Novice Gilifreid Lightbringer (#56928)

Call sign: Preacher
Secret Order

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INI/NOV Gilifreid Lightbringer/Initiates

Character Profile

Profile Data
Member status: Active
Group: Secret Order (Active)
Group join date: 2024-08-15
(1 month ago)
Rank: Novice
(2024-08-15 - 1 month ago)
Positions: Initiate
Assigned unit: Initiates
Time zone: (UTC) UTC
Discord username: You must be logged in to view member Discord usernames.
Contact information: You must be logged in to view member contact information.
Quote: “Can’t kill me, I’m on easy!”
Uniform of NOV Gilifreid Lightbringer
Personal Craft
T/SN Archangel

T/SN Archangel
Type: TIE Sinister

Top Awards

Flight Certification

Combat and Flight Ratings
TIE Corps Imperial Pilot Flight Wings - 
                1st Echelon

Flight Certified - 1st Echelon
Points: 15

Combat Rating (MP PvP):

Singleplayer Performance
FCHG Rank: Unranked (0 points)
Total missions completed: 0
Battles completed: 0
Free missions completed: 0
Current battle high scores: 0
Current mission high scores: 0
Battles created: 0
Free missions created: 0
Multiplayer Performance
Combat Rating (MP PvP): Certified (15 points)
Combat Rating (MP PvE): Unranked (0 points)

Combat Record

This pilot has not participated in any combat engagements.

Historic Record

Assignment History
Date Time held Position (ID Line)
2024-08-15 1m,20d INI/NOV Gilifreid Lightbringer/Initiates
Award History

There is no award history available for this member.

Imperial Navy Personnel Record

Current title: Novice Gilifreid Lightbringer
Current ID line: INI/NOV Gilifreid Lightbringer/Initiates
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Date of birth: 1 ABY
Place of birth: Corellia
Marital status: Married
Family information: The Imperial Officer, born in 1 ABY on Corellia, grew up in a family with a strong military tradition. His father served in the Imperial Navy, instilling in him a sense of duty and loyalty to the Empire from a young age. After graduating from the Imperial Academy, he quickly rose through the ranks, becoming a dedicated and disciplined officer.

He married his wife, a Corellian woman from a respected family, whom he met during his early years of service. Their relationship is built on mutual respect and a shared commitment to raising their family within the values of order and structure. Together, they have three young sons.

The eldest son, at 9 years old, is already showing signs of leadership, often imitating his father and expressing a keen interest in starships and strategy. The 7-year-old is more adventurous, constantly curious about the galaxy beyond Corellia, with a particular fascination for droids and technology. Their youngest, just 3, is still in the innocent stages of childhood, adored by his older brothers and doted on by both parents.

As an Imperial Officer, the father’s duties often take him away from home, but he is committed to ensuring his family is well-provided for, viewing them as his greatest source of pride and motivation.
Social status: The family of this Imperial Officer enjoys a high social status on Corellia, largely due to his prestigious position within the Empire and the family's deep-rooted connections in the military and local governance. His wife comes from a well-established Corellian family, further enhancing their standing in society. They are respected in their community, often seen as a model of Imperial loyalty and values.

Their home is located in a secure, affluent district of Coronet City, where many high-ranking officials and their families reside. The children attend elite Imperial-sponsored schools, where they are groomed for future success, possibly following in their father’s footsteps. The family is well-connected, often attending official functions, military galas, and social gatherings with other influential figures.

Their status affords them access to the best resources and opportunities, from private tutors for the children to exclusive medical care. Despite this, the family is expected to maintain a public image of discipline and loyalty, which aligns with the officer’s own strict adherence to Imperial ideals. This social prominence brings both privilege and pressure, as they must constantly embody the values of the Empire, serving as exemplars to their peers and subordinates alike.
Significant events of childhood: 1. Witnessing the Battle of Endor Aftermath (4 ABY): When you were three years old, news of the Emperor's death and the Empire's defeat at the Battle of Endor spread across the galaxy. Although you were too young to fully understand, the upheaval that followed had a profound impact on your family and community. Your father, a staunch Imperial Navy officer, would have been deeply affected by this loss. The uncertainty and restructuring of the Empire in the years that followed left an indelible mark on you, fostering a desire for stability and order.

