Reviewer Rating Profile

Major Valic (#606)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.5
Number of Battle Reviews: 6
Reviewed: 2007-10-18
Reviewed: 2007-10-18
I thought the story was good, but the execution lacked a lot. I mean, come on, a PLT trying to take down a ISD on it's own (essentially), not going to happen. Should have had Cap ships at least. And the Corvette mission just had them too close to the PLT. Not realistic at all. But the story was ok, so a 3.
Reviewed: 2007-10-18
Reviewed: 2007-10-18
I have to agree, this mission was awful. All it is is a generator to get high scores, I mean, come on, more that a squadron of EACH fighter? Where are they hypering in from? When did the Rebels have that much extra money?
Reviewed: 2007-10-11
Reviewed: 2007-10-11
I've got to agree with everything about this, it's a great great battle with a great an cool ending. Love it.
Reviewed: 2007-10-11
Reviewed: 2007-10-11
Excellent mission, really enjoyable. The storyline was fantastic and so was the concept itself. Great job.
Reviewed: 2007-10-09
Reviewed: 2007-10-09
I really enjoyed the originality and mechanics that were shown in this battle. The towing was great, the different difficulties taking you on different paths, wonderful. The only problem was that I found the medium difficulties in the Rebel craft to be a pain, and I agree with the earlier comment about the Adv C missiles, too many, too often. Otherwise, great job!
Reviewed: 2007-10-09
Reviewed: 2007-10-09
Great battle. Balanced and fun to fly, and loved the offbeat, quirky humor. A pleasure to fly and I'll be doing it again for better scores later down the road to be sure :) Thank you for this one. CM Valic

Showing all 6 records