Ice Cream Run

Competition ID #: 6330
Status: Finished
Submitted by: ADT Tuba
Competition dates: 2011-04-16 - 2011-05-09
Subgroup: Secret Order
Units involved: Run on involving House Drakonen of the Dark Brotherhood, following established the EH Message Board code of conduct.

\"Ice Cream Run\"

After a hard day commanding Dark Jedi, Quaestor Montte, leader of House Drakonen, loves nothing more than a relaxing cup or cone of tasty ice cream. When his beloved dispenser, a mammoth SofServ-7, explodes in his face, it\'s up to House Drakonen to save the day! The Quaestor dispatches the entire House to find two aging parts not carried aboard the frigate Swift Fury.

House Members of all ranks and Orders are eligible to post. Members are encouraged to stay in character and maintain the comedic mood of the story as a bunch of Dark Jedi scour the galaxy so our leader can have his ice cream!

Competition awards:

Establish voting polls in the House Drakonen forum so members may nominate and vote in the following categories:

Vote for Best Overall Writing (Cr-S)
Vote for Favorite Introduced Character (Cr-E)
Vote for Most Descriptive Scene (Cr-E)
Vote for Best Fight Scene (Cr-E)
Vote for Funniest Moment (Cr-E)

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.