TCCOM Report # 14 (2017-11-05)

This report was submitted by TCCOM-IOA-LOA/FA Pellaeon/TC-1/ISDII Challenge

Betreff:                           TCCOM Report #14 Corps Commander Report #14

Date submitted 5th November 2017
From: TCCOM/FA Pellaeon
to: entire TIE Corps Fleet


Greetings pilots!

October is over, welcome November!

With the new month another evaluation round starts. Last round was a very fast one and that really excited me. I hope it will be this month again the case.

After a short exchange of ideas between Admiral Plif and myself the "Warrior Trivia" is now open for the entire TC. With the start of the next year it will be possible to earn the rare and prestigious IS-PR, an award which wasn't handed out for a very long time.

I want to remember everyone that every weekend it is possible to fight against the Rebel Squadrons and earn LoC as well a DFC if the requiements are met. Full details can be found in the Combat Events section of my report. I hope I'll find one day some time too for participation.

November 17th will be the release date of Star Wars Battlefront II and 3 days earlier on the 14th if you pre ordered the Premium Edition. I hope that it will have flight elements we can use for the TC. I guess some of you will buy it and provide some informations for the TCCS.

The next time I'll check the profiles if anyone of you reached a new level for a career award. Always feel free to mail me remembering me if you did the next step. I don't mind it and everybody should recieve what he deserves in an appropriate time frame.

Last but not least I awarded this week our Combat Operations Officer Admiral Silvius for his excellent and outstanding tour of duty in his Office with the Grand Order of the Emperor! Wear it with pride buddy! The preparations for the party on board of the VSD Aggressor are in full swing.

Thats all this week.


none Command Positions

Alpha Flight Leader of Flight II and Flight III
Epsilon Flight Leader of Flight III Wide Competitions

MP Co-Op Ace of the TIE Corps 2017
MP Ace of the TIE Corps 2017
TIE Corps on Recon - 2017
TIE Corps on Patrol - 2017
TIE Corps Vs. AI 2017
COO's Star Wars Challenge; Episode III
COO Riddle 2017
COO Monthly Assignment: SC: Objectives
Ace of the TIE Corps 2017
Warrior Trivia Phase Six: Hammerfall Competitions

TIE Corps on Recon - 2017:

Competition Medals:

- IS-SW/IS-BW for the 1st and 2nd based on combined score of all 5 game modes (weekly)
- IS-GW/IS-SW/IS-BW for 1st, 2nd and 3rd based on the points earned (points from all match types added together for the monthly part!)
- IS-PW/IS-GW/IS-SW for 1st, 2nd and 3rd based on the points earned over the entire year 2017
- IS-GW/SW/BW for 1st, 2nd and 3rd for every game mode based on the points earned over the entire year 2017


This competition is split up into multiple parts, all based on Star Conflict Multiplayer matches. The different weekly parts are split up based on the different match types Star Conflict is offering.

Here the goals for the 5 different game modes used in this competition:

- Domination/Beacon Hunt (counted seperately): 3 points per captured beacon, 1 point per kill, 0,5 points per assist
- PvE/Team Battle (counted seperately): most kills (Assists count as half kills)
- Combat Recon: most kills (Assists count as half kills), killing the Captain gives 2 extra points, surviving as Captain 3 extra points. There are "only" 2 points for the Captain kill, because there is 1 additional point for the kill itself in the calculation.
- Suvival, Capture the Beacon and Detonation are not counted for TCoR
For the monthly part of the TCoR competition a points system will be used. For each victory in one of the weekly sections of this competition the winner will gain 4 points, second gains 3, third gains 2 and every other participant gains 1 point. Even if only 1,2 or 3 TIE pilots participate in one game mode, the 1st place still gains 4 points, 2nd 3 points and so on.Those points will be added up until the last weekly SOO report of a month and then the monthly winner will be announced based on those points. The points are also used for the calculation of the overall winner of the year.

Every participating pilot that isn't eligible for a medal reward from this competition earns himself an TCoR-activity point for each match type he participated in per week.

10 activity points = IS-BW
50 activity points = IS-SW

After gaining 50 activity points, the pilot's points will be reset to 0.

To make a match count for this competition screenshots of the matches need to be send to the TIE Corps Strategic Operations Officer before the weekly report is released on Sunday. Only one submission per week, match type and pilot will count, even though you might send multiple screenshots to the SOO in case you manage to gain more kills/captures during a week than you've had in the first submission. Only screenshots for victories are allowed!