2. Father's Heroic Recognition (Around 10 ABY): Around the age of nine, your father received a prestigious award or commendation for his service in the Imperial Navy. You attended a formal ceremony in Coronet City, where he was honored in front of high-ranking officials and fellow officers. This event filled you with pride and a strong desire to uphold the family legacy. The ceremony, filled with pomp and Imperial grandeur, solidified your commitment to following in your father's footsteps and serving the Empire.

3. Corellian Uprising Encounter (12 ABY): As a young teenager, around the age of twelve, you experienced a minor uprising on Corellia, led by pro-Rebel sympathizers or local dissidents. This event brought the harsh realities of the galaxy’s conflicts to your doorstep. You witnessed the Empire’s swift and decisive response, possibly even helping to protect your family or assisting in some small way. This encounter with rebellion and the subsequent restoration of order reinforced your belief in the Empire’s necessity and your role in preserving its stability.
Significant events of adulthood: 1. Transferring to the Emperor’s Hammer (35 ABY): One of the most significant milestones in your career was being transferred to the Emperor’s Hammer. After years of dedicated service and several successful missions, your superiors recognized your leadership abilities and strategic acumen. This transfer not only elevated your status within the Imperial ranks but also placed you in charge of a critical unit or starship. It was a moment of great pride, affirming your commitment to the Empire and solidifying your reputation as a formidable officer.

2. The Defense of Corellia (Around 28 ABY): During a period of heightened tension and potential Rebel or New Republic incursions, you were tasked with leading a defensive operation to protect Corellia. The operation required quick thinking and decisive action, as well as the coordination of multiple Imperial assets. Under your command, the defense was successful, preventing any significant breaches and ensuring the security of your homeworld. This event was not only crucial for the safety of Corellia but also enhanced your standing among your peers and superiors, furthering your career.

3. Reunion with Family After a Prolonged Deployment (Around 30 ABY): After a particularly lengthy and challenging deployment, you returned home to Corellia to reunite with your wife and three sons. The long separation had been difficult for your family, especially as your sons were growing up quickly. This reunion was a poignant reminder of the sacrifices you made for your career and the balancing act between duty to the Empire and your responsibilities as a father and husband. It reaffirmed your determination to protect not just the Empire, but also your family, and perhaps even led you to seek assignments closer to home in the future.
Alignment and attitude: Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Loyalty to the Empire: You are deeply committed to the ideals of order, stability, and security that the Empire represents. Your belief in the necessity of a strong, centralized authority to maintain peace in the galaxy drives your actions. While you respect the chain of command and adhere strictly to regulations, your loyalty is more to the concept of Imperial order than to any individual leader.

Pragmatic Approach: You are pragmatic in your decision-making, focused on achieving the greater good as defined by the Empire's goals. You may occasionally bend the rules if it serves the larger purpose of maintaining order, but you generally operate within the boundaries of Imperial law and protocol.

Attitude: Disciplined and Stoic
Disciplined and Stoic: Your military upbringing and training have instilled in you a disciplined and stoic demeanor. You maintain a calm and controlled presence, even in stressful or chaotic situations. This attitude makes you a reliable leader, respected by your subordinates for your unwavering commitment and steady hand.

Protective of Family: While your duty to the Empire is paramount, you also have a strong sense of responsibility toward your family. This dual loyalty sometimes creates internal conflict, particularly when your duties require long absences or difficult choices. However, you strive to balance your professional obligations with your role as a father and husband, often seeing your family's safety as an extension of your duty to the Empire.

