ISDII Hammer Report # 87 (2021-04-14)

This report was submitted by COM-SIMS/RA Phoenix Berkana/ISDII Hammer


TO: Pilots of the Hammer
FROM: Rear Admiral Phoenix Berkana
DATE: 2021-14-04
SUBJECT: Hammer Ship Report


Greetings pilots of the Hammer!

Welcome to this weeks report, I hope it finds you all doing well.

It's been a fairly good week, we've seen the completion of all the Monthly Evaluations and I've already seen a number of medals beginning to drop out of the evaluation period, some of which are listed below so do keep your eyes peeled and ready for more. We've also had good participation on the Hammer Competition front with great results in the final round of the Trivia for the Hammered for Season One (scroll down to see the results) as well as some fantastic submissions for the Hammer Historians Club.

We've had a few transfers to the Reserves this week so numbers are down at 44, we hope those who have taken a shuttle to the M/FRG Phoenix will find their way back to use when they're ready.

At a wider level SquadronRemob is still ongoing so please check in with your Squadron Commanders about your individual squadron goals, let see who can catch up with Lambdas fantastic efforts. The Trivia Grand Tour run by our newly minted High Admiral Plif is ongoing, so go join in!


Bronze Star of the Empire
MAJ Genie
LCM Gytheran
LT Gytheran

Palpatine Crescent
COL Talons Pryde
LCM Aaron Cremel
LCM Gytheran
LT Gytheran

Imperial Security Medal
RA Phoenix Berkana
LT Garyth Mantisa
LT Hopfot
LT RedBaron

Iron Star with Gold Wings
MAJ Genie
LT Garyth Mantisa

Iron Star with Silver Wings
MAJ Genie

Iron Star with Bronze Wings
LT Garyth Mantisa

SL Reshtarc was promoted to Lieutenant!

GN Holbez Harvey was reassigned to the M/FRG Phoenix
LC Kyle Kroan was reassigned to the M/FRG Phoenix
LT Kypho was reassigned to the M/FRG Phoenix
LT MrSpywalker was reassigned to M/FRG Phoenix

Uniform Updates
LT Garyth Mantisa


Trivia for the Hammered
We had our final round of the Trivia for the Hammered - Season One. We'll kick off the next season in a few weeks time to give those trigger fingers some time off and let our winner and runner up bask in their trivial glory. That said - thank you to everyone who took part - it was fun to run and in the end the final scores were close.
Winner of the final round was Captain Witcher, with answers below. Seasonal stats and winner at the bottom.

Q1: The Victory Class Star Destroyer was developed from a model created by which concept artist?
A1: Colin Cantwell

Q2: Why was the original design for the Millenium Falcon changed at the last minute prior to filming A New Hope?
A2: Due to a resemblance with Eagle from Space 1999

Q3: Designer Nilo Rodis-Jamero designed which ship which went on to appear in The Empire Strikes Back?
A3: Nebulon B Frigate

Q4: True or False - A Toy soldier was included in the superstructure of the SSD Executor filming model?
A4: True

CPT Witcher 8
LCM Aaron Cremel 7
CM Xye 5
MAJ Genie 4
LCM Witchblade 4
GN Coranel Both 3
COL Talons Pryde 3
LC Alejandro Araujo 3
CM Highlander 2
LT Reshtarc 1
LT Solohan 1

We had a great Season One, but there can only be one winner, with Captain Witcher taking the crown ahead of our runner up Commander Xye!

CPT Witcher - 57
CM Xye - 50
LT Garyth Mantisa - 40
GN Coranel Both - 37
LCM Aaron Cremel - 36
MAJ Genie - 35
LCM Witchblade - 32
CM Highlander - 18
COL Talons Pryde - 14
LC Alenjandro Araujo - 7
LC Kyle Kroan - 4
CPT Bai'et Decol - 4
LT Solohn50 - 4
LCM Gytheran - 1
LT Rez Bortsat - 1

Hammer Historians Club
Every fine vessel needs a history and the Star Destroyer Hammer is no different. Historians have been trying to assemble the history of our home without success, so now it is your turn. You have three weeks to submit your take on our ships history.
Where was it built, when was it first commissioned, what battles did it participate in and how did it end up in the Emperors Hammer?
Minimum length is 250 words, please send your submissions to the Commodore. Winner will receive a Iron Star with Silver Ribbons, runner up Bronze Ribbons.

A full list of TIE Corps competitions can be found here


As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Rear Admiral Phoenix Berkana
COM-SIMS/RA Phoenix Berkana/ISDII Hammer
[Gallant] {TCCORE-SM/2-WIKI}

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