Everyone that wants to participate in this competition needs to submit screenshots himself. If in one match 2 TIE Corps pilots participated and want a screenshot for that match to count for this competition they BOTH need to send their screenshots to the SOO!

Tie breakers:

- most Beacons in Domination and Beacon Hunt; in case of the same amount of beacons, most pure kills will be the tie breaker
- Captain kill or survived as Captain in Combat Recon
- pure kills for PvE, Team Battle

Note that CoOp matches against bot-only teams are not eligible.

Rankings - Week 44 - 2017:

Team Battle:
* 1st place: AD Silvius 15/10=20
* 2nd place: GN Elwood the Brave 7/18=16
* 3rd place: GN John T. Clark 5/16=13
* 4th place: FA Pellaeon 7/11=12,5
* 5th place: GN Anahorn Dempsey 4/7=7,5
* 6th place: LC Earnim Branet 4/2=5

Combat Recon:
* 1st place: FA Pellaeon 5/0 (+Captain kill)=7
* 2nd place: GN John T. Clark 3/3=4,5

Beacon Hunt:
* 1st place: GN Dunta Polo 3 caps (2/10)=16
* 2nd place: FA Pellaeon 3 caps (0/7)=12,5
* 3rd place: AD Silvius 1 cap (0/18=12
* 4th place: GN John T. Clark 2 caps (3/3)=10,5
* 5th place: LC Earnim Branet 0 caps (2/10)=7

* 1st place: AD Silvius 4 caps (2/19)=23,5
* 2nd place: GN Dunta Polo 6 caps (1/8)=23
* 3rd place: FA Pellaeon 1 caps (2/23)=16,5
* 4th place: GN Elwood the Brave 2 caps (3/10)=14
* 5th place: GN John T. Clark 3 caps (2/5)=13,5
* 6th place: GN Anahorn Dempsey 1 cap (4/5)=9,5
* 7th place: LC Earnim Branet 0 caps (1/2)=2

* 1st place: FA Pellaeon 135/79=174,5
* 2nd place: AD Silvius 52/178=141
* 3rd place: GN Elwood the Brave 72/61=102,5
* 4th place: GN Dunta Polo 51/52=77
* 5th place: GN Anahorn Dempsey 43/7=46,5
* 6th place: GN John T. Clark 24/39=43,5
* 7th place: LC Earnim Branet 17/21=27,5

Activity points:
GN Elwood the Brave: 23 (+3)
FA Pellaeon:26
AD Silvius: 47
GN Anahorn Dempsey:29 (+3)
GN Dunta Polo: 41 (+3)
GN John T. Clark: 13 (+5) - IS-BW
RA Len Eode: 1
LC Earnim Branet: 51 (+4) - IS-SW
GN Coranel Both: 16

Total Scores:
* 1st place with 14 points: FA Pellaeon - IS-SW
* 2nd place with 13 points: AD Silvius - IS-BW
* 3rd place with 8 points: GN John T. Clark and GN Dunta Polo
* 4th place with 6 points: GN Elwood the Brave
* 5th place with 4 points: LC Earnim Branet
* 6th place with 3 points: GN Anahorn Dempsey Events

COO Monthly Challenge 2017 - November
EH vs. RS - we're still fighting! Award requirements


Dragoon - 100 points - ISM
Knight 250 points - PC
Aquilifer 500 points - BS
Executor 2000 points - SS
Imperator 5500 points - GS

Combat Rating:

Marksman 1st 100 points - ISM
Officer 1st 300 points - PC
Veteran 1st 600 points - BS
Ace 1st - 2000 points - SS
Tan 5000 points - GS


Private 1st 100 points - ISM
Gunner's Mate 1st 300 points - PC
Campaigner 1st 600 points - BS
Master Ranger 1st 2000 points - SS
Top Ace Ranger 5000 points - GS's Activites

Medals recommended: 11
Promotions approved: 0
Mail activity
played SW: Galaxy of Heroes
played Star Conflict
approved some Coop screens

Thats all for now.


TCCOM-IOA-LOA/FA Pellaeon/TC-1/ISDII Challenge
[GLDR] [Ace 1st] [Ace Ranger 3rd] {IWATS-AIM-BX-CBX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-SC-SM/2/3/4-STM-TM/1-WM-XTM/1-XTT}


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