ISDII Hammer Report # 92 (2021-05-26)

This report was submitted by COM-SIMS/RA Phoenix Berkana/ISDII Hammer


TO: Pilots of the Hammer
FROM: Rear Admiral Phoenix Berkana
DATE: 2021-26-05
SUBJECT: Hammer Ship Report


Greetings pilots of the Hammer!

I hope everyone is doing well as we cruise into the final weekend of May, a fairly stunning factoid of how quickly 2021 seems to be speeding by. For those of you in Squadron Commander positions it's yet again time to start thinking about those Monthly Squadron Evaluations, for those of you who aren't, well it means we'll be getting the shiny medals ready for you!

ReMob has finally come to a close and HA Plif is currently tallying up the scores but from a Hammer perspective Lambda did very well completing 11 tasks, Epsilon 4, Beta 3 and Alpha 2. Good work to everyone who took part!!

Closer to home this weeks round of the Trivia for the Hammered has been completed, details below by nice to see 10 participants this week. Remember if you take part you're guaranteed to get medals every-so-often so please do fire back an email if you want in!

Member count sadly dropped by 2 this week due to some AWOL's but I'm sure they'll go up again soon!


Imperial Achievement Ribbon
GN Doyon x 2

Iron Star with Bronze Ribbons
CPT Witcher
CM Xye

Iron Star with Copper Ribbons
CPT Witcher

SL Astrocat was promoted to Lieutenant
SL J Jonah Jameson was promoted to Lieutenant

None this week

Uniform Updates
MAJ Genie
LCM Garyth Mantisa
LT DemWookieeCheeks


Trivia for the Hammered - Season Two
As with Season One each week will see 4 questions released via email with the quickest pilot to answer getting 3 points, second quickest 2 points and all the pilots with a correct answer 1 point.
We tally up at the end of the week with the weekly winner receiving a IS-BR.
After 8 rounds we tally up for our Season Two winner who will receive a IS-SR, the runner up a IS-BR.
Career IS-CR's at 50,100, 250, 500 etc

Results for this weeks Trivia for the Hammered:
Q1: What was the standard weapon of the Imperial Stormtrooper?
A1: E-11 Blaster Rifle
Q2: Which type of StormTrooper was commonly found riding a speeder bike, such as the 74-Z?
A2: Scout Trooper
Q3: Who killed Stormtrooper TK-421?
A3: Han Solo
Q4: Which actor portrayed FN-1824?
A4: Daniel Craig, aka Bond, James Bond as they were filming nearby

CPT Witcher - 7
CM Xye - 7
MAJ Taygetta - 6
LCM Aaron Cremel - 6
LCM SoloHan50 - 6
GN Coranel Both - 4
MAJ Genie - 4
COL Talons Pryde - 4
CM Highlander - 4
LCM Witchblade - 4

Two rounds, two tied victories, you lot are making a habit out of this! Good work to Commander Xye though who has to share the win yet again. Two Iron Stars with Bronze Ribbons are currently on special delivery to our winners, do let me know when the delivery droid arrives!

Also kudos to CPT Witcher who picks up a IS-CR for surpassing 100 points. Witcher is hot on the heals of CM Xye who did this last week!

A full list of TIE Corps competitions can be found here


As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Rear Admiral Phoenix Berkana
COM-SIMS/RA Phoenix Berkana/ISDII Hammer
[Gallant] {TCCORE-SM/2/5-WIKI}

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