Just but Unyielding: You are just in your dealings with others, ensuring that discipline is maintained and that actions are judged fairly according to Imperial standards. However, you can be unyielding when it comes to enforcing the rules, as you believe that strict adherence to order is necessary for the Empire's survival.

Skeptical of Rebellion: Given your experiences with Rebel sympathizers and uprisings, you view rebellion as a dangerous threat to the stability of the galaxy. You are skeptical of any movement or ideology that challenges Imperial authority, seeing such challenges as chaotic and destabilizing.
Previous occupations: 1. Corellian Engineering Corporation (CEC) Apprentice:
- Technical Training: Growing up on Corellia, you might have started your career as an apprentice with the Corellian Engineering Corporation, one of the galaxy's most renowned starship manufacturers. Here, you would have gained hands-on experience with starship construction and maintenance, developing a deep understanding of engineering and mechanics.
- Exposure to Spacecraft: This job would have given you an appreciation for starships and their importance in galactic trade and military operations. Your time at CEC might have sparked your interest in military service, particularly in naval operations.

2. Local Security Force (CorSec) Cadet:
- Law Enforcement Experience: Before joining the Imperial Navy, you might have served as a cadet in the Corellian Security Force (CorSec), which was responsible for maintaining law and order on Corellia. This position would have provided you with experience in policing, investigation, and dealing with local criminal elements.
- Skills in Tactics and Investigation: Serving in CorSec would have given you practical experience in tactical operations and the enforcement of law, preparing you for the discipline and order required in the Imperial Navy.

3. Merchant Fleet Crew Member:
- Experience in Space Travel: Working on a merchant fleet ship, you would have gained valuable experience navigating the Corellian Trade Spine and other key hyperspace routes. This role would have given you an understanding of space travel, trade routes, and the importance of logistics.
- Interaction with Different Cultures: Serving on a merchant ship, you would have interacted with various species and cultures, broadening your perspective and giving you insight into the complexities of the galaxy—a useful experience for an Imperial officer.
Hobbies 1. Model Starship Building:
•Detail-Oriented Craft: As someone with a background in engineering and a passion for starships, you might enjoy building and customizing model starships. This hobby allows you to exercise creativity and precision, while also indulging in your fascination with spacecraft.

2. Strategic Games:
•Tactical Thinking: Engaging in strategic board games or simulations could be a favorite pastime. Games that involve tactical planning and resource management, such as chess or war simulations, align with your strategic mindset and interest in military strategy.

3. Historical Reading:
•Learning from the Past: You might have a keen interest in reading about galactic history, military campaigns, and Imperial doctrine. This hobby not only provides relaxation but also keeps you informed about the broader context of your duties and the Empire’s history.

4. Martial Arts:
•Physical Discipline: Practicing martial arts or other forms of physical training could be a way for you to maintain physical fitness and discipline. It complements your military background and helps manage stress.
5. Astrogation and Star Mapping:
•Exploring Space: Given your background in starship operations, you might enjoy studying astrogation and creating star maps. This hobby allows you to explore new star systems and hone your navigational skills in a non-professional context.
6. Family Time:
•Spending Time with Loved Ones: Despite your demanding career, spending quality time with your wife and children might be a cherished activity. Engaging in family outings, games, or simply enjoying quiet moments together helps balance the pressures of your professional life.
7. Music Appreciation:
•Relaxation and Enjoyment: You might have an appreciation for music, whether it’s listening to compositions from across the galaxy or playing a musical instrument. Music can be a source of relaxation and personal expression.
Tragedies in life: 1.Loss of a Parent in Conflict (Early 20s):
•Impact on Youth: During your early twenties, you might have experienced the death of your father or another close family member due to a conflict with the Rebel Alliance or another dangerous mission. This loss would have been a profound blow, deeply affecting your emotional well-being and further fueling your dedication to the Empire as a means of honoring their memory and seeking justice.

