ISDII Warrior Report # 8 (2018-10-07)

This report was submitted by COM/RA Hav Antiel/ISDII Warrior


REPORTING OFFICER: Rear Admiral Hav Antiel, Commodore
DATE SUBMITTED: 7 October 2018


Two hours later. An abandoned barracks on the ISD-II Warrior.

The crackling of plasma torches and the clanging of hammers echoed in the large, otherwise empty room. Five workers in grease-stained gray coveralls labored on four sides of a metallic frame centered in the space. A mouse droid zoomed around aimlessly.

“So what’s the deal with that thing?” one worker asked, pointing a hydrospanner at the droid as it whizzed past.

“What, Algernon?” responded another worker. “You’ve never seen a modded mouse droid before?”

“Nah, nothing like that.” He watched the droid skid to a stop next to a pile of bolts, then study them with a pop-out lens.

“I needed a special droid for my ‘projects,’” the second worker responded. “And no one suspects a mouse droid.”

In the corner near the only door, a stormtrooper, LK-71665, was hunched in an awkward lump. The zap of a flash-welder brought him back to consciousness and reminded him of the nasty jolt he’d received from that mouse droid. He painfully opened his eyes, and he realized he had been squeezing them closed for some time.

He squinted at the figures flashing in the arc light. He wasn’t sure where he was or what was going on, but he knew to be cautious.

Where’s my helmet? he thought.

Just then, one of the workers whistled and waved toward LK-71665.

“He’s awake!” he shouted.

LK-71665 tried to get up, but his hands were bound behind his back. His neck ached from how he must have landed. As he struggled to sit up, three of the workers approached.

“Turn some lights on, will ya?” asked the same worker who had whistled and waved.

As a few dim lights blinked on, two workers helped the stormtrooper into an awkward seated position. The first worker – the foreman, perhaps—crouched down. LK-71665 recognized him as the man who had opened the door.

“Hey, sorry about the whole ‘knock you unconscious’ thing, trooper,” he said, grinning. LK-71665 grimaced.

“What’s going on here?” he asked.

“That’s a great question, trooper. You seem to like asking that one a lot.”

“My squad knows where to find me, and you’ll be sorry for this,” said LK-71665.

The foreman sighed.

“OK, listen closely, solider,” he said. “If you play your cards right – that means thinking carefully about everything I’m about to tell you – then you might just earn a very sweet opportunity to serve the Emperor’s Hammer. You understand?”

LK-71665 gulped, squinting at the large machine beyond the foreman. His neck ached, and his wrists throbbed from the binders. He leered at the foreman.

“I’m loyal to the Empire!” LK-71665 barked.

“Excellent, excellent!” the foreman laughed. “Boys, get him out of those cuffs.”

After unlocking the binders, two workers helped LK-71665 to his feet. He was still wobbly from being stunned. The mouse droid zoomed past on another hot lap.

“I know, I know,” said the foreman, smiling at the stormtrooper. “You want to know what’s going on here.”

LK-71665 nodded.

“This…” the foreman turned to wave at the half-built machine with a grand gesture. “This is a special project for the commodore.” He turned to the other workers. “It still doesn’t have a name, though, does it?”

LK-71665 was confused.

“Does the commodore know you’re knocking out stormtroopers and putting them in binders?” He rubbed his aching wrists.

The foreman laughed. “He’s well aware.”

“This whole thing seems very suspicious. I’m not sure General Frown—”

“Stop right there,” said the foreman, placing a strong hand on LK-71665’s shoulder. He exhaled sharply and drew in a slow, deliberate breath, looking the stormtrooper in the eye.

“Like I said, this is the commodore’s special project,” said the foreman. “It’s not something that everyone needs to know about. Have you had the pleasure of meeting General Frown?”

LK-71665 shook his head. “Not yet.”

“How about the commodore? Have you met him yet?”

LK-71665 shook his head again.

“Didn’t think so,” said the foreman. “Look, trooper, we’re working as fast as we can on this project, but it’s going to take some time. You any good with tools?”

“I grew up on Freliq,” LK-71665. “Of course I am.”

“Do you know how to use a flash-welder?”

“I could weld that mouse droid to the ceiling before you know what happened.”

The foreman laughed. “Do you know how to find your way back here?”

LK-71665 nodded.

“Good,” said the foreman. “Be here tomorrow right after your watch. This is your new official/unofficial ‘off time.’”


Welcome to this week's Warrior report. It's evaluation time once again, and I'd like to thank COL Earnim Branet for promptly submitting Sin's MSE. I'm hoping to receive Kappa and Theta's MSEs later today, as requested.

The TCCOM has returned from his vacation. Welcome back, Pete!

October begins a new round of the Escort Flight competitions. I have awarded September's winners and updated the standings below. In addition, the Trivia Grand Tour continues this week with screengrabs from Star Wars films.


This week, the following intrepid Warriors have earned competition medals.

  • GN Mark Schueler - Imperial Security Medal
  • COL Earnim Branet - IS-GW
  • RA Hav Antiel - IS-GW
  • COL Earim Branet - IS-SW x2
  • LT James379 - IS-BW
  • COL Earnim Branet - IS-BW x2
  • GN Pickled Yoda - IS-GR
  • GN Mark Schueler - IS-SR
  • GN Pickled Yoda - IS-BR/font> x2

A full list of active competitions is available on

  • Escort Flights - Fly enough SP and MP to finish in the top four for the Wing/Ship each month, earn awards! (Competition IDs 2972 and 2973)

29 Strong (even) -


Commodore's Escort Flight
Top Four for August

  1. COL Earnim Branet - Ninth Month - IS-SW
  2. GN Dunta Polo - Ninth Month - IS-SW
  3. CM Bodhan Grayson - First Month - IS-BW
  4. LT James379 - Second Month - IS-BW

Wing Commander's Escort Flight
Top Four for August

  1. CPT Rando - Eighth Month - IS-BW
  2. COL Earnim Branet - Sixth Month - IS-SW
  3. GN Mark Schueler - Sixth Month - IS-SW

What I've been up to since my last report:

  • Flying XvT
  • Emailing CMDRs
  • Awarded Escort Flight medals
  • Project Nunya Move along.

Remember, the only way forward is through.

RA Hav Antiel
COM/RA Hav Antiel/ISDII Warrior
GS/SSx5/BSx6/PCx4/ISMx9/IS-8GW-13SW-24BW-2GR-10SR-34BR/MoI/MoC-3doc-3poc-3goc-3soc-25boc/CoLx2/CoB/LoAx9/OV-4E [CNTR] {IWATS-BFM-CA-CBX-COE-CTW-HIST-ITS-MCBS-SC-SFW-SM/4-STM-TT-WIKI-XWAC}
Commodore of the TIE Corps Flagship

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