Adept Silvius (#13086)

Secret Order

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BTM/ADT Silvius/Palpatine/Drakonan

View character:
TIE Corps - COL Silvius

Character Profile

Profile Data
Member status: Active
Group: Secret Order (Active)
Group join date: 2015-09-21
(over 8 years ago)
Rank: Adept
(2021-08-14 - almost 3 years ago)
Positions: Battleteam Member
Assigned unit: House Palpatine
Time zone: (UTC) UTC
Discord username: You must be logged in to view member Discord usernames.
Contact information: You must be logged in to view member contact information.
Quote: None
Uniform of ADT Silvius
Top Awards

Flight Certification

Combat and Flight Ratings
TIE Corps Imperial Pilot Flight Wings - 
                21st Echelon

Flight Certified - 21st Echelon
Points: 33,868

Combat Rating (MP PvP):
Ace 2nd

Combat Rating (MP PvE):
Top Ace Ranger

Singleplayer Performance
FCHG Rank: Unranked (0 points)
Total missions completed: 0
Battles completed: 0
Free missions completed: 0
Current battle high scores: 0
Current mission high scores: 0
Battles created: 0
Free missions created: 0
Multiplayer Performance
Combat Rating (MP PvP): Ace 2nd (1,916 points)
Combat Rating (MP PvE): Top Ace Ranger (23,104 points)

Combat Record

Combat Events (15)
COO Monthly Challenge 2015 2015-01-01 (00:00) - 2015-12-31 (23:59)
COO's Monthly Challenge 2016 - January 2016-01-01 (00:01) - 2016-01-31 (23:59)
COO's Monthly Challenge 2016 - February 2016-02-01 (00:00) - 2016-02-29 (23:59)
COO's Monthly Challenge 2016 - March 2016-03-01 (00:00) - 2016-03-31 (23:59)
COO's Monthly Challenge 2016 - April 2016-04-01 (00:01) - 2016-04-30 (23:59)
Star Conflict - Player vs Player 2016-04-09 (00:00) - 2016-04-10 (23:59)
COO's Monthly Challenge 2016 - May 2016-05-02 (00:00) - 2016-05-31 (23:59)
COO's Monthly Challenge 2016 - June 2016-06-01 (00:00) - 2016-06-30 (23:59)
Raise the Flag 2016 – Multiplayer Bonus Competition 2016-06-15 (00:00) - 2016-06-22 (23:59)
COO's Monthly Challenge 2016 - July 2016-07-01 (00:01) - 2016-07-31 (23:59)
COO's Monthly Challenge 2016 - October 2016-10-01 (00:00) - 2016-10-31 (23:59)
OCTOBERFEST 100 - A Star Conflict Combat Event 2016-10-14 (00:00) - 2016-10-17 (00:59)
COO Monthly Challenge 2017 - April 2017-04-01 (00:00) - 2017-04-30 (23:59)
Raise the Flag 2017 - MP Bonus 2017-06-15 (00:00) - 2017-06-25 (23:59)
Weekly Frag Competition #2 2017-08-27 (00:00) - 2017-08-27 (23:59)