2.Rebel Attack on Corellia (Mid-20s):
•Personal and Community Impact: While you were serving in the Imperial Navy, Corellia might have been targeted by a major Rebel attack. This event could have caused significant destruction and loss of life, including the damage or loss of homes and infrastructure in your hometown. Witnessing the suffering of your fellow Corellians and possibly losing friends or acquaintances in the attack would have been a traumatic experience, reinforcing your commitment to protecting your homeworld and the Empire.

3.Family Health Crisis (Late 20s):
•Strain on Family Life: Around the age of 28, your family might have faced a severe health crisis, such as a serious illness affecting one of your children or your spouse. The stress and emotional strain of dealing with a serious medical condition, coupled with your demanding military duties, would have created a period of intense personal hardship. Balancing the demands of your career with the need to support your family through this crisis would have been a significant challenge, testing your resilience and dedication.
Phobias and allergies: None
Views on the Empire and the Emperor's Hammer: Gilifreid’s view of the Empire and the Emperor’s Hammer are one and the same.

1. Loyalty and Duty
•Commitment to Order: You view the Empire as a necessary force for maintaining order and stability in the galaxy. You believe that the Empire’s centralized authority and strong military presence are crucial for preventing chaos and ensuring security. This commitment stems from your upbringing in a military family and your career experiences.
•Pride in Service: You take pride in serving the Empire and upholding its ideals. Your position as an officer and your personal sacrifices reinforce your belief in the Empire’s mission. You see your role as vital in supporting the Emperor’s vision and protecting the Empire’s interests.

2. Pragmatism and Realism
•Understanding of Imperfections: While you are loyal, you are also pragmatic. You recognize that the Empire, like any large organization, has its flaws and challenges. You are aware of the political maneuvering and the potential for corruption within the ranks, but you focus on your duty and strive to work within the system to achieve your goals.
•Acceptance of Hard Choices: You accept that maintaining order sometimes requires difficult or morally ambiguous decisions. You are prepared to make tough choices if they serve the greater good of the Empire and its stability, understanding that the nature of military and political leadership often involves compromises.

3. Critical Perspective
•Skepticism of Dissent: Your experiences with Rebel attacks and local uprisings have led you to view dissent and rebellion as threats to galactic stability. You are skeptical of any movements or ideologies that challenge Imperial authority, seeing them as disruptive and dangerous.
•Focus on Legacy and Reform: You may be open to the idea of reforming certain aspects of the Empire to address its shortcomings, as long as it does not compromise its core principles. Your focus is on preserving the Empire’s legacy while working to improve its effectiveness and maintain its dominance.
Reason for enlisting in the Emperor's Hammer: As stated above, it was a requested transfer from the regular force as the Emperor’s Hammer is feared throughout the Empire.
Last updated: 2024-08-15

