Lambda Report # 29 (2021-02-15)

This report was submitted by CMDR-WARD/CPT Genie/Lambda/Wing I/ISDII Hammer

Lambda Squadron WSR

Lambda PatchLAMBDA SQUADRON WSR #29 (14-Feb-29 ABY)Lambda Patch

REPORTING COMMANDER: Captain Genie, Squadron Commander
TO: Lambda Squadron, RA Phoenix Berkana Hammer's Commodore
DATE SUBMITTED: 15th February 29 ABY

Lambda PatchLAMBDA SQUADRON NEWSLambda Patch

Congratulations to Commander Highlander on his latest promotion! Well deserved my friend! Congratulations also to Highlander and Xye in receiving the Bronze Star of the Emprire and Kypho on receiving the Imperial Security Medal for their service to the Emperor's Hammer.

Last Saturday, there was a big wargames festival in the Emperor's Hammer fleet, with several squadrons competing in the Chalquilla Cup. The Flockers exchanged punches with the FogHorn LegHorns and the Operating Thetans. Both teams, as expected put up quite a bit of a fight coming away from both games with 1-1 scores, though admitedly being edged out on the KDs. Our next opponent will be Beta Than You!

Meanwhile we are in preparation for a 5v5 tough tournament, whereby teams from across the Galaxy are gathering to compete. We hope to make the Emperor's Hammer proud.

We have until the end of February to flesh out the background stories of our Hammer Crew through the Hammer Crew Cruise.

In our Historical Archives (Single Player Combat), we have this month three battles from the TCIB competition:

Last but not least, Deiro is preparing a TTRPG for the Squad. More info on that later!

Lambda PatchCREATIVE CORNERLambda Patch

No Story this week

Lambda PatchSQUADRON ACTIVITY (8th - 14th Feb)Lambda Patch

1-1 CPT Genie4022X1SS x1
ISM x1
15th Echelon
2 new High Scores
1-2 LT Kypho000X0ISM x1
1-3 LT Slade Carroll000X0
1-4 CM Cele Rian000X0
2-1 LCM Corran Shub000X01
2-2 LT Calvin Phrick000No Comm0AWOL
2-3 LT Physics000X0
2-4 LT MrSpywalker000X0
3-1 CM Highlander005X0BS x17th Echelon
3-2 LT Solohan50000X0
3-3 LT Deiro Avisst000X0
3-4 LCM Xye0034Officer 2ndX0BS x1
IS-SR x1
IS-BR x1
Art: TIE-INT Pimp my TIE


Current Lambda Squadron Competitions:

Hammer Competitions:

TIE Corps Competitions:

  • February COO Objective Scramble: The Wingman: Submit your highest assist game in Dogfight, Fleet Battles or Fleet Battles vs AI mode flown between February 1, 2021 (0:00 GMT) and February 28, 2021 (Must be submitted no later than 23:59 GMT) by e-mail to

  • Stay In the Lines: Each week (or most weeks), LCM Neko will post art in the Tempest WSR. Choose your favorite and color it in however you want - crayons, watercolors, pastels, or anything - and email it to Silwar Naiilo (#12630) by the last day of the month. Neko will choose her favorite and the runners-up.

Be sure to check out all the running competitions. As Lambdas, to know the competitions you are eligible for, under 'Units Involved' it must be listed as 'Entire TC', 'ISD-II Hammer', 'Wing I' or 'Lambda Squadron'.

Notable Events:

For a full list of all streaming and youtube channels be sure to check the #streams channel on our Discord (flagged as pinned messages). If an EH stream or youtube channel is missing from the pinned messages, drop me a line on discord.

Lambda PatchCLOSING COMMENTSLambda Patch

In the midst of everything else that is happening, I have restarted working on my passion project of creating a campaign (series of battles). This includes voice-overs and a persistent and immersive storyline. I will not give any spoilers there. The story unravels with each battle. I will be reaching out for volunteers to lend their voices and to playtest the battles. If you are interested throw me a line on discord. Most of the actual testing I am doing myself. I am more interested in how you feel about it rather than testing (though if you do spot errors by all means do let me know!).

CPT Genie
CMDR-WARD CPT Genie Lambda Wing I ISDII Hammer
[Gallant] [Elite 2nd] [Gunner's Mate 1st]{TCCORE-MCBS-SM/5-TM/3-WIKI}

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