Wing I Report # 5 (2003-02-04)

This report was submitted by LC Mike


I'm sorry this is late this week.  I've had a hectic week at school.

---===Wing News===---

- Still no website submissions.  Don't make me pull Word and do one on it.
It wouldn't be pretty.  Literally.

- Rat Pack vs WIng I CMDRs will start Feb. 10.  Good luck.

- Congrats to Talons for apparently doing soe interesting writing for the

- Whimpering WInds continues.  However, I'll probably let this run until
the end of the week and then compile the scores myself.

---===Sov News===---

- All pilots on standby.  There may be a battle soon in O:OF

- SBotM are out for February.  Get to it!

I know this is short this week.  I've basically been spending every waking
moment either studying, in class, or building the two story set for Romeo
and Juliet.  I swear I'll work on it this weekend and provide everyone with
a new set up the'll be easier for everyone.

WC/LC Mike/Wing I/SSSD Sovereign
LAMBDA Horseman

NOV Mike (Krath)/TYR/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae

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