Theta Report # 0 (2000-06-11)

This report was submitted by MAJ Michael Emrys

Theta Squadron Report - 11 June 2000


Well here we are again, a week further in to my reign as Theta's CMDR. Theta has been a little quiet over the last week, so don't expect a vast amount, but what we did is going to be in here!

Report Summary
Wing II vs Wing X
Theta News
Activity Reports
Fleet News
Wing II vs Wing X

We Won! Below are the actual scores of everyone who participated in the competition.

Top Scorers:
1) WC/LC Harkonnen - 286,157
2) CMDR/CM Michael Emrys - 280,533
3) FM/CM Artyis - 273,236

Top Scorers:
1) CMDR/COL Callista - 302,239
2) FM/CM Kaneda Pellail - 282,087
3) FM/LCM Daniel Bonini - 279,391

Complete Results:
Rat Pack:
WC/GN Gallows 152,580
WC/LC Harkonnen 286,517

Kappa Squadron:
CMDR/CM Deacan/Kappa - 232,926
FL/LCM Astarosta/Kappa 2-1 - 224,448
FL/CM Hawkins/Kappa 3-1 - 240,589
FM/LT Jan Wemmel/Kappa 2-3 - 238,191
FM/SL Torgo Reyes/Kappa 1-2 147,523

Psi Squadron:
FM/LT A. G. Ourumov/Psi 3-4 - 153,207
FM/LT Nemesis/Psi 2-2 - 134,141

Rho Squadron:
CMDR/CM Calzeo Inkwolf/Rho - 260,445
FM/LC Delplancq/Rho 2-4 - 204,639
FM/SL Jaster Sadista/Rho 1-3 - 96,120
FM/LT Sauron Tarrke/Rho 2-2 - 225,174

Sigma Squadron:
FM/CM Artyis/Sigma 3-2 - 273,236
FL/CM Thunder/Sigma 2-1 - 202,825
CMDR/CPT Al R.S./Sigma - 250,323
FM/CPT Todbringer/Sigma 3-4 - 231,118
FM/LT Regis Knox/Sigma 3-3 - 220,821
FM/LCM E. Rasxus/Sigma 1-4 - 272,665
FL/LCM R. Duncan/Sigma 3-1 - 230,432

Sin Squadron:
CMDR/CM M. Pendragon/Sin - 178,294
FM/LCM Proton/Sin 1-2 - 186,865
FM/LT Squall Lionheart/Sin 1-3 - 53,810
FM/LT Stele Pellaeon/Sin 3-2 - 244,128

Theta Squadron:
CMDR/CM Michael Emrys/Theta - 280,533
FL/LT Carl Lost/Theta 3-1 - 271,517
FM/LT Dawn NarShalla/Theta 1-2 - 214,314
FM/LT Kyile Hawk/Theta 3-2 - 259,944

Complete Results:
Brat Pack:
No Entries

Cyclone Squadron:
CMDR/CPT Onwai - 233739
FL/LCM Crovax - 255681
FM/LT Elwe Thingol - 158371

Inferno Squadron:
CMDR/COL Manitsas - 194366
FL/CM Calvin Numb - 205956
FM/LT Kalebb - 2269

Tempest Squadron
FM/LCM Daniel Bonini - 279391
FL/LCM Dark Talon - 202642
FM/CM Kaneda Pellail - 282087

Thunder Squadron
CMDR/CPT Indaro Gallia - 251803
FM/LT Schafe - 223383
FM/LT Myn Nebers - 119213
FM/LT Syn Katja - 96925
FL/CM Beef - 102182

Tornado Squadron
CMDR/CPT Aven Kronn - 244279
FM/LC Corran Horn - 236653
FL/LCM Jan Donner - 184032
FM/MAJ Badlands - 178800
FL/LCM Kou Taiki - 151144
FM/COL Syn Kaek - 106663
FM/LCM Jan Donner - 184032
FM/MAJ Topdawg - 154590

Typhoon Squadron
CMDR/COL Callista - 302239
FL/CPT Vexan - 178135
FL/CM Brandon - 264300
FM/LT Xeraan Rhazzazor - 139725

TOTAL SCORE: 5,967,325 TOTAL SCORE: 4,932,600

It should be noted that Wing II had more pilots participate in this competition percentage wise than Wing X did.
Wing II: 59.57 %
Wing X: 43.33 %

The average score for each wing was: Wing II ---> 213, 118.75. Wing X ---> 189,715.38

The top 5 scores from both Wings combined were:

COL Callista : 302,239
LC Vlad Harkonnen : 286,157
CM Kaneda Pellail : 282,087
CM Michael Emrys : 280,533
LCM Daniel Bonini : 279,391
Theta News

Not a lot of news here actually.

LT Carl Lost returns from EH meeting in Germany. Report on meeting available from him, or me when I get it from him, AGAIN! DOH!
LT Carl Lost promoted to LCM.
Site updated.
LT Rob Rowan resigns due to RL commitments.

Activity Reports

CM Michael Emrys - Theta 1-1

05/06/2000 Does BSF's for the day.
06/06/2000 more Squadron Stuff
07/06/2000 flies tc13
08/06/2000 flies tc14
09/06/2000 Develops special Theta Document, with the help of LT Dawn Nar'Shall
10/06/2000 flies tc155

LT Dawn Nar'Shalla - Theta 1-2

05/06/2000 flies TC32
06/06/2000 flies tc89
08/06/2000 Sends uniform update.
09/06/2000 Helps develop special Theta Document
10/06/2000 Working on Theta Battle

LT Skate - Theta 1-3

PC still stuffed up due to graphics card :(
Working on Flight 1 web site (when his 'puter is working)

LT Kyile Hawk - Theta 2-1

09/06/2000 Becomes Apprentice Sith
11/06/2000 Flies fm121

Rob Rowan - Theta 2-2

Resigned from EH & TC due to RL commitments.

LCM Carl Lost - Theta 3-1

05/06/2000 flew Free Tie missions 3 -> 7, 14 -> 17, 116, 119, 120, 122, 123
05/06/2000 Sends out recruiting info
05/06/2000 Sends updated Uniform
07/06/2000 Does even more recruiting
08/06/2000 Sends Battle of the Day to Squadron
09/06/2000 Sends B.O.D to Squadron (TC155)
09/06/2000 More recruiting!

LCM Xris Rawle - Theta 3-3

On leave due to Exams.

Fleet News

Wing II Banner competition still on. Unsure of deadline, may be the 15th June 2000?

Free-TIE Summer Madness! GN Ricardo of Wing IV has started a Free-TIE
competition for the summer...essentially, pilots participating are to, on
their own, fly 95% of all the free-missions in the TIE Corps database.
E-mail the good General ( for more info...all pilots
interested are encouraged to participate!

The newest addition to the EH, the Navy Corps, run by our very own VA Freelancer, is increasing it's membership in leaps and bounds. 80+ members at the last count and still growing!

The Half Life: Counter Strike server is down and will be down for the forseeable future, due to various bugs and other problems.

Project Phoenix continues apace, releasing many updated (de-bugged?) missions. More information on the missions/battles in question is available from the Tie Corps News page.


LT Skate (Theta 1-3) is BORED! If you have anything that needs to be done in the way of uniform updates etc. you can contact him at the following email address: --->


Well, that's it. Finally the end of another report. I think this time I actually managed to send it to all of the right people too!

CM Michael Emrys, CO Theta Squadron
CMDR/CM Michael Emrys/Theta 1-1/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign/DRAG/ISMx2/PCx3/{IWATS/TT/IIC-1/SM-2}

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