Ghost Report # 10 (2000-10-23)

This report was submitted by MAJ Arso Slyth

CPT Arso Slyth reporting in for 10-23-2000


a. COMs Escort Squadron. Everyone fly free-XWA 10 before November 1st and send it to me. This is for the glory of Ghost squadron, how could you guys not fly for something like that?

b. OCTOBERFEST!!!!!! Everyone is to fly all XWA battles by the end of October. I still that same old list and nothing has changed since last week. Only Rougewing and I have completed the challenge. Get to flying the end of October is almost here.

c. Tribe wars, everyone is to fly the yellow tribe mission. Which was made by Ghost's very own LCM Rougewing. Turn it in completed to your tribe leader.

d. Everyone fill out the survey the COM sent out. It is very important for the ship. You are only hurting yourself if you do not complete it.

e. There is a new ship-wide message board. It is located at go check it out!

f. There is a weekly meeting for all Immortal pilots on Sunday at 3:00 PM est time. I would like to see a large turn-out from Ghost next week. There is a chance to earn some merit points too!

Activity Reports

CPT Arso Slyth[106]
won Immortal meeting Trivia, CMDR duties

LT Tac Balon[4]
danger of being AWOLed, contact me ASAP

LT Broak Vessery[43]
flew fxwa 10

LCM Rougewing[11]
flew fxwa 10, on leave till the 26th

LT Treschler Wolf [0]
danger of being AWOLed, contact me ASAP

LT Tolrek[6]
computer problems

LT Darkheart[20]
flew fxwa 14!!!!!

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