Historic Record

Assignment History
Date Time held Position (ID Line)
2024-04-09 3m,6d BTM/ADT Silvius/Palpatine/Drakonan
2024-01-20 2m,20d BTM-M:MAA/ADT Silvius/Palpatine/Drakonan
2023-10-05 3m,15d BTM-M:MAA/ADT Silvius/Hyperion Flight/Drakonan
2023-10-05 BTM/ADT Silvius/Hyperion Flight/Drakonan
2023-10-05 BTM-M:HRLD/ADT Silvius/Hyperion Flight/Drakonan
2023-08-30 1m,4d BTM/ADT Silvius/Hyperion Flight/Drakonan
Assignment/Rank History (Legacy)
Date Change
2021-08-14 Assigned to new position
2021-08-14 Assigned to new position
2021-08-14 Change to unit: from Stingray Battleteam to Hyperion Flight Battleteam
2021-08-14 Change to rank: Adept
2020-05-09 Assigned to new position
2020-05-09 Assigned to new position
2020-05-09 Change to rank: Adept
2020-05-07 Change to rank: from Inquisitor to Adept. Reason: Sword of Clan Drakonan – January 2019. Third place.
2019-01-16 New position: Battleteam Member
2019-01-16 Left position: Consul
2019-01-16 Change to unit: from Clan Drakonan to Stingray Battleteam
2018-01-05 Left position: Battleteam Leader
2018-01-05 Change to rank: from Assassin to Inquisitor
2017-07-20 Change to rank: from Sorcerer to Assassin. Reason: "I don't have enough words to describe SBM Silvius achievements, his ideas and his work on behalf of his Clan and the Brotherhood as a whole. His gaming activity is simply unbelievable, his leadership is growing stronger and stronger with every month of experience, his helpful mind and his eagerness to bring the Clan and the Botherhood further just round up the picture. For his work as Consul of Clan Draconan over the past months, his work on behalf of the Brotherhood, all his gaming activitiies and his competition participation I recommend his promotion to Sith Battle Lord and the award of a Saphire Blade." _Elwood tyhe Brave I wholeheartedly concur and would like to add how impressed I've been with Silvius since he assumed his duties.
2017-01-12 Change to rank: from Warrior to Sorcerer. Reason: For his outstanding gaming over the last half year with constant 300-500 MP/Coop Victories per month including his leadership as BTL; I request the elevation to Sith Battlemaster for him. Congratulations! P:GM/DSP Pellaeon
2017-01-03 Assigned to new position
2017-01-03 Left position: Battleteam Leader
2017-01-03 Assigned to new position
2017-01-03 Left position: Battleteam Leader
2017-01-01 New position: Consul
2017-01-01 Change to unit: from Stingray Battleteam to Clan Drakonan
2016-09-13 Change to rank: from Knight to Warrior. Reason: Sith Knight Silvius leads by example. His gaming activities are overwhelming from month to month. He is leading his BT on his own. For his outstanding services to the Dark Brotherhood it is a pleasure for me to elevate him to Sith Warrior. CON-P:GM / DSM Pellaeon
2016-05-09 Change to rank: from Stalker to Knight. Reason: JH Silvius showed once again impressive activities over the entire april in many different ways. He leads his Battleteam by example earning 4 Clusters of Fire (out of 23 SC MP Victories). Additional he got 765 SC PvE victories. He runs competitions and takes part in other ones. For his outstanding efforts I recommend an elevation to Sith Knight. In my opinion he has earned the right to recieve his light saber. Congratulations Sith Knight Silvius! Wear your light saber with pride! CON/DA Pellaeon
2016-03-05 Change to rank: from Juggernaut to Stalker. Reason: For his exemplary leadership of his Battleteam and his restless gaming activities, I recommend an elevation to Jedi Hunter. CON/DA Pellaeon
2016-01-06 Change to rank: from Marauder to Juggernaut. Reason: PRT Silvius showed once again impressive activities over the entire december in many different ways. He manages his battleteam very well and leads by example. He runs competitions and takes part in other ones. For his outstanding efforts as BTL over the last weeks, I recommend an elevation to GRD. P:GM-PCON/SWL Pellaeon
2015-11-12 Change to rank: from Acolyte to Marauder. Reason: ACO Silvius stepped forward in hard times of the Dark Brotherhood to reinstate activity in the flying sector. He took over the command of Stingray Battleteam to bring it back as an active part of the DB. He leads by example with earning 149 Clusters of Fire in october. For his hard work as BTL and efforts to the DB I recommend an elevation to Guardian. Congratualtions! P:GM-PCON/SWL Pellaeon/Clan Drakonan
2015-10-31 New position: Battleteam Leader
2015-10-31 Left position: Battleteam Member
2015-10-31 Change to unit: from Hyperion Flight Battleteam to Stingray Battleteam
2015-10-10 Change to rank: from Novice to Acolyte. Reason: NOV Silvius is a very new member of the DB, but he played very much Star Confilct in a successful way. Additional he donated overwhelming to our STO fleet for its development. I recommend an elevation to ACO. Congratulations! SWL Pellaeon
2015-09-23 Change to rank: from Apprentice to Novice. Reason: APP Silvius played serveral matches of Star Conflict together with me and DSP Elwwod the Brave. He allready recieved one Cluster of Fire for a counted victory. He is ready for the next level. I hereby request the elevation to Novice. PCON/SWL Pellaeon
2015-09-18 New position: Battleteam Member
2015-09-18 Left position: Initiate
2015-09-18 Change to unit: from Initiates to Hyperion Flight Battleteam
2015-09-18 Assigned to new position
2015-09-18 Induction Unit: Initiates
2015-09-18 Induction Rank: Apprentice
Award History
Date Information

