New Command Attache to the Training Officer!

AD Tomaas Montte

25 March, 2012 03:20
20 ABY

I'm very pleased to announce that I have appointed Tuba as my new Command Attache in the Training Office. Tuba has a long record of exemplary service both to the Emperor's hammer at large and the Training Office in particular. He has written several courses and served as a professor as well in the past. I'm confident that he will help not only maintain the standard of excellence at the Training Office but make  a solid contribution to making it even better. In tandem with his appointment he has been promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral. Everyone please join me in congratulating him on his new position and rank. Drinks are on him.

Fleet Logistics Report

VA Victor Tylyon

24 March, 2012 21:15
20 ABY

Fleet Logistics Office

Report #3




·         Fleet News

·         Office News

·         Staff Information

·         Important Links


Fleet News


Fleet Logistics Officer Appointed

On this 24th day of March, 21ABY our Fleet Commander , Grand Admiral Rapier announced at the EH Fleet Meeting the immediate appointment of Aticus Jade to Logistics Officer. Aticus was promoted to the rank of Vice Admiral to reflect his new position with the fleet.

Command Attache Appointed

Upon his appointment, Aticus’s first act as Logistics Officer was the appointment and promotion of Mark Schueler to Command Attache and Rear Admiral. The fellow veteran officer has had years of fleet experience, and vital Wiki knowledge that has already proven to be of great asset to our fleet. Congratulations go out to Rear Admiral Schueler on his promotion, and may his service prove to be invaluable.

Wiki Updates

A lot of work has been placed into the Wiki thus far, and efforts are already showing results. Some new articles are now available, spam is clearing up, and new templates are being created nearly daily. I’m proud to quote the Fleet Commander when I say that in 10 days we have put more work into this than there has been in the past two years. Gentlemen this is something to be proud of, congratulations and my gratitude. Above all others a couple of our Logistics Staff have stood out, and they will be mentioned in a moment. This week was more about clearing out the spam and other nonsense. My gratitude on this goes out to Rear Admiral Schueler who has assisted me in banning a large amount of the bots and spammers. New templates have been created for several article fields. These templates are infobox’s for the page, which will for example on an article about an EH System will list important details about names  of planets , government, and so on. These infobox templates are covering all the basic need to know information about the item in discussion. They will be used on most EH Articles to give it a more professional look to it.

Explorations and Discoveries

Okay. A lot of the information we currently have is outdated. I will be presenting the FC monthly with a few suggested updates. Things like Locations, Ancient Artifacts, Weapons and so on will be the topics in discussion. Our fleet has been around these territories for going on 18-19 years according to the Time Line – we have surely discovered things beyond the obvious since our arrival. Should the FC approve these updates and changes I’ll present them to the LO Staff and Wiki Team for opinions. Instead of wasting MB space and my time, we’ll begin taking a vote if the team wants to role play any of the events regarding discovery of the topic at hand. Currently I had previously started a run-on for a discovery on Kaiburr, but if interests do not pick up within the week it will be closed and I will hand write the materials. I hope to see some interest outside of just agreeing to put topics into the Wiki but who knows right? Until then, the explorations and discoveries of the fleet over the past several years are now in update status. New changes to sensitive materials will be announced weekly. 

Logistics Office Staff

Logistics Officer: VA Aticus Jade

Command Attache: RA Mark Shueler

Officer Assistant: AD Horus Blackheart

Officer Assistant: MAJ Pel Morba

Satellite Staff

Archivest: CPT Crsepe

Archivest: COL Zeth Durron

Important Links

Winners for the "Rise of the Rakghouls Contest!

AD Tomaas Montte

12 March, 2012 19:31
20 ABY
After reading several excellent pieces and averaging our judges scores I'm pleased to announce the winners of the Dark Brotherhood's "Rise of The Rakghouls contest. We had a tie for first place once the scores were averaged so I'm pleased to say that two of our Sith will each be receiving a Crescent with a Diamond Star.

Sith Battlelord Tuba wrote an excellent piece full of excitement and tension. 

Dark Jedi Knight Fenris Uhlan's piece was no less impressive and had the judges uniformly impressed.

These two will both receive a Crescent with Diamond Star and share first place for their outstanding work.

Grand Master Czulvang Lah also turned in an impressive piece that featured many Emperor's Hammer characters and was an enjoyable read as well. He receives a Crescent with a Ruby Star and the honor of second place.

I'll try and get the stories posted somewhere soon so everyone else can enjoy the excellent work done by these three. Everyone join me in congratulating our talented writers on their achievements.

MAA/SWL Tomaas Montte/DC-3/ 
(ED) (GC) (SoP) (DC-K) (Cr-D-R-Ax2-T-Q) (LSAg){SA:K:GMR-RT-AT1-LST}

TO/AD Tomaas Montte/CS-5/SSSD Sovereign [DCRN]