Inferno Report # 0 (2000-11-11)

This report was submitted by COL Manitsas

Acting-CMDR/Commander Corran Halcyon -- November 11, 2000

Commander Corran Halcyon reporting in for Inferno Squadron




Inferno makes SSL Finals!
That's right, all of our hard work on CR13 and 14 resulted in our making the finals! Since the top 8 squadrons are automatically in the quarter-finals, the remaining qualifiers must fly an additional CR, of which half will go to the quarter-finals. It will be announced tomorrow, and we need all available pilots to do their best!

Colonel Manitsas returns
Our squadron commander, Colonel Manitsas, returns from Cancun tonight, and will return to active duty tomorrow.

Lt. Edvard promoted
Everybody congratulate Lieutenant Edvard on being promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander!

Inferno leading SSS standings
After the quality marks of the trivia phase (46/50 questions!!!!!), Inferno Squadron is tied for the lead with Thunder Squadron at 13 points. With out 100% participation in the graphics phase, our lead should increase considerably!


ISD Challenge / Wing X News

WC's Own
Please congratulate THUNDER Squadron on becoming the Wing Commanders Own for the month of October! I have chosen Thunder because of their outstanding communications, contributions to the Mission compendium (some pending approval still... well done Beef!), and also nearly matching the likes of Tornado squadron in terms of BSF's. They have produced excellent entries for the Supreme Squadron Series too! All this from a squadron who, quite frankly, a couple of months back, were not doing anything! Congratulations Thunder Squadron! And especially CMDR/MAJ Indaro Gallia on bringing Thunder back from inactivity!

Wing X BSF Totals for October
Well done everyone on achieving a good number of BSF's last month. The squadron-by-squadron summary is as follows:
Tornado Squadron: 107
Thunder Squadron: 90
Inferno Squadron: 59
Typhoon Squadron: 57
Cyclone Squadron: 54
Tempest Squadron: 22
Total BSF's: 389


Fleet News

CA:TO Needed
Interested on becoming the next Training Officer? First you have to become the existing one's Command Attatche. Send an application to HA Astatine ( with the subject "CA:TO Application". A number of stipulations will result in your application being deleted, check them out on the TIE Corps news page (

New version of mIRC released
The internet's most popular internet-relay-chat program, mIRC, has just gotten better. A new version has been released, get it at
WEHR Manager Required
The Internet Office is looking for an assistant to manage the EH Radio station, WEHR. This person will be responsible for appointing dee-jays, program planning, website maintenance, etc. You will need to have experiance in HTML and creating streaming media. Applications to and

Command Officer Reports on
Command Officers now have the option of posting past and present reports to They will be available at

EH Polls Update
The EH Polling site has been updated with a new poll -

XWA Automatic BSF's
XWA Pilot Files can now be automatically reviewed by the database as well as TIE pilot files. The automatic TIE form is back online too after a bug which caused it to dissapear for a bit when the new XWA one was brought online.

Researchers Needed
The Training Office is looking for people for research into articles for the EH Encyclopedia. If you want to help out then email with the subject "I want to be a research dude!".


Activity reports

Colonel Manitsas
-Submitted SSS graphic
-On leave until Sunday, November 12

Lieutenant Commander Ace
-Submitted SSS graphic

Commander Corran Halcyon
-Submitted SSS graphic
-Awarded Commendation of Service
-Awarded Metal of Tactics- Red Hammer
-11/4 Awarded Palpatine Crescent
-Created new TIE Battle, "#165: The Hunt For Zsinj"
-Completed IWATS M/1 course (also took M/2, IIC1/2/3, and TIE Mission Creation)
-Was declared officially insane after wading though hundreds of emails and tfr's

Lieutenant Bora Yar
-Submitted SSS graphic
-Completed FT#8 (33,141)
-Completed FT#9 (82,425)

Captain Calvin Nunb
-Submitted SSS graphic
-Awarded Metal of Tactics- Blue Hammer (3)
-Completed IWATS PHP1 and PHP2 courses
-Completed TIE #86 "The Sheerot Rebellion" (234,444)
-Completed TIE #144 "Rebel Factory" (227,434)
-Completed Free XvT #23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35

Lieutenant Commander Talon Zetar
-Submitted SSS graphic
-11/4 Awarded Commendation of Bravery

Lieutenant Commander Edvard
-Submitted SSS graphic
-Promoted to LCM

Lieutenant Commander Biggs Darklighter
-On leave

Lieutenant Commander Locke
-submitted SSS graphic
-submitted Flight III report
-completed TIE #162 (102,486)
-Updated Flight III Page
-Submitted TC-TIE #164, A Question of Loyalty
-Submitted image for SSS
-Updated INPR
-Uploaded Profile to TC account

Lieutenant Suiral Larius
-Submitted image for SSS
-Submitted face for uniform (Anime)

Lieutenant Oskar Holtz
-Submitted image for SSS
-Completed FXWA #21 (4081)
-Completed TC-XWA #10 (11926)
-11/11 Submitted face for unifrom (Ralph Finness)

Lieutenant Triji Boliv
-Submitted image for SSS
-11/4 Awarded Palpatine Crescent
-Completed IWATS TIE Mission Creation course


Squadron Roster

NICKNAME: Wildcards
BANNER: inferno.jpg
MOTTO: We are your Destiny

Nickname: Demigods of the Force
Motto: We fly with pride, we fly with honor
1) COL Manitsas (
2) LCM Ace (
3) CM Corran Halcyon (
4) LT Bora Yar (

Nickname: The Kerosene Crew
Motto: Commence Primary Ignition
1) CPT Calvin Nunb (
2) LCM Talon Zetar (
3) LCM Edvard (
4) LCM Biggs Darklighter (

Nickname: Hell's Instigators
Motto: We will send you to the fires of your grave
1) LCM Locke (
2) LT Suiral Larius (
3) LT Oskar Holtz (
4) LT Triji Boliv (


Until next week.....


Commander Halcyon
FM-TCT/CM Corran Halcyon/Inferno 1-3/Wing X/ISD Challenge
LoA/ISM/MoT-1bh-1rh/OV/PCx2/CoB/CoS [DRAG] {IWATS-SM1/2-M/1}

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