Cluster of Fire (x3)

For SWS Victories October 3rd, ADT Silvius is awarded 3 Clusters of Fire. Well Done!

Recommended by: INQ Taurus


Cluster of Fire (x3)

For SC Victories on October 1st 2023, ADT Silvius is awarded 3 Cluster of Fire. Congrats!

Recommended by: INQ Taurus


Legion of the Scholar (x2)

For passing a Shadow Academy course at 100%

Recommended by: INQ Taurus


Dark Cross

MSE of September. Congratulations!

Recommended by: SOR Earnim Branet


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

MSE July. Congratulations!

Recommended by: SOR Earnim Branet


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

MSE of June. Congratulations!

Recommended by: SOR Earnim Branet


Star of Eos

MSE of May. Congratulations!

Recommended by: SOR Earnim Branet


Star of Eos

April MSE. Congratulations!

Recommended by: SOR Earnim Branet


Star of Eos

March MSE. Congratulations!

Recommended by: SOR Earnim Branet


Steel Cross

February MSE - Congratulations!

Recommended by: SOR Earnim Branet


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

January MSE - Congratulations!

Recommended by: SOR Earnim Branet


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

December MSE. Congratulations!

Recommended by: SOR Earnim Branet


Bronze Nova

Defenders of Aurora Prime Phase IV – Annual Result 2019. Sith of the Year - Second Place. Congratulations!

Recommended by: SOR Earnim Branet


Crescent - Ruby Star

Defenders of Aurora Prime Phase IV – Annual Result 2019. Congratulations!

Recommended by: SOR Earnim Branet


Steel Cross

MSE November. Congratulations!

Recommended by: SOR Earnim Branet


Crescent - Sapphire Star

Defenders of Aurora Prime Phase IV Results – November 2019: Second place. Congratulations!

Recommended by: SOR Earnim Branet


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

Evaluation awards for July and August 2019

Recommended by: INQ Miles Prower


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

MSE October - Congratulations!

Recommended by: SOR Earnim Branet


Crescent - Topaz Star

For placing 2nd in the Lore Hunt Competition, Congratulations.

Recommended by: ACO Mirei Seppen


Crescent - Amethyst Star

Pimp The Fleet Results - August 2019 Overall Two Fleets August

Recommended by: SOR Earnim Branet


Crescent - Emerald Star

Pimp The Fleet Results - August 2019 Overall Federation Fleet - August

Recommended by: SOR Earnim Branet


Crescent - Topaz Star

Pimp The Fleet Results - August 2019

Recommended by: SOR Earnim Branet


Crescent - Emerald Star

Pimp The Fleet Results - August 2019

Recommended by: SOR Earnim Branet


Crescent - Emerald Star

Defenders of Aurora Prime Phase IV Results – September 2019: third place

Recommended by: SOR Earnim Branet


Crescent - Sapphire Star

Sword of Clan Drakonan Results – September 2019: second place

Recommended by: SOR Earnim Branet


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

MSE April. Congratulations!

Recommended by: SOR Earnim Branet


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

MSE March. Congratulations!

Recommended by: SOR Earnim Branet


Crescent - Emerald Star

Sword of Clan Drakonan – March 2019. Third place.

Recommended by: SOR Earnim Branet


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

In accordance with the February Evaluation I recommend a Grand Cross of the Dark Side for Silvius.

Recommended by: WAR John T. Clark


Crescent - Emerald Star

Sword of Clan Drakonan – February 2019. Third place.

Recommended by: SOR Earnim Branet


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

In accordance with the January 2019 monthly evaluation I request a Grand Cross of the Dark Side to be awarded to Silvius.

