Reviewer Rating Profile

Commander Sabbath (#8952)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.7
Number of Battle Reviews: 10
Reviewed: 2007-02-26
Not really a big fan of this one. I have no problem flying a y-wing, but trying to shoot down tie advanced in them just plain blows. Seemed to me like the last two mission were kinda phoned in, they didn't seem to flow with the rest of them.
Reviewed: 2007-02-26
Reviewed: 2007-02-26
This one was tough for me. I had to fly the second mission a few times and the minefield mission twice because i turned right into a mine and died the first time. Excellent plot development as usual though.
Reviewed: 2007-02-24
Reviewed: 2007-02-24
Now, this is how plot development should be done. The mission briefings and debriefings really fleshed out this battle well. Very nice.
Reviewed: 2007-02-21
Reviewed: 2007-02-21
Sooo many missions, but, at least they were each quite simple. I really iked the introduction of the omnipotence of Frodo into his battles.
Reviewed: 2007-02-13
Reviewed: 2007-02-13
Very extensive plot development, which was a nice change from most battles. A little tiring though, especially the one with the base attack. But, all in all, I liked this one as well.
Reviewed: 2007-02-12
Reviewed: 2007-02-12
Nice big battle that's not too tough. Although, these kind of mission where you always end up at the end just waiting for a shuttle to fly to a capital ship, seem to make the game drag on a bit longer than I would like.
Reviewed: 2007-02-12
Reviewed: 2007-02-12
I liked this one, short, quick, lighthearted and fun. Also good to see the introduction of a minor villan into the EH realm, wouldn't mind seeing more like this.
Reviewed: 2007-02-11
Reviewed: 2007-02-11
I thoroughly enjoyed this one. I love the thought process behind blowing up a container full of inmates in order to "humanely rid ourselves of some prisoners."
Reviewed: 2007-02-11
Reviewed: 2007-02-11
Man, this took forever. I liked the size of the battles, just wish I could ration my warheads out a little better.
Reviewed: 2007-02-11
Reviewed: 2007-02-11
This battle is adequate as far as Frodo's battles go, nothing real special. I especially enjoyed the ignorance of the flight officer.

Showing all 10 records