Beta Report # 67 (2017-07-17)

This report was submitted by CMDR/GN Coranel Both/Beta/Wing I/ISDII Hammer

-==Beta Squadron Weekly Report==-
Report # 67
July 16, 2017
-==Intro/CMDR Rant==-
There was some dust stirred up on the TIE Corps mailing list about suggestions for improving our club, and I would encourage anyone who has either the time to help out with projects or ideas for improvement to speak up! Other than that...a pretty quiet week.
A reminder that we're utilizing Discord (in addition to IRC and Telegram) for our squadron and ship communications. Some folks used it before for voice communication during MP gaming but it can be used as a text chat as well. I encourage you all to join by clicking here! We've got thirteen people aboard so far and would love to see more!
Finally, on a personal note, I've moved onto Act III of Diablo III. Enjoying it just fine although it's getting a bit repetitive as hack-and-slash RPG games tend to do. So today I am finally giving Star Trek Online a try (I've been on a Star Trek kick lately, I'm even watching the Enterprise series on Netflix since I never saw it during it's original run; I blame Miles for infecting me with this). I normally don't like MMO's but this one's not half bad. I may keep at it next weekend.
Now, on to the Tale of the Tape.
-==Squadron News==-
* If you're interested in the position of Beta Squadron Flight Leader (Flight II), please email VA Prower and me.
* LC Kroan has taken the lead this month for PotM with some email activity. That's a good reminder that you can earn activity points simply by being an active communicator in one of our four communication platforms (email, IRC, Telegram and Discord)! You can earn a medal for simply being social with the rest of us!
GN Coranel Both
Email, IRC, Telegram and Discord activity
LT OberSteiger
No contact
LC Kyle Kroan
Email activity
LT Tobias Miller
No contact
GN Golbez Harvey
No contact
SL Tag
No contact
-==Squadron Competitions==-
Beta Squadron Pilot of the month
July Standings:
1. LC Kyle Kroan - 2 points
-==TIE Corps Competitions==-
* COO Monthly Challenge 2017 - July: Submit PvP screenshots with the highest number of kills plus half assists in Star Conflict!
* TIE Corps on Patrol: go fly TIE-FREE# 127, XvT-FREE# 135, and/or XWA-FREE# 100! BSF the files and email the pilot files to Woody and me by Saturday  at 8am GMT (4am ET)!
* COO's Star Wars Challenge; Episode III: submit your PvP & PvE MP screenshots for the Star Wars game platforms!
* TIE Corps on Recon: Send in your Star Conflict Domination/Beacon Hunt/PvE/Team Battle/Combat Recon to FA Pellaeon and me, in addition to your normal LoC/LoS submission!
* TIE Corps vs. AI 2017: Send in your Star Conflict Player vs. AI victory screenshots to the COO and me!
* ISDII Hammer Blacksmith: Top three Single Player, PvP and PvE pilots each month to earn Iron Star's with Gold/Silver/Bronze Wings!
* Squadron Simulation Supremacy 2017: The top three squadrons (based on SP/MP activity) each month will earn the participating pilots Iron Stars with Gold/Silver/Bronze Wings!
* COO Monthly Assignment: SC: PvE Kills: Send in your Star Conflict PvE screenshots with high amount of kills via the normal LoS process!
* Logistics Officer's Knockout: to participate in this tournament-style competition for our legacy Star Wars flight sim games, sign up at!
-==Squadron Roster==-
COMMANDER   General Coranel Both
NICKNAME   Violent Order
MOTTO   'Existence in Progress'
Nickname: Dark Defenders
Motto: 'Never Forgive! Never Forget! '
[1] GN Coranel Both
[2] TBA
[3] LT OberSteiger
[4] LC Kyle Kroan
Nickname: Shelter From Death
Motto: 'Easy Way to Hell'
[5] TBA
[6] LT Tobias Miller
[7] TBA
[8] TBA
Nickname: The Eternal Afflict
Motto: 'Horizon Born'
[9] GN Golbez Harvey
[10] SL Tag
[11] TBA
[12] TBA
Total: 6
Squadron Citations Earned: 3
TIE-TC 3: New Dimensions
Respectfully submitted,
CMDR/GN Coranel Both/Beta/Wing I/ISDII Hammer
GOE/GS/SSx2/BSx7/PCx13/ISMx12/IS-15GW-59SW-129BW-3GR-17SR-23BR/MoI/MoT-1rh/LoC-RS-TS-CSx5-Rx3/LoS-PS-RSx2-IS-CSx4-Rx4/DFC-Rx2/MoC-1doc-2poc-2goc-2soc-16boc/CoLx4/CoB/LoAx5/OV-15E [CNTR] [Officer 1st] [Ranger 2nd]

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