Recommended by: WAR John T. Clark


Emerald Dagger

Recommended by: L Tomaas Montte


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

For November activity.

Recommended by: L Tomaas Montte


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

Excellent October activity.

Recommended by: L Tomaas Montte


Commendation of Loyalty

For outstanding service and unquestioned loyalty you have been awarded the Commendation of Loyalty. Keep up the great work.

Recommended by: D Rapier


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

Monthly Evaluation

Recommended by: L Tomaas Montte


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

Monthly activity.

Recommended by: L Tomaas Montte


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

Recommended by: L Tomaas Montte


Silver Sash

Recommended by: L Tomaas Montte


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

Recommended by: L Tomaas Montte


Commendation of Loyalty

For outstanding service to the Emperor's Hammer you have been awarded the Commendation of Loyalty. Thank you for all you do.

Sorry about the lateness of it's arrival, I will work on that in the future.

Recommended by: D Rapier


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

Excellent activity as always.

Recommended by: L Tomaas Montte


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

Great SC ativity and excellent GoH activity combined with his work as CON leave me no choice but to request yet another GC for the good SWL

Recommended by: L Tomaas Montte


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

Recommended by: L Tomaas Montte


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

Another outstanding month for Silvius. Remarkable PVE/COOP activity together with his duties as CON and his other gaming activities would be enough to warrant at least 3 times a Grand Cross. That’s why I’d suggest a Grand Cross of the Dark Side for our CON.

Recommended by: L Tomaas Montte


Crescent - Quartz Star

Pimp the Fleets v6.0 - January 2018 -
3rd KDF Starbase, Dillithium Mine

Recommended by: L Elwood the Brave


Crescent - Quartz Star

Pimp the Fleets v6.0 - January 2018 -
3rd KDF Starbase, Dillithium Mine

Recommended by: L Elwood the Brave


Crescent - Topaz Star

Pimp the Fleets v6.0 - January 2018 -
2nd KDF Spire

Recommended by: L Elwood the Brave


Crescent - Emerald Star

Pimp the Fleets v6.0 - January 2018 -
3rd overall KDF Fleet

Recommended by: L Elwood the Brave


Crescent - Sapphire Star

Defenders of Aurora Prime

2nd place in December 2017

Recommended by: L Elwood the Brave


Emerald Dagger

Another really strong month for our CON, just like the whole last year.

Recommended by: L Tomaas Montte


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

Silvius showed excellent activity across several gaming platforms as well activity within his piosition as Consul, Ib addition his communication level is high and he showed fine leadership this month.

Recommended by: L Tomaas Montte


Crescent - Emerald Star

Defenders of Aurora Prime
3rd place in November 2017

Recommended by: L Elwood the Brave


Crescent - Topaz Star

Pimp the Fleet v 5.0
2nd place Spire section November

Recommended by: L Elwood the Brave


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

An excellent month

Recommended by: L Tomaas Montte


Crescent - Topaz Star

Pimp the Fleet - October 2017
2nd place Dilithium Mine

Recommended by: L Elwood the Brave


Crescent - Emerald Star

Pimp the Fleet - October 2017
1st place Spire

Recommended by: L Elwood the Brave


Scroll of Indoctrination

For the introduction and successful indoctrination of APP John T. Clark, I hereby award the Consul Silvius the Scroll of Indoctrination.

Recommended by: INQ Miles Prower


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

Excellent activity.

Recommended by: L Tomaas Montte


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

Excellent activity and duty fulfillment as well as working out scoring system for Galaxy of Heroes.

Recommended by: L Tomaas Montte


Commendation of Loyalty

For outstanding service in the EHDB you are awarded a Commendation of Loyalty

Recommended by: D Rapier


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

Recommended by: L Tomaas Montte


Sapphire Blade

I don't have enough words to describe SBM Silvius achievements, his ideas and his work on behalf of his Clan and the Brotherhood as a whole. His gaming activity is simply unbelievable, his leadership is growing stronger and stronger with every month of experience, his helpful mind and his eagerness to bring the Clan and the Botherhood further just round up the picture. For his work as Consul of Clan Draconan over the past months, his work on behalf of the Brotherhood, all his gaming activitiies and his competition participation I recommend his promotion to Sith Battle Lord and the award of a Saphire Blade.


