Lambda Report # 3 (2002-02-17)

This report was submitted by CPT Mike

Well, a lot of news out there, so let me get straight to work.

---===Squad News===---

- We have a new member, LT Pheonixus. He's straight out of Daedalus training, but he's already been promoted. So drinks are on him, twice.

- Well, I've fallen behind some on these, so I might as well get caught up. :) So everyone welcome LC Freelancer to the mix Now he's not THAT bad...

- Webpage is, well, still non existent. I'd like to see SOME action on it, PLEASE.

- CItatiions are down since Free came, so I'm gonna start getting to work on some new ones. Later this week I'll send out an excel of our citations.

---===Wing News===---

- Man, I haven't done these for a while. :) Murad is the new WC now that Firebird is gone. He's been here a LONG time, so I have a feeling he'll be a good choice.

- Two new CMDR's as well. CM Dark Viper and WIlliam MacArthur, of Epsilon and gamma respectively. I've talked to both of them and am impressed. It think'll be good assets to the wing.

- With the addition of so many people this week, our Wing is up to 38, making us the largest wing in the Sov. Drinks are on Proton, just because he hasn't bought any in a while.

- Wing I vs. Wing II competition. Murad, what's the status on this? I'm ready for action.

---===Sov. News===---

- Prelude to Andevia competition is still going on. Feel free to enter it.

- New IO competition has begun. Project Hawkeye. Anyone good at Trivia may want to look into it.

- This week celebrated the first annual "Blame Proton Week" here on the Sov. Words were flung and fun was had by all. We're in the works to start a "Blame Aol Week" as soon as we can get the paperwork through.

Well, I believe that's about it this week. Tune in later this week for Freelancer's rebuttle to this, which I'm sure will come soon.

Activity Report 2/10-2/17

- High communication
- Flew TCB #19

FL/MAJ Nebular
- High Commuication
- Run-on work

FL/LT Seether
- No communication
- Email me as soon as possible

FM/LT Fearow
- Med. Communication

FM/LC Freelancer
- High communication
- Run-on work
- Created "Blame Proton Week"

FM/LT Pheonixus
- High communication
- Flew XWA Free #4,5,6
- Flew XWA B #43
- completed CBX IWATS course
- Promoted to LT

FM/LT Maclee
- High Communication

FM/LCM Enerum Shka
-No communication
-Please email me as soon as possible

Message Board QotW
"oh man.. it's full of old people's drinks...

Looks like the right place to get some milk...

Those Omega people need all the calcium they can get.. bones tend to get more fragile at old age.."
- CMDR/CM Ras Kronar/Delta/Wing I

NICKNAME: Nero's Fire
MOTTO: Talking Tough and Acting Tough are Two Different Things.

Nickname: Phoenix Reborn
Motto: The Fire, My Old Friend
1) CPT Mike (
2) LT Fearow (
3) LC Freelancer (
4) TBA

Nickname: I am Jacks Flight
Motto: Touch not lest ye be touched
1) MAJ Nebular (
2) LCM Maclee (
3) LT Pheonixus (
4) TBA

Nickname: The Artists
Motto: Know yourself, know your enemy and you will triumph in the war
1) LT Seether (
2) LCM Enerum Shka (
3) TBA
4) TBA

Total: 8
FCHG Listings | Combat Ratings | Squadron Reports (2)

Squadron Citations (2):
TIE-TC Battle 32 - Assassinate the Fleet Commander?
TIE-TC Battle 108 - Unexplored Territory

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