XW-F 9: Smuggler's Run

Battle Information

Game platform: X-Wing
Missions: 1
Release date: 2005-07-08
Last updated: 2005-07-08

VA Locke Setzer

Average rating 2.7
Reviews: 3
Bug reports: 1
Times completed: 13
Patches used: None

Battle Reviews

Not a bad mission, but the timing seems off. You can destroy all the Y-Wings in front of you without them shooting at you if you do it correctly. You have to finish them quickly because if one gets to HULL DMG status they are about 3 seconds from their hyperspace point. The corvette that arrives right behind you doesn't shoot at you for some reason. A corellian corvette cannot hold 40 Tie Interceptors so it is strange that it carries that many. The B-Wings crash into the ISD as was previously mentioned but if any survive they get destroyed by the interceptors but only if there are no tie fighters for them to kill first. You will have a hard time helping the B-Wings because they will be very spread out and you will have to deal with the fighters that just respawned as well. Needs to be some sort of escort with the B-Wings when they arrive and they need to arrive further away from the ISD.

Ugh. Clearly in my "let's make hard X-Wing missions to impress my X-Wing friends" phase here. It's unnecessarily difficult, and there's a couple of technical issues that bring it down. There's a bug in it with one of the T/I groups attack the other T/Fs... maybe I can leverage that to do some Lucasian remastering here...

Another assault mission somewhat similar to the XW-FREE 8. This time you are put in a lonely Y-Wing dealing with 2 Corvettes and 3 Y-Wings first. Don't forget to inspect one of the corvettes before you nuke it out of the sky. I think it was the one ahead of you... It spews some waves of T/I but focus on the corvette first, given time for this mission is tight. As soon as that corvette goes down an enemy ISD jumps in along with some TIE escorts and a wing of B-Wing friendlies. Now I have no idea if those B/Ws are piloted by Gungams or Ewoks but during my first attempt three of them crashed against the ISD on their initial attack run. On my second attempt it was two. All in all you have to knock out the ISDs shields to help out. Fend off the T/Is off their backs and/or help gunning the ISD down. It was okay mission but could use some improvements. One problem I noticed is that if you take down the corvette ahead first, the ISD that comes jumps right through the corvette in the back... Without destroying it though. Oddities!

Battle Bug Reports

VA Locke Setzer


T/I Beta attacks T/I Alpha instead of player craft. Probably is what's keeping the mission from being incompletable though...

High Scores

Mission: 68,293 CM Vanguard88 2023-11-11

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 68,293 CM Vanguard88 2023-11-11
2 44,190 FA Pickled Yoda 2021-10-09
3 20,738 LCM Marek Ny`Irfa 2020-09-16
4 16,500 HA Anahorn Dempsey 2014-11-28

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 13 pilots a total of 13 times.