Recommended by: L Tomaas Montte


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

Silvius continues tro impress me. He maintains a high activity level that is the envy of most members and manages to juggle sevral leadership positions and do so extremely well.

Recommended by: L Tomaas Montte


Scroll of Indoctrination

Recruiting of APP Earnim Brannet

Recommended by: L Elwood the Brave


Crescent - Emerald Star

Pimp the Fleet - May - 1st place Spire section

Recommended by: L Elwood the Brave


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

What shall I say about Silvius without repeating myself month after month. Again a great activity level on the SC PvE/Coop front combined with a good level of PvP activity. All in all I’d once again recommend a Grand Cross for Silvius.

Recommended by: L Tomaas Montte


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

Another month with great SC activity from Silvius. For his gaming efforts I'd like to see him rewarded with another Grand Cross

Recommended by: L Tomaas Montte


Crescent - Emerald Star

Defenders of Aurora Prime
3rd place in March 2017
Draw with DSP Pellaeon

Recommended by: L Elwood the Brave


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

As usual, a month with overwhelming activity from Silvius. What else but a GC would fit such high levels of activity?

Recommended by: L Tomaas Montte


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

During his first full month as CON Silvius has shown the highest level of gaming activity in the DB spread over multiple platforms. In addition to this he managed the Clan admirably, bringing back a couple of old vets from the RG, running competitions, getting 2 BTL (Stingray and Hyperion). What else but a Grand Cross of the Dark Side would fit for this level of commitment?

Recommended by: L Tomaas Montte


Crescent - Emerald Star

Pimp the Fleet v5.0 - January 2017
3rd place overall

Recommended by: L Elwood the Brave


Crescent - Topaz Star

Pimp the Fleet v5.0 - January 2017
2nd place Reserach Lab section

Recommended by: L Elwood the Brave


Commendation of Loyalty

24th anniversary award

Recommended by: D Rapier


Emerald Dagger

For his outstanding gaming over the last half year with constant 300-500 MP/Coop Victories per month including his leadership as BTL; I request an Emerald Dagger for him.

P:GM/DSP Pellaeon

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

For his outstanding gaming activities with 551 Victories in Star Conflict, I recommend a GC for SW Silvius.

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Crescent - Quartz Star

Winner and sole Participant in the "Relict" competition.

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Crescent - Emerald Star

3rd Place in Novembers edition of "Defenders of Aurora Prime" with 29 CoF earned.

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

For his outstanding gaming activities with 566 Victories in Star Conflict, I recommend a GC for SW Silvius.

DSM Pellaeon

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

For his outstanding gaming activities with 532 Victories in Star Conflict, I recommend a GC for SW Silvius.

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Commendation of Loyalty

Recommended by your superiors for excellent work in the Dark Brotherhood.

Recommended by: D Rapier


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

For his outstanding gaming activities in Star Conflict, I recommend a GC for SK Silvius.

DSM Pellaeon

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

For his outstanding gaming activities in Star Conflict (382 Victories), I recommend a GC for SK Silvius.

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Crescent - Sapphire Star

2nd place - Defenders of Aurora Prime July 2016 with 20 CoF earned.

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Ruby Scepter

SK Silvius showed once again impressive activities over the entire June in many different ways. He leads his Battleteam by example earning 18 Clusters of Fire (out of 31 SC MP Victories). Additional he got 1364 (!!!) SC PvE victories. He runs competitions and takes part in other ones. For his outstanding and overwhelming efforts to the DB and beeing a mentor to his BTMs I recommend a Ruby Scepter for him.

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

SK Silvius showed once again impressive activities over the entire may in many different ways. He leads his Battleteam by example earning 134 Clusters of Fire (out of 158 SC MP Victories). Additional he got 1001 SC PvE victories. He runs competitions and takes part in other ones. For his outstanding efforts I recommend a Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

DA Pellaeon

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Kaiburr Star

Winner of Defenders of Aurora Prime" May 2016.

