane 2003-11-02
9 54,722 GN Dunta Polo 2011-02-23
10 225 COL Phalk Sturm 2021-10-21

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 35 pilots a total of 37 times.

Title: The Buoy 
Game Platform: XvT 
Missions: 1 
Medal: Nav Buoy Datachip  
Author: TCS-TCT-FL/MAJ Xanatos Screed/Rage3-1/WingXVIII/SSD Avenger

1) Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle.
2) Check the Misc folder in your XvT directory for additional material like patches, 
   sounds etc.
3) Press the X-wing Vs. TIE Fighter button to start XvT and fly the battle.

That's it for the moment.