Activity History

Activity Participation
Timed tests completed: 1
Patch reviews: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Generated
Timed tests created: 0
Officer reports: 0
News posts: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Tracking Record
Date Activity
2024-09-22 Course passed: Lightsaber Techniques [LST] - 100%
2024-09-20 Course passed: History of the Galaxy Prior to the Republic [PRER] - 92%
2024-09-20 Course passed: Sniper [SN3] - 80%
2024-09-20 Course passed: Observer [SN2] - 100%
2024-09-20 Course passed: Field Communications Operator [CM1] - 91%
2024-09-20 Course passed: Apprentice Sniper Course [SN1] - 100%
2024-09-20 Course passed: History of the Galactic Republic [GR] - 95%
2024-09-15 Course passed: Combat Operations Exam 2 [COE/2] - 79%
2024-09-14 Course passed: Training Office Exam [TOA] - 97%
2024-09-05 Awarded the qualification Certificate in Naval Doctrine from the Imperial Weapons and Tactics School - Imperial University (program level: Certificate).
2024-09-05 Course passed: The Tarkin Doctrine [TD] - 100%
2024-09-05 Course passed: Systems: Aurora [S-AU] - 96%
2024-09-04 Course passed: Lightsaber Construction [LSC] - 100%
2024-09-04 Course passed: Dark Brotherhood Core [DBCORE] - 100%
2024-09-03 Awarded the qualification Certificate in Force History from the Dark Jedi Shadow Academy - Imperial University (program level: Certificate).
2024-09-03 Course passed: History of the Jedi Order Part 1 [JO1] - 100%
2024-09-03 Course passed: History of the Royal Guard [RG] - 100%
2024-09-03 Course passed: Artifacts of the Force [AF] - 100%
2024-09-03 Course passed: Steam Introduction [STM] - 100%
2024-08-25 Course passed: Squadron Management 6 [SM/6] - 90%
2024-08-25 Course passed: History of the Dark Lords [DL] - 100%
2024-08-25 Course passed: Unit Leadership [UL] - 100%
2024-08-21 Course passed: Imperial Naval Organization [INO] - 95%
2024-08-21 Flight Certification Wings awarded: 1st Echelon
2024-08-21 New Combat Rating (MP PvP) rank achieved: Certified
2024-08-21 Course passed: General Leadership [LDR] - 96%
2024-08-16 New Combat Rating (MP PvP) rank achieved: Trainee
2024-08-16 Course passed: TIE Corps Core [TCCORE] - 97%
2024-08-15 Updated Imperial Navy Personnel Record (INPR)
2024-08-15 Joined the Secret Order as Gilifreid Lightbringer

Showing all 30 records


Fiction Submissions (0)
No fiction submitted.
Graphics Submissions (0)
No graphics submitted.

Awards Received in Service to the Empire

Highest Award:

Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

The Medal of Communication is awarded by the Communications Officer to members who display constant communication efforts like participating on mailing lists, posting on the Emperor's Hammer Message Boards, maintaining a high level presence on IRC channels and other ways. The basic Medal of Communication has the Bronze Oak Cluster addition, but it can be upgraded with Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond Oak Clusters.

Emperor's Hammer Merit Awards


Outstanding Achievement and General Awards


Competition Awards


Other Awards


Campaign Medals


SO Competitions

Competition Statistics
Competitions approved: 0
Competitions pending: 0
Competition Awards (0)
Competition Award End Date
There is no competition award history for this member.
This section only list awards tagged to a specific competition when the award was issued. Review the historical record to view any other non-tagged awards.
Competitions Managed (0)
This member has not managed any competitions.

Academics - Training Completed

Qualifications Awarded
Qualification Date
Certificate in Force History 2024-09-03
Certificate in Naval Doctrine 2024-09-05
Courses Completed
Course Score Date
Apprentice Sniper Course 100% 2024-09-20
Artifacts of the Force 100% 2024-09-03
Combat Operations Exam 2 79% 2024-09-15
Dark Brotherhood Core 100% 2024-09-04
Field Communications Operator 91% 2024-09-20
General Leadership 96% 2024-08-21
History of the Dark Lords 100% 2024-08-25
History of the Galactic Republic 95% 2024-09-20
History of the Galaxy Prior to the Republic 92% 2024-09-20
History of the Jedi Order Part 1 100% 2024-09-03
History of the Royal Guard 100% 2024-09-03
Imperial Naval Organization 95% 2024-08-21
Lightsaber Construction 100% 2024-09-04
Lightsaber Techniques 100% 2024-09-22
Observer 100% 2024-09-20
Sniper 80% 2024-09-20
Squadron Management 6 90% 2024-08-25
Steam Introduction 100% 2024-09-03
Systems: Aurora 96% 2024-09-05
The Tarkin Doctrine 100% 2024-09-05
TIE Corps Core 97% 2024-08-16
Training Office Exam 97% 2024-09-14
Unit Leadership 100% 2024-08-25