ISDII Hammer Report # 86 (2021-04-06)

This report was submitted by COM-SIMS/RA Phoenix Berkana/ISDII Hammer


TO: Pilots of the Hammer
FROM: Rear Admiral Phoenix Berkana
DATE: 2021-06-04
SUBJECT: Hammer Ship Report


Greetings pilots of the Hammer!

I trust this weeks report finds everyone doing well and for those that celebrate Easter I hope you had a great long weekend, I know I thoroughly enjoyed a little down time with the family here in London.

First up - let me congratulate Lambda Squadron on a phenomenal effort in Squadron ReMobilization, they cleared 11 tasks in rapid fashion and have been joined by Avenger, Sin and Tempest. Avenger is a temporary assignment for all of the Admirals to allow us to participate. There are still plenty of tasks left to be done so for squadrons that are still working their way through the lists please carry on!

Lambda have also led the way in the TIE Corps in Battle competition, however despite some sterling work the Hammer has slipped to third place so for those of you that fly, please check up on FA Plifs latest email covering the April assignments.

With all of the ongoing Corps wide competitions I've decided that the current season of Trivia for the Hammered will be closing with the upcoming round. We'll kick off season two towards the end of April which will allow people to focus on other competitions such as the Hammer Historians Club and general flying!

Finally, after tallying up the flying stats for March I can announce that Lambda have beaten out Epsilon to claim the honours as this Months Hammer Escort Squadron. Well done guys and please don't use it as an excuse to start smuggling beetroots via the officers hangar.


Imperial Security Medal
CM Wildfire
LCM Gytheran

Iron Star with Gold Wings
MAJ Genie
LT RedBaron

Iron Star with Silver Wings
MAJ Genie
LCM Gytheran
LT Garyth Mantisa

Iron Star with Bronze Wings
CM Wildfire

Iron Star with Copper Ribbons
LCM Aaron Cremel

Commendation of Bravery
LT DemWookieCheeks
LT SoloHan50

None this week!

LT BrickyT was reassigned to the M/FRG Phoenix
LT Dorjan Kell was assigned to Epsilon Squadron

Uniform Updates
LT Garyth Mantisa


Trivia for the Hammered
Trivia for the Hammered: One trivia question every weekday - points awarded to all, and whoever has most points at the end of the round wins an IS-BR. Every season, the highest scoring pilot wins an IS-SR, and every pilot with 40 points or more wins an extra IS-BR.
Final round of this season begins later today!

Hammer Historians Club
Every fine vessel needs a history and the Star Destroyer Hammer is no different. Historians have been trying to assemble the history of our home without success, so now it is your turn. You have three weeks to submit your take on our ships history.
Where was it built, when was it first commissioned, what battles did it participate in and how did it end up in the Emperors Hammer?
Minimum length is 250 words, please send your submissions to the Commodore. Winner will receive a Iron Star with Silver Ribbons, runner up Bronze Ribbons.

A full list of TIE Corps competitions can be found here


As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Rear Admiral Phoenix Berkana
COM-SIMS/RA Phoenix Berkana/ISDII Hammer
[Gallant] {TCCORE-SM/2-WIKI}

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