Tuba's Christmas Tree

Competition ID #: 6336
Status: Finished
Submitted by: ADT Tuba
Competition dates: 2012-12-20 - 2013-01-01
Subgroup: Emperor's Hammer
Units involved: Open to all EH Members. Runs from 12-20-2012 to 1-1-2013.

Hello again and welcome to Training Office Competition II: Tuba's Christmas Tree. Every year my son and I put up our own tree decorated with Star Wars and other sci-fi ornaments. In the spirit of sharing the holiday joy, I've uploaded several pictures of our finished tree for your enjoyment.

Can you name all the ornaments on our tree? There are over 60 Hallmark ornaments from various series, visible in the various pictures. Keep in mind that not all ornaments appear in every picture.

The contest runs from today, December 20th, until noon CST on New Year's Day (1200, 01-01-2013, GMT-6). Top four (4) finishers earn their choice of the following awards:

1st: Cr-D or IS-PR
2nd: Cr-R or IS-GR
3rd: Cr-A or IS-SR
4th: Cr-S or IS-BR

Please submit all entries to me, RA Tuba, at ehtuba@gmail.com

The Pics of our Tree: https://docs.google.com/folder/d/0B9TTmreeyrLST251ZXBrR2dhdFU/edit

A helpful comprehensive list of all Hallmark ornaments is found at http://www.hookedonhallmark.com/

Best of luck, and Merry Christmas!

Competition awards:

1st: Cr-D or IS-PR
2nd: Cr-R or IS-GR
3rd: Cr-A or IS-SR
4th: Cr-S or IS-BR

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.