TCCOM Report # 0 (2000-12-29)

This report was submitted by AD Theodore

"All right stop collaborate and listen....Ice is back with my brand new invention ...Something grabs a hold of me tightly ...Flow like a harpoon daily and nightly "

/me shoots out the audio-feed

Okay people, welcome to the last Flight Office Report of the 20th Century, the last of the Millennium.

First, we are over 5,900 in pin numbers and will likely hit the 6,000 mark early into January !! Go recruit, I can't wait to see the pin #s hit the 6k and then on to 10k marks.

Next, we again saw slight increases in the Fleet membership. This week, the TC and NC saw slight increases in numbers and the Subgroups continue to fluctuate, but generally are strong. I have seen many new cadets and have welcomed back many reservists. As the Fleet continues to grow, remember we are here to have fun and the more people who are sharing the fun, the greater the feeling. Continue to talk a lot, get to know your squad, wing and ship. the Fleet will only prosper by you having more fun.

There are several new competitions being planned for the new year which look interesting and I hope to see the continued inventiveness and participation of many fine officers. Keep your eyes open and stay in touch, things could get exciting.

Finally, I want to wish you all the safest of New Year's weekend's. Those of you who have suffered accidents or losses recently, I send my deepest sympathies, but always remember you have a wonderful set of friends waiting to support you.

Until next time...have fun and behave like an officer !

FO-TCCOM-Legal/AD Theodore/CS-4/SSSD Sovereign

"I will make it Legal"

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