Alpha Report # 2 (2000-12-22)

This report was submitted by COL Shawshank

Alpha Report #2 ISCSS


You have a new commander :P But you knew that already. School's out
for me, don't know about you. Obviously some of you are nolonger in school
and Ihope that work is treating you well. I want everyone to have a happy
holiday, whether you are Jewish, Christian, follow the teachings of
Zoroaster, or just plain don't believe in anything. Go out with friends,
get drunk if you want, whatever, just be safe :)

I believe there's a rumor that a certain Gamma Squadron may be
challenging us some short time into the new year. I know y'all (hickness)
have your own things to do. Wolly's going on a break, I know that I have 4
Christmases to go to. I'll give you more info as it is given to me. I
doNOT want, however, to have the 2-person turnout that we got in the last
comp against Typhoon. No offense, but that was unacceptable.

I just bought a crapload of books. Call me a nerd, but I like to read.
I am currently reading (in translation, unfortunately) Gaius Sallustius
Crispus' "The Conspiracy of Catiline" and "The Jugurthine War" and once I am
done with it, I think I may read some Plato. Anyway, go out and read a
book, expose yourself to new ideas, and most of all, help bring back the
importance of classical masterpieces and classical thought. heh. No, that
has NOTHING to do with my major at ALL. ;-)


Great stuff, actually, I got an e-mail back from several of you. I
will most likely assign a free mission this weekend, to be flown by next
Friday, probably. I haven't decided and all... with Christmas, it could put
a strange damper on the fly-turnout.


Do I need to repeat this? :P


Buy a Rebel a drink... it's the holiday season. Okay, maybe lace it
with poison.


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