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Crescent - Amethyst Star

Winner of "Defenders of Aurora Prime" May 2016 with 134 CoF.

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Crescent - Quartz Star

3rd place in the Embassy section.

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

JH Silvius showed once again impressive activities over the entire february in many different ways. He leads his Battleteam by example earning 4 Clusters of Fire (out of 23 SC MP Victories). Additional he got 765 SC PvE victories. He runs competitions and takes part in other ones. For his outstanding efforts I recommend a Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

DA Pellaeon

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Crescent - Quartz Star

3rd place Spire section.

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Crescent - Topaz Star

2nd place Embassy section.

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

JH Silvius showed once again impressive activities over the entire february in many different ways. He leads his Battleteam by example earning 11 Clusters of Fire (out of 34 SC MP Victories). Additional he got 617!!! SC PvE victories) He runs competitions and takes part in other ones. For his outstanding efforts I recommend a Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Crescent - Quartz Star

Ruler of the Stars - winner of the territory 3rd place

Recommended by: L Elwood the Brave


Crescent - Quartz Star

Ruler of the Stars - winner of the territory 3rd place

Recommended by: L Elwood the Brave


Crescent - Quartz Star

Ruler of the Stars - winner of the territory 3rd place

Recommended by: L Elwood the Brave


Crescent - Quartz Star

Ruler of the Stars - winner of the territory 3rd place

Recommended by: L Elwood the Brave


Crescent - Quartz Star

Ruler of the Stars - winner of the territory 3rd place

Recommended by: L Elwood the Brave


Crescent - Quartz Star

Ruler of the Stars - winner of the territory 3rd place

Recommended by: L Elwood the Brave


Crescent - Quartz Star

Ruler of the Stars - winner of the territory 3rd place

Recommended by: L Elwood the Brave


Crescent - Quartz Star

Ruler of the Stars - winner of the territory 3rd place

Recommended by: L Elwood the Brave


Crescent - Topaz Star

Ruler of the Stars - winner of the territory 2nd place

Recommended by: L Elwood the Brave


Crescent - Topaz Star

Ruler of the Stars - winner of the territory 2nd place

Recommended by: L Elwood the Brave


Crescent - Topaz Star

Ruler of the Stars - winner of the territory 2nd place

Recommended by: L Elwood the Brave


Crescent - Topaz Star

Ruler of the Stars - winner of the territory 2nd place

Recommended by: L Elwood the Brave


Crescent - Topaz Star

Ruler of the Stars - winner of the territory 2nd place

Recommended by: L Elwood the Brave


Crescent - Topaz Star

2nd place in Spire Section - March 2016

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

GRD Silvius showed once again impressive activities over the entire february in many different ways. He leads his Battleteam by example earning 17 Clusters of Fire (out of 27 SC MP Victories). Additional he got 802!!! SC PvE victories) He runs competitions and takes part in other ones. For his outstanding efforts I recommend a Grand Cross of the Dark Side.


Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Crescent - Quartz Star

Pimp the Fleet:
3rd place in Spire section, February 2016

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Commendation of Loyalty

Emperor's Hammer 21st Anniversary

Recommended by: D Rapier


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

GRD Silvius showed once again impressive activities over the entire janaury in many different ways. He leads his Battleteam by example earning 280 Clusters of Fire (out of 345 SC MP Victories). Additional he got 313 SC PvE Vixctoies) He runs competitions and takes part in other ones. For his outstanding efforts I recommend a Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Crescent - Amethyst Star

1st place: Defenders of Aurora Prime - January 2016

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Kaiburr Star

1st place: Defenders of Aurora Prime - January 2016

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Crescent - Emerald Star

1st place in the Spire Section of the Pimp the Fleet Competition-January 2016.

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Sapphire Blade

PRT Silvius showed once again impressive activities over the entire december in many different ways. He manages his battleteam very well and leads by example. He runs competitions and takes part in other ones. For his outstanding efforts I recommend a Sapphire Blade.

SWL Pellaeon

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Kaiburr Star

Winner of "Defenders of Aurora Prime - December 2015" with 189 Clusters of Fire earned.

