Lambda Report # 27 (2021-02-02)

This report was submitted by CMDR-WARD/CPT Genie/Lambda/Wing I/ISDII Hammer

Lambda Squadron WSR

Lambda PatchLAMBDA SQUADRON WSR #27 (31-Jan-29 ABY)Lambda Patch

REPORTING COMMANDER: Captain Genie, Squadron Commander
TO: Lambda Squadron, RA Phoenix Berkana Hammer's Commodore
DATE SUBMITTED: 2nd February 29 ABY

Lambda PatchLAMBDA SQUADRON NEWSLambda Patch

We won our first two rounds against the Jolly Rho-gers. Next up will be the Temper Tantrums, this coming Saturday, 4pm EST. The games were delayed due to technical difficulties, as my TIE Fighter was experiencing mechanical problems.

The first games of the Chalquilla Cup have already demonstrated that we have a lot of talented pilots in the Emperor's Hammer fleet. The action will intensify as the weeks progress!

We are planning to start a Lambda Squadron TTRPG, more on that later. Just check the squadron discord channel for further details.

We have until the end of February to flesh out the background stories of our Hammer Crew through the Hammer Crew Cruise. Furthermore, the Pimp my TIE is now closed. I will be announcing the winners 'soon'.

There has been a major change regarding your uniform. Your illustrious wings can now be upgraded through all three means of activity (single player flying, multiplayer vs AI (LoS) and multiplayer vs other players (LoC). Check your pilot profile on our TC website to understand the impact.

Lambda PatchCREATIVE CORNERLambda Patch

No Story this week

Lambda PatchSQUADRON ACTIVITY (18th-24th Jan)Lambda Patch

1-1 CPT Genie0052X0IS-PWx1
14th Echelon Wings
1-2 LT Kypho000X0IS-BW x11st Echelon Wings
1-3 LT Slade Carroll000X0
1-4 CM Cele Rian000No Comm0OV-16E5th Echelon Wings
2-1 LCM Corran Shub000X03rd Echelon Wings
2-2 LT Calvin Phrick000No Comm01st Echelon Wings
2-3 LT Physics000X01st Echelon Wings
2-4 LT MrSpywalker000X0
3-1 LCM Highlander006X06th Echelon Wings
3-2 LT Solohan50000X0New Fiction
3-3 LT Deiro Avisst000X0
3-4 LCM Xye0016Officer 3rdX07th Echelon Wings


Current Lambda Squadron Competitions:

Hammer Competitions:

TIE Corps Competitions:

  • Pimp my TIE: Create a graphic externally and internally of a TIE. Can be any type of TIE fighter (as long as it exists in Legends or Canon).
  • Squadrons Completionist: A race for the entire TC on who will complete all the achievements of the Squadrons game first.
  • January COO Objective Scramble: Squadrons Dogfight: Submit your highest kill game in Dogfight mode flown for the month of January.
  • SP Ace of the TIE Corps 2021: Every Single Player mission flown earns you a point. I encourage you to fly out entire battles as they tend to be more fun and story driven. You will also earn a citation for our Lambda Squadron!

Be sure to check out all the running competitions. As Lambdas, to know the competitions you are eligible for, under 'Units Involved' it must be listed as 'Entire TC', 'ISD-II Hammer', 'Wing I' or 'Lambda Squadron'.

Notable Events:

For a full list of all streaming and youtube channels be sure to check the #streams channel on our Discord (flagged as pinned messages). If an EH stream or youtube channel is missing from the pinned messages, drop me a line on discord.

Lambda PatchCLOSING COMMENTSLambda Patch

We are already past January. Time sometimes passes by so fast.

CPT Genie
CMDR-WARD CPT Genie Lambda Wing I ISDII Hammer
[Gallant] [Elite 3rd] [Gunner's Mate 1st] {TCCORE-MCBS-SM/5-TM/3-WIKI}

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