Wing I Report # 12 (2003-08-04)

This report was submitted by LC Mike Chistu

Here it is, a little late, but as exciting as ever...

---===Wing news===---

- The biggest news is that Talons and Jennif are on emergency leave.
Apparently something very bad and drastic has happened, although I'm not
sure what. If anybody has any information for me, please contact me
immediatly. I fear the worst for my friends.

- The mission competition is still going on. All you have to do is create
one simple Wing I mission and turn it in. Argon has, what about the rest
of you?

- One new LT in the group this week. He's been quite promising so far,
can't wait to see what's next. :)

- If you'd like to help out with the upcoming competition I'm starting
email me.

---===Sov News===---

- Stele's Summer Patrol rolls into it's seventh week. I hope you guys are
hanging on.

- SSL semi finals are over. They are holding out for a little bit for the
next round. They're trying to make sure everything is set for the finals.

- IS IV is coming. Hope you guys are ready for it. How much am I allowed
to divulge about it? Well, it's IS IV...

---===WC's Comments===---

- Well, it's August. In a few short weeks almost all of us will be back
in school, trying to get an education. I've passed the hump, and will be
an upperclassman at my college this fall. So its come to my attention
that it's also time to start thinking about what I want to do for the rest
of my life. Whatever that is, I'm also trying to commit to be here for
you guys as well. I have some ideas for somps that will be coming up
later this month. Also we have several large comps coming up soon,
biggest of all IS IV. I hope yu guys are excited about the fall, with our
slew of gaming oppertunities coming up. FOr now, just do what you do,
have fun.


WC/LC Mike Chistu/Wing I/SSSD Sovereign
SS/PCx2/ISMx2/MoI/IS-1BW/MoC-2BoC/CoLx2/CoB/LoA/OV-4E [FUSL]
LAMBDA Horseman

BTL/GRD Mike Chistu/Ebon Cloak/Acclivis Draco/Scholae Palatinae

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