Lambda Report # 26 (2021-01-29)

This report was submitted by CMDR-WARD/CPT Genie/Lambda/Wing I/ISDII Hammer

Lambda Squadron WSR

Lambda PatchLAMBDA SQUADRON WSR #26 (24-Jan-29 ABY)Lambda Patch

REPORTING COMMANDER: Captain Genie, Squadron Commander
TO: Lambda Squadron, RA Phoenix Berkana Hammer's Commodore
DATE SUBMITTED: 29th January 29 ABY

Lambda PatchLAMBDA SQUADRON NEWSLambda Patch

Apologies, I had the report sitting on my desk for the past few days. January is almost behind us. Everyone is feeling the aftershocks of Christmas, the end of Year celebrations and of course the lockdown within our Hammer barracks. We used this time plotting... I mean playing scrabble and ensuring our uniforms were in top notch.

Some news closer to the fleet. This Saturday, 30th Jan, the Flockers will be facing the Jolly Rho-gers and the Temper Tantrums in a rounds 1, 2 3 and 4 extravaganza! Will the RTF Champions of 2020 prove too much for the Flockers or will we send the pretenders to the throne packing? And what of the Temper Tantrums; who will throw their TIEs out of the pram?

Congratulations to LT Solohan on his promotion! He graduated from having to use his toothbrush to clean the Lambda toilets, to using his hairbrush.

A new Hammer competition is underway - Hammer Crew Cruise - as we get a chance to create new NPC characters to flesh out our ... intrepid ISD.

Two days remaining for the Pimp my TIE competition. Be sure to get your submissions in!

Lambda PatchCREATIVE CORNERLambda Patch

Solohan's Diary (Day 64)

'If I'd known he'd blabber on this long, I would've brought some fish flakes to shut him up' I think to myself as this disgusting Mon Calamari goes through the briefing for our upcoming mission. It takes all of my Imperial training to not wretch at his disgusting, salty smell.

'Why they have the smelliest and chattiest species do these briefings is beyond me' I muse silently as the briefing concludes. Our mission today is to protect a top-secret Sullustan meeting with the Rebels as they try to create diplomatic ties. Little do they know that their 'top-secret' mission has the blessing of the Emperor, else it would feel the true might of his hammer.

My wingman and I board our A-Wings and take off to 'protect' the summit. The summit starts without a hitch and all seems calm until the ISD Invincible jumps in, right on schedule. She launches a pitiful amount of ships, just enough to be believable to these stupid traitors but not enough to prevent me from doing my job. I feel some regret as I shoot down my brothers, but their sacrifice solidifies my cover and I am bolstered by the thought that they died for the glory of the Empire.

The Invincible remains at distance, releasing a couple of fighters at a time in order to 'disrupt' the meeting that's taking place. Are these Rebels truly so ignorant that they buy this performance? 'If the Empire's goal was to truly destroy this meeting, the Invincible could be on top of them and obliterate them without much effort' I ponder to myself between waves of fighters. After a few minutes, the meeting concludes and the parties go their separate ways.

I take one last look at the Invincible, longing for the day that I can leave the wretched Rebel base I'm stationed in and return to the warm embrace of other Imperials. But alas, that day is not today as I turn my ship in the opposite direction and engage the hyperdrive. 'Nobody ever said service to the Empire is easy' I muttered as I hurtled through space. 'I hope that damned Wookie I bunk with didn't shower tonight or the room will smell like a wet dog for a week.'.

Lambda PatchSQUADRON ACTIVITY (18th-24th Jan)Lambda Patch

1-1 CPT Genie0020X0WSR
1-2 LT Kypho000X0
1-3 LT Slade Carroll000X0
1-4 CM Cele Rian000No Comm0
2-1 LCM Corran Shub000X0
2-2 LT Calvin Phrick000No Comm0
2-3 LT Physics000X0
2-4 LT MrSpywalker000X0
3-1 LCM Highlander006X0
3-2 LT Solohan50000X0INPR
3-3 LT Deiro Avisst000No Comm0
3-4 LCM Xye000X0


Current Lambda Squadron Competitions:

Hammer Competitions:

TIE Corps Competitions:

  • Pimp my TIE: Create a graphic externally and internally of a TIE. Can be any type of TIE fighter (as long as it exists in Legends or Canon).
  • Squadrons Completionist: A race for the entire TC on who will complete all the achievements of the Squadrons game first.
  • January COO Objective Scramble: Squadrons Dogfight: Submit your highest kill game in Dogfight mode flown for the month of January.
  • SP Ace of the TIE Corps 2021: Every Single Player mission flown earns you a point. I encourage you to fly out entire battles as they tend to be more fun and story driven. You will also earn a citation for our Lambda Squadron!

Be sure to check out all the running competitions. As Lambdas, to know the competitions you are eligible for, under 'Units Involved' it must be listed as 'Entire TC', 'ISD-II Hammer', 'Wing I' or 'Lambda Squadron'.

Notable Events:

For a full list of all streaming and youtube channels be sure to check the #streams channel on our Discord (flagged as pinned messages). If an EH stream or youtube channel is missing from the pinned messages, drop me a line on discord.

Lambda PatchCLOSING COMMENTSLambda Patch

We are halfway through the first round of the Chalquilla Cup and already the action was more than we bargained for! You simply cannot discount any of the Squads and risk doing so, only at your peril. We await our first games as Lambda this weekend with great anticipation!

CPT Genie
CMDR-WARD CPT Genie Lambda Wing I ISDII Hammer
[Gallant] [Elite 3rd] [Gunner's Mate 1st] {TCCORE-MCBS-SM/5-TM/3-WIKI}

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