ISDII Hammer Report # 84 (2021-03-23)

This report was submitted by COM-SIMS/RA Phoenix Berkana/ISDII Hammer


TO: Pilots of the Hammer
FROM: Rear Admiral Phoenix Berkana
DATE: 2021-23-03
SUBJECT: Hammer Ship Report


Greetings pilots of the Hammer!

Welcome to a much delayed Hammer Ship Report.

Firstly apologies for the delay, I was trying to align this one with the end of the trivia round which finished over the weekend; more on this can be found below. I was also hoping to announce a new competition - The Hammer Historians Club which will be about coming up with the history of our fine vessel -- however this is still pending and will be released into the wild decks of the Hammer later this week.

The past fortnight has seen a number of changes with two pilots lost to the reserves and one catching a shuttle over to the Challenge, however numbers immediately rebounded with two new arrivals from the Avenger in Sub Lieutenants DemWookieCheeks and Reshtarc. Security also discovered Lieutenant RedBaron caught the return shuttle from the Challenge so overall numbers are constant.

For those of you not on Discord I would encourage you to sign on as the community is thriving and our squadron channels full of chatter. It's also a good place to catch up on news as I'm stuck with one handed (read: slow) typing for another few weeks! You can reach our Discord server at

Lots of medals listed out below today, as well as one promotion - Lieutenant Commander Xye is now a full Commander so please direct your bar tabs to the Lambda ready room and beetroot farm.


Silver Star of the Empire
CPT Witcher
LCM Gytheran

Bronze Star of the Empire
RA Phoenix Berkana
CPT Bai'et Decol

Palpatine Crescent
LT BatSpoggy

Imperial Security Medal
RA Phoenix Berkana
COL Pellaeon

Iron Star with Gold Wings
MAJ Genie

Iron Star with Silver Wings
MAJ Genie

Iron Star with Silver Ribbons
CPT Witcher

Iron Star with Bronze Wings
MAJ Genie

Iron Star with Bronze Ribbons
MAJ Genie
LCM Aaron Cremel
LCM Witchblade x 2
LT Garyth Mantisa

Iron Star with Copper Ribbons
COL Doyon

Medal of Instruction
MAJ Genie

Commendation of Bravery
LT RedBaron

LCM Xye was promoted to Commander

CPT Witcher was appointed Epsilon Squadron XO
LT RedBaron was assigned to Lambda 3-3
SL DemWookieCheeks was reassigned to Lambda 1-4
SL Reshtarc was reassigned to Beta 3-4
SL Cody Lance was reassigned to the Challenge
CM Cele Rian was reassigned to the Reserves
LT Deiro Avisst was reassigned to the Reserves

Uniform Updates
MAJ Genie
LT Sam Arsio
LT Garyth Mantisa


Trivia for the Hammered
Trivia for the Hammered: One trivia question every weekday - points awarded to all, and whoever has most points at the end of the week wins an IS-BR. Every month, the highest scoring pilot wins an IS-SR, and every pilot with 40 points or more wins an extra IS-BR.
This weeks competition featured the Lancer Class and was won by Commander Xye! Well done!

Q1: The Lancer Class Frigate was primarily designed for what kind of operations?
A1: Anti-Starfighter Operations
Q2: The Lancer Class carried a number of quad laser canons - how many?
A2: 20
Q3: In which novel was the Lancer Class Frigate first introduced?
A3: Dark Force Rising (Legends) or Before The Awakening (Canon)
Q4: Lancer Class Frigates were quick, but how fast were they?
A4: 20 MGLT

CM Xye 10
CPT Witcher 9
GN Coranel Both 4
LCM Aaron Cremel 4
LCM Witchblade 4
LT Garyth Mantisa 4
MAJ Genie 3
CM Highlander 3

All other competitions can be found here


As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Rear Admiral Phoenix Berkana
COM-SIMS/RA Phoenix Berkana/ISDII Hammer
[Gallant] {TCCORE-SM/2-WIKI}

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