ISDII Hammer Report # 104 (2021-09-14)

This report was submitted by COM-SIMS/VA Phoenix Berkana/ISDII Hammer


TO: Pilots of the Hammer
FROM: Vice Admiral Phoenix Berkana
DATE: 2021-09-14
SUBJECT: Hammer Ship Report
MEMBER COUNT: 61 (+1 Change)


Greetings pilots of the Hammer!

Welcome to this weeks Hammer Ship Report!

It's been a fairly good week aboard the ISDII Hammer, we have multiple competitions ongoing at squadron and ship level, which continue to see good turn-outs on top of the fleet wide competitions like the Trivia Grand Tour. As a ship we're also running close to capacity, so kudos to everyone who has been out recruiting as it really is a pleasure to see the bustling corridors.

Round Three of Trivia for the Hammered will be kicking off shortly, I was away last week with the family for an impromptu break which is why your inboxes were strangely let off the hook. We built this into Season Three by allowing ourselves more time than the 8 rounds would take, so rest assured we will yet determine which pilot aboard this ship has the most trivial knowledge.

As promised LC Genie and I have finished scoring up the August run of the Hammer Tour of Duty, and whilst the finer details can be found below I want to commend everyone who took part and congratulate our winner - LCM TheBlackxRanger and our runner up - LT andr3. Good luck to everyone taking part in this months Tour!


Silver Star of the Empire
LC Genie
MAJ Highlander
CPT Witcher

Bronze Star of the Empire
CM Gytheran

Palpatine Crescent
LC Alejandro Araujo
LC Genie
LCM TheBlackxRanger
LT Wolve Excelsior Berkana

Imperial Security Medal
COL Talons Pryde
CPT Witcher
CM Solohan50
CM Witchblade
LCM TheBlackxRanger
LT andr3
LT Isagar Sho'oter

Iron Star with Silver Ribbons
LCM TheBlackxRanger

Iron Star with Bronze Ribbons
CPT Witcher
CM Solohan50

Iron Star with Copper Wings
MAJ Highlander
LCM TheBlackxRanger
LT PowerPaladin
LT tteer250
LT CobraSparkles

Iron Star with Copper Ribbons
MAJ Highlander
LC Genie

LCM Witchblade was promoted to Commander

None this week

Uniform Updates
LCM TheBlackxRanger


Hammered on the Hammer
I blackmailed heavily encouraged Phoenix to stop spending so much of the budget on personal Chalquilla and Twi'lek dancers and have been given authorization to start up a bar/grill/lounge on the Hammer. Now you degenerates upstanding, Imperial pilots can get drunk somewhere besides your cockpits. This competition has two parts and will take place over two months:

September - Create a bar/grill/lounge type area for the Hammer. It should be one that's utilized in-fiction by, at least, the entire TC (so not something that's just an Officer's Lounge). It should have a theme or a schtick of some type. Add a fun bartender or games or other features. There is a minimum submission length of 200 words for the bar/grill. Make sure to give it flavor and atmosphere (and maybe some humor), this is where you'll be drinking after all!

October - Create a signature drink or a signature meal for the winning bar/grill. I'm open to other consumables, but they need to be something that the winning bar/grill is known for. Submissions should be at least 50 words long. Make sure to give it some detail or a backstory of why it's the signature item.

Please email all submissions to and please make sure to put 'Hammered on the Hammer' in the subject line.

Prizes are as follows for September:
1st - IS-GR and the bar/grill become an official part of the Hammer canon and added to the Hammer website
2nd - IS-SR and the bar/grill become an official part of the Hammer canon and added to the Hammer website
3rd - IS-BR and the bar/grill become an official part of the Hammer canon and added to the Hammer website

Prizes are as follows for October:
1st - IS-GR and the item becomes an official part of the Hammer canon and added to the Hammer website
2nd - IS-SR and the item becomes an official part of the Hammer canon and added to the Hammer website
3rd - IS-BR and the item becomes an official part of the Hammer canon and added to the Hammer website

Hammer Tour of Duty
As an expansion of the Lambda Squadron Tour of Duty, this competition sees all pilots assigned to the ISDII Hammer flying a assigned set of Battles. The set for September is to fly TC XvT 1 - 20

== Points ==
Completing a battle: 4 points
>70% battle laser accuracy: +1 point
>85% battle laser accuracy: +2 points
>50% of the battle high score: +1 point
>75% of the battle high score: +2 points
Writing a review of 20+ words for a completed battle: +1 point

Note: Completing a battle with 0 lasers fired will count as 100% accuracy.
== Awards ==

Top pilot at the end of the tour: IS-GW
2nd place pilot at the end of the tour: IS-SW
3rd place pilot at the end of the tour: IS-BW

Top pilot each month: IS-SW
2nd place pilot each month: IS-BW
Every 30 points a pilot earns, they'll receive an IS-CW

The results of the August Tour of Duty can be found below, the winner was LCM TheBlackxRanger who picks up a IS-SW, with LT andr3 picking up a IS-BW. In addition to these medals there are IS-CW's for every 30 points, which means our two winners will be picking up 5 and 2 IS-CW's respectively.

Trivia for the Hammered - Season Three
Each week, 4 questions will be released via email. For each question, the quickest pilot to answer correctly receives 3 points, second quickest with the correct answer gets 2 points and all the pilots with a correct answer get 1 point.
We tally up at the end of the week with the highest point total winning an IS-BR.
After 8 rounds we tally up for our Season Three winner who will receive an IS-SR, the runner up an IS-BR.
Points earned on each question accrue and lead to IS-CRs being awarded for earning 50 points, 100 points, 250 points, 500 points, and so on.

A full list of TIE Corps competitions can be found here


As ever, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Vice Admiral Phoenix Berkana
COM-SIMS/VA Phoenix Berkana/ISDII Hammer
[Gallant] {TCCORE-SM/2/5-WIKI}

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