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Crescent - Amethyst Star

Defenders of Aurora Prime - December 2015:
1st place.

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Crescent - Quartz Star

Pimp the Fleet - December 2015:
3rd place in Embassy Section.

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

PRT Silvius settled down as BTL and it was the right the decision to appoint him to the spot. He leads by example. He won 123 MP and 159 PvE games in Star Conflict. He earned 121 CoF and donated well to the STO Fleet. For his Efforts I recommend a Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Crescent - Sapphire Star

2nd Place in the "Defenders of Aurora Prime" Competition - November 2015

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Legion of the Scholar

For winning DB Trivia 184

Recommended by: INQ Crsepe


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

ACO Silvius got 282 MP and 143 PvE Victories in SC and earned 149 Clusters of Fire. Besides SC he played much STO and donated well to the Fleet. For his great activities I recommend a GC for him.

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Crescent - Quartz Star

3rd place in the Embassy section of the Pimp the Fleet competition october 2015.

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

NOV Silvius is a very new member of the DB, but he played very much Star Confilct in a successful way. Additional he donated overwhelming to our STO fleet for its development. I recommend a GC for him.

SWL Pellaeon

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Crescent - Quartz Star

3rd place in the Science Lab. Section of the Pimp the Fleet Competiton September 2015.

PCON/SWL Pellaeon

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Crescent - Emerald Star

1st place in the Star Base Section of the Pimp the Fleet Competiton September 2015.

PCON/SWL Pellaeon

Recommended by: L Pellaeon

Imperial Navy Personnel Record

This member has not completed an INPR.

Activity History

Activity Participation
Timed tests completed: 7
Patch reviews: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Generated
Timed tests created: 0
Officer reports: 235
News posts: 29
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Tracking Record
Date Activity
2023-10-05 Medals awarded: 3 Cluster of Fire (CF)
2023-10-02 Medals awarded: 3 Cluster of Fire (CF)
2023-09-01 Medals awarded: 2 Legions of the Scholar (LSS)

Showing all 3 records


Fiction Submissions (0)
No fiction submitted.
Graphics Submissions (0)
No graphics submitted.

Awards Received in Service to the Empire

Highest Award:

Medal of Honor

The Medal of Honor is the highest medal a member of the Emperor's Hammer may be awarded. The recipients of the Medal of Honor have performed consistent service above and beyond the call of duty and have personally and significantly improved the entire Fleet through their direct actions. Examples of such service would include sacrifice of one's pilot in the line of duty while saving others or personally introducing an aspect to the Fleet which proves to be instrumental in its growth. This medal can only be awarded by the Fleet Commander.

Outstanding Achievement and General Awards

Silver Sash

Emerald Dagger x 3

Ruby Scepter

Sapphire Blade x 2

Grand Cross of the Dark Side x 43

Steel Cross x 2 (Steel Cross w/ Star of Anger)

Star of Eos x 3 (Star of Eos w/ Solar Band)

Dark Cross


Competition Awards
Other Awards

Legion of the Scholar x 3 (Bronze Legion)

Scroll of Indoctrination x 2 ()


Legion of the Scholar 3
Scroll of Indoctrination 2
Campaign Medals


SO Competitions

Competition Statistics
Competitions approved: 15
Competitions pending: 0
Competition Awards (0)
Competition Award End Date
There is no competition award history for this member.
This section only list awards tagged to a specific competition when the award was issued. Review the historical record to view any other non-tagged awards.

Academics - Training Completed

Qualifications Awarded
Qualification Date
No qualifications completed
Courses Completed
Course Score Date
Basic Systems: Ghenna 100% 2020-04-09
Basic Systems: Hades 100% 2020-04-09
Basic Systems: Thor 100% 2020-04-09
General Leadership 100% 2015-10-27
Phase I CORE - Dark Brotherhood 100% 2015-09-19
Squadron Management 4 100% 2015-10-25
TIE Corps Core 100% Unknown
Unit Leadership 100% 2015-10-30
Wiki Editing for Dummies 100% 2017-05-25
Wookiee Studies 100% 2015-10-13

Games Owned

Emperor's Hammer Official Games
Other Games
Game Player Name
The Force Unleashed II