Reviewer Rating Profile

Lieutenant Big-J-Q (#9488)

Reviewer Average Rating: 2.7
Number of Battle Reviews: 6
Reviewed: 2002-07-13
Reviewed: 2002-07-13
An excellent battle. I was especially impressed by mission 5, which is totally different when played on hard than on easier difficulty setting. Only minor bugs (typos and such), so I'm tempted to give it a 5 because of creative innovations, but as it lacks final perfect professional touch, I'll have to round the rating down to 4.
Reviewed: 2002-07-12
Reviewed: 2002-07-12
Well... Interesting plot for once, reminds me of Star Trek... Too bad TIE (disk/CD/95) engine doesn't let you achieve great effects needed for this kind of battles. I don't know if I should rate this battle 3 or 4. Although the idea was fresh (?), the technical side is still a little unprofessional. The battle lacked that something that can be sensed in LA battles. But all in all, it's definitely worth your time!
Reviewed: 2002-07-12
Reviewed: 2002-07-12
This one has to be (one of?) the greatest EH battle I've ever played to date. The plot was interesting although in the later missions it became a little silly. The missions looked professional, and the briefings were even better. However a rating of 5 would indicate a perfect battle, but this is ALMOST perfect. There are some typos, some bugs, the battle was too easy, even on the hard difficulty setting, and some messages (at least one!)appear when they really shouldn't. I'd give it a 4 and a half, but I'm afraid I have to round it down.
Reviewed: 2002-07-11
Yet-another-boring-battle. The plot is completely uninteresting and stupid. Just destroy lots of capital ships .
Reviewed: 2002-07-11
Reviewed: 2002-07-11
Enjoyable battle although nothing too great. A couple of missions are a bit "destroy this and that and those", but no waves after waves after waves after waves...after waves of 6 A-, B-, X- and Y-Wings. Briefings need a little trimming.
Reviewed: 2002-07-11
Reviewed: 2002-07-11
A playable battle; Nothing too bad but also nothing too interesting. Some missions reek of killkillkill, but fortunately not too much. I could almost say that the biggest problem was that the battle was a bit amateurish: spelling errors, briefing design errors, starships with starfighter orders and so on.

Showing all 6 records