TCCOM Report # 0 (2000-12-01)

This report was submitted by AD Theodore

Welcome all to the Flight Office Report for the first day of December.

I thank you all for working to make the Flight Office's job of taking care of all the necessary requests and changes much easier. Remember the promotion forms allow you to input your requests and eases the job for us, and keeps us less manic. Transfer requests MUST cc appropriate CMDRs and WCs or I will reject them. I must inform the appropriate parties and unless they are already included in the e-mail request, I must compile the list of e-mails for distribution. Take a minute and cc them from the start and things will proceed more smoothly.

The fleet rosters again are strong, many cadets have finished their training and have been assigned to the Fleet. Numbers generally are up or held steady for all divisions except for Daedalus. With all the promotions, the platform's numbers are down a bit, but I continue to process several new recruits a day.

Keep recruiting and keep communicating, the fleet is doing great. As always, have fun and act like an officer.

FO-TCCOM-Legal/AD Theodore/CS-4/SSSD Sovereign

"I will make it Legal"

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